package kakibeans; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import kotkabeans.*; /** *

Title: StudyPlan


* Description: Class for study plan. Takes care of basic information about * study plan and has reference to the root studyPlanElement. *


* Use getInstance-method for getting instance of studyPlan. This takes care * of creating new studyPlan, loading studyPlan from database, * getting it from session, and placing it in session. *


Copyright: Copyright (c) Kuikka-team GPL 2004


Company: University of Jyväskylä


Created: 31.3.2004

* @author Sami Kosonen * @version 1.0 * * UPDATES: * * 6.4.2004, Lauri Pohjola * Tietokannasta haku ja lisäys sekä päivitys ovat nyt toiminnassa * */ public class StudyPlan { // Constants protected static final boolean DEBUG = false; protected static final boolean USE_SESSION = false; //These constant values are also in database table "study_plan_status" public static final int STATUS_UNREADY = 1; public static final int STATUS_READY = 2; public static final int STATUS_OUTDATED = 3; public static final int STATUS_EXAMPLE = 4; public static final String STATUS_STRING[] = { "", "suunnitteilla", "aktiivinen", "vanhentunut", "malli"}; public static final String ENABLE_INFO = "enableInfo"; public static final String ENABLE_TIMECOMBOS = "enableTimeCombos"; // Attributes //fields in study_plan -database table private int planID = 0; private int studyGroupID = 0; private int planStatusID = 0; private String name = ""; private Timestamp createdAt = null; private int ownerID = 0; private HttpServletRequest request = null; private User user = null; private String organisationName = ""; //References to other objects private StructureElement rootStructureElement = null; private Hashtable acceptances = new Hashtable(); //Move to StructureElement... private Hashtable planElements = new Hashtable(); //CheckBox groups for different choices private CheckBoxGroup columns = null; private CheckBoxGroup commentType = null; private CheckBoxGroup commentFields = null; private CheckBoxGroup scheduleColumns = null; public void setColumns( CheckBoxGroup cbg ) { this.columns = cbg; } public void setScheduleColumns( CheckBoxGroup cbg ) { this.scheduleColumns = cbg; } protected void setCommentTypes(CheckBoxGroup cbg) { this.commentType = cbg; } protected void setCommentFields(CheckBoxGroup cbg) { this.commentFields = cbg; } public CheckBoxGroup getColumns() { return this.columns; } public CheckBoxGroup getScheduleColumns() { return this.scheduleColumns; } public CheckBoxGroup getCommentTypes() { return this.commentType; } public CheckBoxGroup getCommentFields() { return this.commentFields; } // Constructors public StudyPlan() {}; /* BEGIN OLD */ /** * This is used when creating new studyPlan. * (StudyPlan is not in database) * @param studyGroupID * @param user * @param request * @param planStatusID * @param name * @throws java.lang.Exception */ protected StudyPlan(int studyGroupID, User user, HttpServletRequest request, int planStatusID, String name) throws Exception { setStudyGroupID(studyGroupID); setPlanStatusID(planStatusID); setName(name); if (user == null) throw new Exception("StudyPlan: user = null "); setUser(user); setOwnerID(user.getPersonID()); if (request == null) throw new Exception("StudyPlan: request = null "); setRequest(request); setCreatedAt(); } /** * Creates instance of StudyPlan * @param planID the id of students study plan * @param user current user * @throws Exception */ protected StudyPlan(int planID, User user, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { if (planID > 0) { if (user == null) throw new Exception("StudyPlan: user = null "); setUser(user); loadFromDB(planID); //setPlanID(planID); if (request == null) throw new Exception("StudyPlan: request = null "); setRequest(request); } } /** * Returns instance of StudyPlan. * If right studyPlan is already in session, doesn't create new. * Else, creates new studyPlan according to the planID in request. * @param request from JSP-page * @param user current user * @return instance of studyPlan * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static StudyPlan getInstance(HttpServletRequest request, User user) throws Exception { HttpSession session = null; StudyPlan plan = null; //Try to get studyPlan from session try { session = request.getSession(); plan = (StudyPlan) session.getAttribute("studyPlan"); } catch (Exception ex) { //Couldn't get session } //Try to get planID from request int planID = RequestHandler.getInteger(request, "planid", 0); //Check if there is already instance of StudyPlan if (plan != null) { //Check if studyPlan has right id if (plan.getPlanID() == planID && planID > 0) return plan; //No need to create new studyPlan } //Make instance //If there should already be a studyPlan in database and we know it's id if (planID > 0) { try { plan = new StudyPlan(planID, user, request); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.getInstance: ", ex); throw new Exception("StudyPlan.getInstance: " + ex.getMessage()); } } //If we are creating new studyPlan else { try { //Get parameters from request int studyGroupID = RequestHandler.getInteger(request, "studyGroupID", 0); String planName = RequestHandler.getString(request, "planName", ""); //Remove html-tags planName = tools.StringTools.removeHtmlTags(planName); //Remove illegal characters planName = tools.StringTools.stripChars(planName, "\"'&?="); //Encode possible sql-strings planName = tools.StringTools.SQLEncode(planName); //If parameters are not correct, throw Exception if (studyGroupID <= 0) throw new Exception("Error opening study plan: the studyGroupID=" + studyGroupID + " is invalid."); if (planName.equals("")) throw new Exception( "The name of the study plan is empty."); //Make new studyPlan plan = new StudyPlan(studyGroupID, user, request, StudyPlan.STATUS_UNREADY, planName); //Initialize studyPlanElements //Load studyPlanElements from database plan.loadElementsFromDB(); //Make rootStudyPlanElement as planned plan.getRootStructureElement().getStudyPlanElement().setPlanned(); plan.getRootStructureElement().makeCompulsoryPlanned(); //parseJOREFile for possible already completed courses //and make them planned and completed plan.parseJOREFile(); //Implement saving //Save changes (elements added in plan automatically) //TODO: Fix this that only changed elements are saved in database //Note: maybe done already(?) plan.saveToDB(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.getInstance. ", ex); throw new Exception(ex.getMessage()); } } //If user doesn't have right to see this studyplan //Now teachers can see all studyplans and students only their own. if (plan != null) if (user.getPersonID() != plan.getOwnerID() && !user.hasRight(Right.ACCESS_RIGHT, Right.TEACHER) && plan.getPlanStatusID() != STATUS_EXAMPLE ) { Log.log("User doesn't have right to access studyplan."); throw new Exception( "Sorry, you don't have right to access this studyplan."); } plan.initCommentSelections(); //Add studyPlan in session (if USE_SESSION = true) if (USE_SESSION) if (session != null) session.setAttribute("studyPlan", plan); return plan; } // Set-methods protected void setPlanID(int planID) { if (planID < 0) return; this.planID = planID; } protected void setStudyGroupID( int studyGroupID ) { if (studyGroupID < 0) return; this.studyGroupID = studyGroupID; } /** * Sets owners ID. * @param ownerID reference to personid in person-table. */ public void setOwnerID(int ownerID) { if (ownerID < 0) return; this.ownerID = ownerID; } public void setPlanStatusID(int planStatusID) { if (planStatusID < 0) return; this.planStatusID = planStatusID; } public void setName(String name) { if (name == null) return; String encodedName = tools.StringTools.removeHtmlTags(name); encodedName = tools.StringTools.stripChars(encodedName, "\"'&?="); encodedName = tools.StringTools.SQLEncode(encodedName); if ("".equals(encodedName)) return; = encodedName; } public void setOrganisationName(String organisationName) { if (organisationName == null) return; this.organisationName = organisationName; } protected void setCreatedAt(Timestamp createdAt) { if (createdAt == null) return; this.createdAt = createdAt; } protected void setCreatedAt() { setCreatedAt(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); } protected void setRootStructureElement(StructureElement rootStructureElement) { this.rootStructureElement = rootStructureElement; } protected void setUser(User user) { if (user == null) return; this.user = user; } protected void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } // public void addAcceptance(Acceptance acceptance) { // if (acceptance == null) return; // if (acceptances == null) { // acceptances = new Hashtable(); // } // acceptances.put(acceptance); // } public void removeAcceptance(Acceptance acceptance) { if (acceptance == null || acceptances == null) return; acceptances.remove(acceptance); } // Get-methods public int getPlanID() { return planID; } public int getStudyGroupID() { return studyGroupID; } /** * Returns personID of the person who is logged in in Korppi. * If you need personID of the studyplan's owner, * then use getOwnerID()-method instead. * @return personID of current user in Korppi */ public int getPersonID() { if (getUser() != null) return getUser().getPersonID(); return 0; } public int getPlanStatusID() { return planStatusID; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getOrganisationName() { return organisationName; } public Timestamp getCreatedAt() { return createdAt; } public static String getPlanStatus(int status) { return STATUS_STRING[status]; } public User getUser() { return user; } /** * * @return * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public String getOwnerName() throws Exception { String ownerNameQuery = "SELECT p.firstnames, p.lastname " + "FROM study_plan as s, person as p " + "WHERE s.deleted=false AND p.deleted=false " + "AND s.personid = p.personid AND s.planid = " + planID + ";"; DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.getOwnerName db"); String temp = ""; try { db.connect(); RS2s rs2 = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(ownerNameQuery)); if (rs2 != null && temp = rs2.getString("lastname") + " " + rs2.getString("firstnames"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.getOwnerName :", e); throw e; } finally { db.disconnect(); } return temp; } public int getOwnerID() { return ownerID; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return this.request; } public StructureElement getRootStructureElement() { return rootStructureElement; } /** * @return header string: name and name of organisation */ public String getHeader() { return getName() + " - " + getOrganisationName(); } /** * @return acceptances */ protected Hashtable getAcceptances() { return acceptances; } public Enumeration acceptanceElements() { if (getAcceptances() == null) return null; return getAcceptances().elements(); } public Enumeration acceptanceKeys() { if (getAcceptances() == null) return null; return getAcceptances().keys(); } public void putAcceptance(IntGroup key, Acceptance acceptance) { if (getAcceptances() == null) return; getAcceptances().put(key, acceptance); } public Enumeration studyPlanElements() { if (planElements == null) return null; return planElements.elements(); } public Enumeration studyPlanElementKeys() { if (planElements == null) return null; return planElements.keys(); } /** * Puts StudyPlanElement in Hashtable * @param element */ public StudyPlanElement putStudyPlanElement(int studyGroupID, StudyPlanElement element) { return (StudyPlanElement)planElements.put(new Integer(studyGroupID), element); } public StudyPlanElement putStudyPlanElement(Integer studyGroupID, StudyPlanElement element) { return (StudyPlanElement)planElements.put(studyGroupID, element); } /** * Returns studyplanElement matching code * @param code * @return StudyPlanElement */ public StudyPlanElement getStudyPlanElementByCode(String code) { Enumeration e = studyPlanElements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { StudyPlanElement ele = (StudyPlanElement)e.nextElement(); if(code.equalsIgnoreCase(ele.getCode())) return ele; } return null; } /** * Handles one row from jorefile and parses grade, completiontime and code * @param row * @return */ protected void parseJORERow(String row, Vector notInPlanCodes) { //identify rows that need to be parsed if (row.matches("\\s{2}.*\\s{2}\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{4}.*")) { String grade = ""; String date = ""; String code = ""; String ov = ""; row = (row.substring(39)).trim(); //CODE code = (row.substring(0, 6)).trim(); //GRADE grade = (row.substring(19, 22)).trim(); //DATE date = (row.substring(7, 18)).trim(); //OV ov = (row.substring(25,31).trim()); //System.out.println(ov); // row = ""; // row += "CODE=" + code + ",GRADE=" + grade + ", DATE=" + date + "<->"; if (code.trim().length() > 0) { StructureElement sele = getStructureElementByCode(code); if (sele == null || sele.getPlanned() == null) { notInPlanCodes.add(code); return; } StudyPlanElement ele = sele.getStudyPlanElement(); ele.setGrade(grade); ele.setCompletedAt(date); Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp.valueOf(time.monthToDBFormat(date) + " 00:00:00.000000000"); timestamp.setMonth(timestamp.getMonth() - 1); ele.setBeginTime(timestamp); ele.setEndTime(ele.getBeginTime()); //using minCredits attribute so that counting credits is made correct ele.setMinCredits(Float.valueOf(ov).floatValue()); ele.setCompletedOV(ov); //not using this if (ele.getPlanned() == null) { ele.setPlanned(); DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.parseJORERow() db"); try { db.connect(); ele.saveToDB(db); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.parseJORERow(): ", e); } finally { db.disconnect(); } } } } } /** * Parses JOREfile for grades and dates * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public Vector parseJOREFile() throws Exception { String querySocSec = "SELECT socSecBirth, socSecEnd FROM person WHERE" + " personid=" + getOwnerID() + " AND deleted=false;"; RS2s rs2 = Tools.getDBResultS("StudyPlan.parseJOREFile db", querySocSec); if (rs2 == null || ! return null; Vector notInPlanCodes = new Vector(); String socSecBirth = rs2.getString("socSecBirth"); String socSecEnd = rs2.getString("socSecEnd"); String fileName = kotkabeans.Common.studyRegisterDir + socSecBirth.substring(0, 2) //+ // not working on windows + "/" + socSecBirth + socSecEnd + ".txt"; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("FILENAME=" + fileName); String fileContents = null; fileHandle = new; if ( fileHandle.exists() ) fileContents = kotkabeans.Tools.getFile(fileName); if ( fileContents == null || fileContents.length() == 0 ) { Log.log("StudyPlan.parseJOREFile(): JOREFile not found!"); return notInPlanCodes; } BufferedReader reader = null; String line = ""; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileHandle)); while( (line=reader.readLine()) != null ) { parseJORERow(line,notInPlanCodes); } } catch(Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.parseJOREFile(): " ,e); } finally { try{ if (reader != null) reader.close(); }catch(IOException e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.parseJOREFile(): ",e); } } return notInPlanCodes; } /** * Returns StudyPlanElement from Hashtable * @param studyGroupID * @return */ public StudyPlanElement getStudyPlanElement(int studyGroupID) { return (StudyPlanElement)planElements.get(new Integer(studyGroupID)); } public StudyPlanElement getStudyPlanElement(Integer studyGroupID) { return (StudyPlanElement)planElements.get(studyGroupID); } public StudyPlanElement removeStudyPlanElement(int studyGroupID) { return (StudyPlanElement)planElements.remove(new Integer(studyGroupID)); } public StudyPlanElement removeStudyPlanElement(Integer studyGroupID) { return (StudyPlanElement)planElements.remove(studyGroupID); } public void openAllNodes(BitSet openNodes) { getRootStructureElement().openAllNodes(openNodes); } public void openAllPlannedNodes(BitSet openNodes) { getRootStructureElement().openAllNodes(openNodes, true); } public void closeAllNodes() { getRootStructureElement().closeNodes(); } public void openNodes(BitSet openNodes) { try { getRootStructureElement().openNodes(openNodes); } catch (Exception ex) { } } // Methods for getting information from database /** * Initializes studyPlan * @param rs2 * @throws java.lang.Exception */ protected void initStudyPlan(RS2s rs2, int planID) throws Exception { if (rs2 != null && { setPlanID(planID); setStudyGroupID(rs2.getInt("studygroupid")); setOwnerID(rs2.getInt("personid")); setName(rs2.getString("name")); setPlanStatusID(rs2.getInt("planstatusid")); setCreatedAt(rs2.getTimestamp("modifiedon")); } else { throw new Exception("No any studyPlan matching planID=" + planID + "."); } if (DEBUG) { Log.log("StudyPlan found from DB. planID = " + planID); } } protected void loadPlanFromDB(int planID) throws Exception { String loadPlanQuery = "SELECT s.studygroupid, s.personid, s.planstatusid," + ", s.modifiedon FROM study_plan as s" + " WHERE s.planid = " + planID + " AND s.deleted = false"; RS2s rs2 = null; //For information about studyPlan DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.loadPlanFromDB db"); //Try to get information for studyPlan from database try { db.connect(); rs2 = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(loadPlanQuery)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.loadFromDB :", e); throw new Exception("StudyPlan.loadFromDB: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { db.disconnect(); } //Initialize studyPlan initStudyPlan(rs2, planID); } protected StructureElement loadElementsFromDB() throws Exception { StructureElement root = StructureElement.loadElementsFromDB(this); loadAcceptancesFromDB(); return root; } /** * Gets information from database and saves it to attributes. * @param planID the id of the study_plan * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void loadFromDB(int planID) throws Exception { //DEBUG if (DEBUG) { Log.log("In StudyPlan.loadFromDB -method."); System.out.println("In StudyPlan.loadFromDB -method."); } loadPlanFromDB(planID); loadElementsFromDB(); //Set organisation name for studyPlan String queryOrganisationName = "SELECT name FROM organisationtranslation" + " WHERE languageid=" + getUser().getLanguageID() + " AND organisationid=" + getRootStructureElement().getStudyPlanElement().getOrganisationID() + ";"; RS2s rs2 = null; DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.loadFromDB db"); try { db.connect(); rs2 = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(queryOrganisationName)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.loadFromDB :", e); throw new Exception("StudyPlan.loadFromDB: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { db.disconnect(); } try { while (rs2 != null && { setOrganisationName(rs2.getString("name")); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } public void loadAcceptancesFromDB() throws Exception { acceptances = new Hashtable(); //This will clear old acceptances String queryAcceptances = "SELECT a.studyacceptanceid, a.acceptedby," + " a.acceptedon, a.parentstudygroupid, a.studygroupid, a.planid," + " a.studyacceptancelevelid, p.callname, p.lastname" + " FROM study_group_acceptance AS a, person AS p" + " WHERE a.deleted=false AND p.deleted=false" + " AND a.planid=" + getPlanID() + " AND a.acceptedby=p.personid;"; RS2s rs2 = Tools.getDBResultS("StudyPlan.loadAcceptancesFromDB", queryAcceptances); if (rs2 == null) return; try { while ( { Acceptance acceptance = new Acceptance(); acceptance.setStudyAcceptanceID(rs2.getInt("studyacceptanceid")); acceptance.setAcceptedBy(rs2.getInt("acceptedby")); acceptance.setAcceptedOn(rs2.getTimestamp("acceptedOn")); acceptance.setAcceptorName(rs2.getString("callname") + " " + rs2.getString("lastname")); acceptance.setChanged(false); StructureElement structure = getStructureElementByStudyGroupID( rs2.getInt("parentstudygroupid"), rs2.getInt("studygroupid")); putAcceptance(new IntGroup(new int[] {structure.getGroupRelationID(), rs2.getInt("studyacceptancelevelid")}), acceptance); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("StudyPlan.loadAcceptancesFromDB: ", ex); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Exception in StudyPlan.loadAcceptancesFromDB:"); } } // Methods for saving information to database /** * Determines whether to use updateToDB or insertToDB. * @param lang The language id from jsp page * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void saveToDB() throws Exception { if (getPlanID() == 0) { try { insertToDB(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Saving to database failed! " + e.getMessage()); } } else { try { updateToDB(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Updating to database failed! " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Adds new studyPlan in database. * @param lang the language id * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void insertToDB() throws Exception { //Create/get next number for index setPlanID(AutoNumber.getNumber("study_plan", "planid")); //Query to add study_plan to database //Here we use personID, because we are creating new plan. Then creator //must be also owner of this plan. String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO study_plan (deleted, planid, studygroupid," + " personid, planstatusid, name, modifiedon) " + " VALUES (false, " + getPlanID() + ", " + getStudyGroupID() + ", " + getPersonID() + ", " + getPlanStatusID() + ", '" + getName() + "', '" + getCreatedAt() + "' )"; DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.insertToDB db"); try { db.connect(); db.executeUpdate(insertQuery); //Add studyPlanElements in database if (getRootStructureElement() != null) getRootStructureElement().saveToDBRecursive(db); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.insertToDB", e); throw e; // disconnect will always be performed } finally { db.disconnect(); } } /** * Updates information of studyPlan in database. * @param lang the language id * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void updateToDB() throws Exception { //Here we use ownerID, if person who is changing the plan, is different //from the original owner of this studyPlan. String sql = "UPDATE study_plan SET studygroupid=" + getStudyGroupID() + ", personid=" + getOwnerID() + "," + " planstatusid=" + getPlanStatusID() + ", name='" + getName() + "'" + " WHERE deleted=false" + " AND planid=" + getPlanID(); DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.updateToDB db"); try { db.connect(); db.executeUpdate(sql); //Save studyPlanElements in database if (getRootStructureElement() != null) getRootStructureElement().saveToDBRecursive(db); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.updateToDB", e); throw e; // disconnect will always be performed } finally { db.disconnect(); } } /** * Sets this study_plan as deleted in database. * @todo mark rows belonging to this study_plan deleted in study_unit table. * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void removeFromDB() throws Exception { if (getPlanID() == 0) return; //If not in database //SQL query. String queryRemove = "UPDATE study_plan SET deleted = true WHERE planid = " + getPlanID(); DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.removeFromDB db"); try { db.connect(); db.executeUpdate(queryRemove); //Mark as deleted //TODO: //Mark rows matching planid deleted in tables: //- study_unit //- study_group_comment_relation //- study_group_relation //- study_group_acceptance } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.removeFromDB", e); throw e; } finally { db.disconnect(); } } public void saveAcceptancesToDB() throws Exception { Enumeration e = acceptances.keys(); while (e != null && e.hasMoreElements()) { IntGroup key = (IntGroup) e.nextElement(); Acceptance acceptance = (Acceptance) acceptances.get(key); StructureElement structure = getStructureElement(key.getInt(Acceptance. KEY_GROUPRELATIONID)); if (structure == null) { String msg = "StudyPlan.saveAcceptancesToDB: " + "Couldn't find StructureElement with groupRelationID=" + key.getInt(Acceptance.KEY_GROUPRELATIONID) + ". Acceptance stamp for this element is not saved."; Log.log(msg); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(msg); } acceptances.remove(key); continue; } //If acceptance is marked as deleted, then it will be marked as //deleted in database also. acceptance.saveToDB(structure.getParentStudyGroupID(), structure.getStudyGroupID(), key.getInt(Acceptance.KEY_ACCEPTANCELEVELID), getPlanID()); if (acceptance.getDelete()) acceptances.remove(key); } } // Methods for printing to StringBuffer /** * Prints list of study plans of user * @param buff buffer where to print * @return true, if some example studyplans found, else return false * @throws Exception */ public static boolean printStudyPlans(StringBuffer buff, int personid, String status, String srcName, String href) throws Exception { return printStudyPlans(buff, personid, status, srcName, href, false, 0); } /** * Prints list of study plans of user * @param buff buffer where to print * @return true, if some example studyplans found, else return false * @throws Exception */ public static boolean printStudyPlans(StringBuffer buff, int personid, String status, String srcName, String href, boolean combobox) throws Exception { return printStudyPlans(buff, personid, status, srcName, href, combobox, 0); } /** * Prints list of study plans of user * @param buff buffer where to print * @param user current user * @return true, if some example studyplans found, else return false * @throws Exception */ public static boolean printStudyPlans(StringBuffer buff, int personid, String status, String srcName, String href, boolean combobox, int studyGroupID) throws Exception { User user = new User(); //if( status == 1 || status == 2 ) { srcName = kotkabeans.Encoder.SQLEncode(srcName.trim()); if (personid == 0 && srcName.equals("") && (status.equals("" + StudyPlan.STATUS_EXAMPLE) && studyGroupID <= 0)) return false; String studyPlanQuery = "SELECT s.personid,, s.modifiedon, s.planid, s.planstatusid," + " p.firstnames, p.lastname, g.organisationid, g.valid_from_year, as oname " //+ " ,ga.studyacceptancelevelid, g.studygroupid " + " , g.studygroupid " + "FROM study_plan as s, person as p, organisationtranslation as o" + ", study_group as g " //+ ", study_group as g LEFT JOIN study_group_acceptance as ga " //+ "ON (g.studygroupid = ga.studygroupid AND ga.parentstudygroupid is null " //+ " AND ga.deleted = false) " + " WHERE s.deleted = false AND p.deleted=false AND g.deleted = false AND o.deleted = false" + (personid != 0 ? " AND s.personid = " + personid : "") + (studyGroupID != 0 ? " AND s.studygroupid = " + studyGroupID : "") + " AND s.personid = p.personid" + " AND s.studygroupid = g.studygroupid" + " AND o.organisationid = g.organisationid" + " AND o.languageid = 2" //+ " AND g.studygroupid = u.studygroupid" //+ " AND (u.unitid = ua.unitid OR ua.unitid is NULL)" + (!srcName.equals("") ? " AND (lower( LIKE lower('%" + srcName + "%'))" : ""); /*if(status == 1)*/studyPlanQuery += " AND s.planstatusid IN (" + status + ") "; //else studyPlanQuery += " AND s.planstatusid = '"+STATUS_OUTDATED+"'"; studyPlanQuery += " ORDER BY s.planstatusid DESC, s.modifiedon DESC"; DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.printStudyPlans db"); try { db.connect(); RS2s rs2 = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(studyPlanQuery)); //String str = rs2.getString("modifiedon"); //String date = str.substring(1,10); int tsek = 0; if (rs2.count() <= 0) return false; while (rs2 != null && { int planstatus = rs2.getInt("planstatusid"); if (planstatus != tsek && status != "" + STATUS_OUTDATED && !combobox) { buff.append("\n

" + getPlanStatus(planstatus).replaceAll(getPlanStatus( planstatus).substring(0, 1), getPlanStatus(planstatus).substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + "

\n\n"); buff.append("\n" + user.T("Nimi") + "" + user.T("Luotu") + "" + (!srcName.equals("") ?""+user.T("Tekijä")+"" : "" ) + ""+ user.T("Laitos") + "" + user.T("Vuosi") + "" + "" + user.T("Hyväksytty") + "\n"); tsek = planstatus; } if (combobox) { buff.append("\n"); } else { String acceptanceQuery = "SELECT sa.studyacceptancelevelid, p.lastname, p.firstnames," +" sa.acceptedon from study_group_acceptance as sa, person as p" +" WHERE sa.deleted = false AND p.deleted = false" +" AND sa.planid = "+rs2.getString("planid") +" AND sa.studygroupid = "+rs2.getString("studygroupid") +" AND sa.acceptedby = p.personid" + ";" ; String acceStr = ""; RS2s rs2a = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(acceptanceQuery)); while(rs2a != null && { int acce = rs2a.getInt("studyacceptancelevelid"); if(acce == Acceptance.STRUCTURE) { if(acceStr.length()>0) { acceStr += ", "; } acceStr += user.T("Rakenne hyväksytty"); acceStr += ", " + rs2a.getString("firstnames") + " " + rs2a.getString("lastname"); acceStr += ", " + time.dbTimestapmToOutFormat( rs2a.getString("acceptedon"),"d.M.yyyy" ); } if(acce == Acceptance.TIME) { if(acceStr.length()>0) { acceStr += ", "; } acceStr += user.T("Aikataulu hyväksytty"); acceStr += ", " + rs2a.getString("firstnames") + " " + rs2a.getString("lastname"); acceStr += ", " + time.dbTimestapmToOutFormat( rs2a.getString("acceptedon"),"d.M.yyyy" ); } } buff.append("\n" + rs2.getString("name") + "" + "" + time.monthToOutFormat( (rs2.getString("modifiedon")). substring(0, 10)) + "" + (!srcName.equals("") ? "" + rs2.getString("firstnames") + " " + rs2.getString("lastname") + "" : "") + "" + rs2.getString("oname") + "" + "" + rs2.getString("valid_from_year") + "" + "" +acceStr+ "" //+ "" + "\n"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.printStudyPlans", e); throw e; } finally { db.disconnect(); } //} else buff.append("Wrong status id!"); return true; } /** * Prints path of current element in structure. * @param structure * @return */ public String printStructurePath(StructureElement structure) { if (structure == null) return ""; StudyPlanElement studyPlanElement = structure.getStudyPlanElement(); String name = studyPlanElement.getName(), pname = "", path = "", code = studyPlanElement.getCode(); StructureElement parent = structure.getParent(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); StudyPlanElement parentele = null; Vector all = new Vector(); while (parent != null) { parentele = parent.getStudyPlanElement(); pname = parentele.getName(); all.add(pname); parent = parent.getParent(); } buff.append("

"); int i = all.size(); while (i > 0) { buff.append(all.get(i - 1) + " > "); i--; } buff.append(code + " " + name + "

"); return buff.toString(); } // Methods for printing public String printRecursive() { if (getRootStructureElement() == null) return ""; return getRootStructureElement().printRecursive(); } public String printRecursiveModify() { if (getRootStructureElement() == null) return ""; return getRootStructureElement().printRecursiveModify(); } public String printRecursiveAcceptor() { if (getRootStructureElement() == null) return ""; return getRootStructureElement().printRecursiveAcceptor(); } public static String printStudyPlanStatesCombo(User user, int selected) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append(""); return buff.toString(); } public static boolean checkUserRights(HttpServletRequest request, StudyPlan plan) { User user = (User)request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); //Check if userid differs from plan ownerid if(plan.getPersonID() != plan.getOwnerID()) return false; return true; } // Methods for searching StudyPlanElement /** * Get element matching studyGroupID. * @param studyGroupID the studyGroupID of searched StudyPlanElement * @return found element, or null if not found */ public StudyPlanElement getElement(int studyGroupID) { return getStudyPlanElement(studyGroupID); } public StructureElement getStructureElement(int groupRelationID) { return getRootStructureElement().getStructureElement(groupRelationID); } public StructureElement getStructureElementByStudyGroupID(int studyGroupID) { return getRootStructureElement().getElementByStudyGroupID( studyGroupID); } public StructureElement getStructureElementByStudyGroupID(int parentStudyGroupID, int studyGroupID) { return getRootStructureElement().getElementByStudyGroupID( parentStudyGroupID, studyGroupID); } public StructureElement getStructureElementByCode(String code) { return getRootStructureElement().getStructureElementByCode(code); } // /** // * Get element matching unitID. // * @param unitID the unitID of searched StudyPlanElement // * @return found element, or null if not found // */ // public StudyPlanElement getElementByUnitID(int unitID) { // if (getRootStructureElement() == null) // return null; // return getRootStructureElement().getElementByUnitID(unitID); // } // /** // * Get all elements in structure. // * @return elements in Vector // */ // public Vector getElements() { // if (getRootStudyPlanElement() == null) // return null; // // return getRootStudyPlanElement().getElements(); // } // /** // * Get elements matching studyGroupIDs // * @param studyGroupIDs the studyGroupID of searched StudyPlanElements // * @return elments in Vector // */ // public Vector getElements(String[] studyGroupIDs) { // if (getRootStudyPlanElement() == null) // return null; // // return getRootStudyPlanElement().getElements(studyGroupIDs); // } /** * Get all planned elements * @return planned studyPlanElements in vector */ public Vector getPlannedElements() { Vector planned = new Vector(); Enumeration e = studyPlanElements(); if (e == null) return null; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { StudyPlanElement element = (StudyPlanElement)e.nextElement(); if (element.getPlanned() != null) planned.add(element); } return planned; } // Methods for getting ids /** * Returns studyGroupIDs of elements in structure. * @return studyGroupIDs */ public int[] getStudyGroupIDs() { Enumeration e = planElements.keys(); int[] ids = new int[planElements.size()]; if (e == null) return null; int i = 0; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ids[i++] = ((StudyPlanElement)e.nextElement()).getStudyGroupID(); } return ids; } /** * Returns unitIDs of elements in structure. * @return unitIDs */ public int[] getUnitIDs() { int ids[] = new int[planElements.size()]; Enumeration i = planElements.elements(); int index = 0; while (i.hasMoreElements()) { ids[index++] = ( (StudyPlanElement) i.nextElement()).getUnitID(); } return ids; } /** * Set comments for all studygroups * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void initComments() throws Exception { Vector comments = StudyGroupComments.getPlanComments(getPlanID()); Enumeration p = studyPlanElements(); if (p == null) return; while (p.hasMoreElements()) { StudyPlanElement ele = (StudyPlanElement)p.nextElement(); ele.setStudyGroupComments( new StudyGroupComments(comments,ele.getStudyGroupID() )); } } /** * Sets default values for comment Checkboxes in different pages * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void initCommentSelections() throws Exception { CheckBoxGroup columns = new CheckBoxGroup("structure_columns",user); CheckBoxGroup scheduleColumns = new CheckBoxGroup("schedule_columns",user); CheckBoxGroup commentFields = new CheckBoxGroup("comment_fields",user); CheckBoxGroup commentTypes = StudyGroupComments.getCommentTypesAsCBGroup(user); columns.addCheckBox(user.T("Opintoviikot"),PlannedElement.COLS_OV,true); columns.addCheckBox(user.T("Aloitusaika"),PlannedElement.COLS_STARTTIME, true); columns.addCheckBox(user.T("Lopetusaika"),PlannedElement.COLS_ENDTIME, true); columns.addCheckBox(user.T("Suoritusaika"),PlannedElement.COLS_COMPLAT,true); columns.addCheckBox(user.T("Arvolause"),PlannedElement.COLS_GRADE, true); columns.addCheckBox(user.T("Perustelut"),PlannedElement.COLS_COMMENT, false); columns.updateChecked(request); setColumns(columns); scheduleColumns.addCheckBox(user.T("Opintoviikot"),PlannedElement.COLS_OV,true); scheduleColumns.addCheckBox(user.T("Aloitusaika"),PlannedElement.COLS_STARTTIME, true); scheduleColumns.addCheckBox(user.T("Lopetusaika"),PlannedElement.COLS_ENDTIME, true); scheduleColumns.addCheckBox(user.T("Suoritusaika"),PlannedElement.COLS_COMPLAT,true); scheduleColumns.addCheckBox(user.T("Arvolause"),PlannedElement.COLS_GRADE, true); scheduleColumns.updateChecked(request); setScheduleColumns(scheduleColumns); commentFields.addCheckBox(user.T("Otsikko"),StudyGroupComment.TITLE,true); commentFields.addCheckBox(user.T("Tyyppi"),StudyGroupComment.TYPE,true); commentFields.addCheckBox(user.T("Kommentti"),StudyGroupComment.TEXT,true); commentFields.addCheckBox(user.T("Käyttäjä"),StudyGroupComment.USER,true); commentFields.addCheckBox(user.T("Pvm"),StudyGroupComment.DATE,true); commentFields.updateChecked(request); setCommentFields(commentFields); commentTypes.updateChecked(request); setCommentTypes(commentTypes); } //Methods for counting elements /** * Counts elements under root element. * In count root element is also included. * @return number of elements in structure */ public int countElements() { if (getRootStructureElement() == null) return 0; return getRootStructureElement().countElements(); } public int countElement(int studyGroupID) { return getRootStructureElement().countElement(studyGroupID); } // Methods for accessing acceptions public void deleteAcceptances(int acceptanceLevel) { Enumeration e = acceptanceKeys(); while (e != null && e.hasMoreElements()) { IntGroup key = (IntGroup)e.nextElement(); if (acceptanceLevel == key.getInt(Acceptance.KEY_ACCEPTANCELEVELID)) { Acceptance acceptance = getAcceptance(key); acceptance.setDelete(true); } } } public Acceptance getAcceptance(int groupRelationID, int acceptanceLevelID) { Acceptance found = (Acceptance) acceptances.get(new IntGroup(new int[] { groupRelationID, acceptanceLevelID})); // if (DEBUG) { // System.out.print("Search acceptance:\nstudyGroupID=" + studyGroupID); // System.out.print(", subGroupID=" + subGroupID); // System.out.print(", acceptanceLevelID=" + acceptanceLevelID + "\n"); // if (found != null){ // System.out.println("Found Acceptance: " + found); // System.out.println("AcceptanceID=" + found.getStudyAcceptanceID()); // System.out.println("AcceptedBy=" + found.getAcceptedBy()); // System.out.println("AcceptedOn=" + found.getAcceptedOn()); // } // else { // System.out.println(" - not found."); // } // } return found; } public Acceptance getAcceptance(IntGroup key) { return (Acceptance) acceptances.get(key); } public int copyAcceptedStudyPlan() throws Exception { return copyStudyPlan(getName(), 0, true); } public int copyStudyPlan(String newName) throws Exception { return copyStudyPlan(newName, 0, false); } public int copyStudyPlan(String newName, int yearsToAddToCurrent) throws Exception { return copyStudyPlan(newName, yearsToAddToCurrent, false); } /** * Copy studyplan. Copies whole studyplan to new planid * @param newName name for new study plan * @return new planid * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public int copyStudyPlan(String newName, int yearsToAddToCurrent, boolean accepted) throws Exception { //Remove html-tags and sql-strings from name String encodedName = tools.StringTools.removeHtmlTags(newName); encodedName = tools.StringTools.stripChars(encodedName, "\"'&?="); encodedName = tools.StringTools.SQLEncode(encodedName); StringBuffer relaInsertSQL = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer relaSelectSQL = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer studyPlanSQL = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer unitSelectSQL = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer unitInsertSQL = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer acceSelectSQL = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer acceInsertSQL = new StringBuffer(); //id for new plan int newPlanID = AutoNumber.getNumber("study_plan", "planid"); String currentTime = time.calendarToDBString(time.getCalendarInstance()); //make copy of study_plan table studyPlanSQL.append("INSERT INTO study_plan (deleted, planid, "); studyPlanSQL.append("studygroupid, personid, planstatusid, name, "); studyPlanSQL.append("modifiedon, parent"); if (accepted) { studyPlanSQL.append(", acceptedon"); } studyPlanSQL.append(") VALUES (false, "+newPlanID+", "); studyPlanSQL.append(getStudyGroupID()+", "+getPersonID()+", "); studyPlanSQL.append(StudyPlan.STATUS_UNREADY+", '"); studyPlanSQL.append((encodedName.trim().equals("") ? getName() : encodedName )); studyPlanSQL.append("', '"); studyPlanSQL.append(currentTime); studyPlanSQL.append("', "); studyPlanSQL.append(getPlanID()); if (accepted) { studyPlanSQL.append(", '"); studyPlanSQL.append(currentTime); studyPlanSQL.append("'"); } studyPlanSQL.append(")"); //get all elements that need to be copied in study_plan_relation table relaSelectSQL.append("SELECT studygroupid, subgroupid, courseid, ordernum"); relaSelectSQL.append( ", compulsory, externalstudyid FROM study_group_relation "); relaSelectSQL.append("WHERE deleted=false AND planid=" + getPlanID()); //get all studyUnits from old plan unitSelectSQL.append("SELECT planid, begintime, endtime, "); unitSelectSQL.append("studygroupid, courseinstanceid FROM study_unit "); unitSelectSQL.append("WHERE deleted=false AND planid="+getPlanID()); //get all acceptance stamps to copy acceSelectSQL.append("SELECT acceptedby, acceptedon, studycommentid, "); acceSelectSQL.append("parentstudygroupid, studygroupid, "); acceSelectSQL.append("studyacceptancelevelid, statusid FROM study_group_acceptance "); acceSelectSQL.append("WHERE deleted=false AND planid="+getPlanID()); DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.copyStudyPlan db"); try { db.connect(); //copy study_plan table db.executeUpdate(studyPlanSQL.toString()); //copy study_plan_relation table RS2s rs2rela = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(relaSelectSQL.toString())); while (rs2rela != null && { relaInsertSQL.append("INSERT INTO study_group_relation "); relaInsertSQL.append( "(deleted, grouprelationid, studygroupid, subgroupid,"); relaInsertSQL.append( "courseid, ordernum, planid, compulsory, externalstudyid) "); relaInsertSQL.append("VALUES (false, " + AutoNumber.getNumber("study_group_relation", "grouprelationid")); relaInsertSQL.append(", " + rs2rela.getInt("studygroupid") + ", " + (rs2rela.getInt("subgroupid") == 0 ? "null" : rs2rela.getString("subgroupid"))); relaInsertSQL.append(", " + (rs2rela.getInt("courseid") == 0 ? "null" : rs2rela.getString("courseid")) + ", " + (rs2rela.getInt("ordernum") == 0 ? "null" : rs2rela.getString("ordernum"))); relaInsertSQL.append(", " + newPlanID + ", " + (rs2rela.getInt("compulsory") == 0 ? "null" : rs2rela.getString("compulsory"))); relaInsertSQL.append(", " + (rs2rela.getInt("externalstudyid") == 0 ? "null" : rs2rela.getString("externalstudyid"))); relaInsertSQL.append("); "); } db.executeUpdate(relaInsertSQL.toString()); //copy study_unit table RS2s rs2unit = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(unitSelectSQL.toString())); int diff = 0; int once = 1; while(rs2unit != null && { if (once == 1 && yearsToAddToCurrent != 0) { diff = yearsToAddToCurrent - rs2unit.getTimestamp("begintime").getYear()-1900; once = 0; } unitInsertSQL.append("INSERT INTO study_unit (deleted, unitid, "); unitInsertSQL.append("planid, begintime, endtime, studygroupid, "); unitInsertSQL.append("courseinstanceid) VALUES (false, "); unitInsertSQL.append(AutoNumber.getNumber("study_unit","unitid")); unitInsertSQL.append(", " + newPlanID + ", "); Timestamp btime = rs2unit.getTimestamp("begintime"); if (yearsToAddToCurrent != 0 && ComboYear.isValidPlanned(btime)) { btime.setYear(btime.getYear() + diff); } unitInsertSQL.append( (btime == null ? "" + btime : "'" + btime + "'") + ", "); Timestamp etime = rs2unit.getTimestamp("endtime"); if (yearsToAddToCurrent != 0 && ComboYear.isValidPlanned(etime)) { etime.setYear(etime.getYear() + diff); } unitInsertSQL.append( (etime == null ? "" + etime : "'" + etime + "'") + ", "); unitInsertSQL.append(rs2unit.getInt("studygroupid") + ", "); unitInsertSQL.append(rs2unit.getInt("courseinstanceid") + "); "); } db.executeUpdate(unitInsertSQL.toString()); //If studyPlan is example studyplan, don't copy acceptance stamps if (getPlanStatusID() != STATUS_EXAMPLE) { //copy study_group_acceptance table RS2s rs2acce = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(acceSelectSQL.toString())); while (rs2acce != null && { acceInsertSQL.append("INSERT INTO study_group_acceptance (deleted, "); acceInsertSQL.append("studyacceptanceid, acceptedby, acceptedon, "); acceInsertSQL.append( "studycommentid, parentstudygroupid, studygroupid, "); acceInsertSQL.append( "planid, studyacceptancelevelid, statusid ) VALUES "); acceInsertSQL.append("(false, " + AutoNumber.getNumber("study_group_acceptance", "studyacceptanceid") + ", "); acceInsertSQL.append(rs2acce.getInt("acceptedby") + ", "); acceInsertSQL.append("'" + rs2acce.getTimestamp("acceptedon") + "', "); acceInsertSQL.append( (rs2acce.getInt("studycommentid") == 0 ? "null" : rs2acce.getString("studycommentid") ) + ", "); acceInsertSQL.append( (rs2acce.getInt("parentstudygroupid") == 0 ? "null" : rs2acce.getString("parentstudygroupid") ) + ", "); acceInsertSQL.append(rs2acce.getInt("studygroupid") + ", "); acceInsertSQL.append(newPlanID + ", " + rs2acce.getInt("studyacceptancelevelid") + ","); acceInsertSQL.append( (rs2acce.getInt("statusid") == 0 ? "null" : rs2acce.getString("statusid")) + "); "); } db.executeUpdate(acceInsertSQL.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.copyStudyPlan", e); throw e; } finally { db.disconnect(); } //If studyPlan is example studyplan, don't copy comments if (getPlanStatusID() != STATUS_EXAMPLE) { //copy study_group_comment_relation table StudyGroupComments.copyPlanComments(getPlanID(), newPlanID); } return newPlanID; } public boolean userIsOwner() { return getOwnerID() == getPersonID(); } }