package kakibeans; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import kotkabeans.*; /** *

Title: StudyPlan


* Description: Class for study plan. Takes care of basic information about * study plan and has reference to the root studyPlanElement. *


* Use getInstance-method for getting instance of studyPlan. This takes care * of creating new studyPlan, loading studyPlan from database, * getting it from session, and placing it in session. *


Copyright: Copyright (c) Kuikka-team GPL 2004


Company: University of Jyväskylä


Created: 31.3.2004

* @author Sami Kosonen * @version 1.0 * * UPDATES: * * 6.4.2004, Lauri Pohjola * Tietokannasta haku ja lisäys sekä päivitys ovat nyt toiminnassa * */ public class StudyPlan { // Constants protected static final boolean DEBUG = true; protected static final boolean USE_SESSION = false; //These constant values are also in database table "study_plan_status" public static final int STATUS_UNREADY = 1; public static final int STATUS_READY = 2; public static final int STATUS_OUTDATED = 3; public static final String STATUS_STRING[] = {"", "suunnitteilla", "aktiivinen", "vanhentunut"}; // Attributes //fields in study_plan -database table private int planID = 0; private int studyGroupID = 0; private int personID = 0; private int planStatusID = 0; private String name = ""; private String modifiedOn = ""; //Timestamp private User user = null; //References to other objects private StudyPlanElement rootStudyPlanElement = null; // Constructors public StudyPlan() {}; protected StudyPlan(int studyGroupID, User user, int planStatusID, String name) throws Exception { setStudyGroupID(studyGroupID); //setPersonID(personID); setPlanStatusID(planStatusID); setName(name); if (user == null) throw new Exception("StudyPlan: user = null "); setUser(user); setPersonID(getUser().getPersonID()); } /** * Creates instance of StudyPlan * @param planID the id of students study plan * @param user current user * @throws Exception */ /*protected*/ public StudyPlan(int planID, User user) throws Exception { if (planID > 0) setUser(user); loadFromDB(planID); } /** * Returns instance of StudyPlan. * If right studyPlan is already in session, doesn't create new. * Else, creates new studyPlan according to the planID in request. * @param request from JSP-page * @param user current user * @return instance of studyPlan * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static StudyPlan getInstance(HttpServletRequest request, User user) throws Exception{ HttpSession session = null; StudyPlan plan = null; //Try to get studyPlan from session try { session = request.getSession(); plan = (StudyPlan)session.getAttribute("studyPlan"); } catch (Exception ex) { //Couldn't get session } //Try to get planID from request int planID = RequestHandler.getInteger(request, "planid", 0); //Check if there is already instance of StudyPlan if (plan != null) { //Check if studyPlan has right id if (plan.getPlanID() == planID && planID > 0) return plan; //No need to create new studyPlan } //Make instance //If there should already be a studyPlan in database and we know it's id if (planID > 0) { try { plan = new StudyPlan(planID, user); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.getInstance: ", ex); throw new Exception("StudyPlan.getInstance: " + ex.getMessage()); } } //If we have to create new studyPlan else { try { //Get parameters from request int studyGroupID = RequestHandler.getInteger(request, "studyGroupID", 0); String planName = RequestHandler.getString(request, "planName", ""); //If parameters are not correct, throw Exception if (studyGroupID <= 0) throw new Exception("The studyGroupID=" + studyGroupID + " is invalid."); if (planName.equals("")) throw new Exception( "The name of the studyPlan is empty."); //Make new studyPlan plan = new StudyPlan(studyGroupID, user, StudyPlan.STATUS_UNREADY, planName); //TODO: Make this better way later... // plan.saveToDB(user.getLanguageID()); plan.loadFromDB(plan.getPlanID()); plan.getRootStudyPlanElement().setPlanned(); //Initialize default times for root studyPlanElement plan.getRootStudyPlanElement().setBeginTime( new Timestamp((Calendar.getInstance()).getTime().getYear(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); plan.getRootStudyPlanElement().setEndTime( new Timestamp((Calendar.getInstance()).getTime().getYear() + 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); plan.saveToDB(user.getLanguageID()); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.getInstance. ", ex); throw new Exception(ex.getMessage()); } } //TODO: //Check that user has right to see this studyplan //if (user.getPersonID() != plan.getPersonID() // && user.getAccessRightLevelID() == user. //Add studyPlan in session if (USE_SESSION) if (session != null) session.setAttribute("studyPlan", plan); return plan; } // Set-methods protected void setPlanID( int planID ) { if (planID < 0) return; this.planID = planID; setModifiedOn(); } protected void setStudyGroupID( int studyGroupID ) { if (studyGroupID < 0) return; this.studyGroupID = studyGroupID; setModifiedOn(); } protected void setPersonID( int personID ) { if (personID < 0) return; this.personID = personID; setModifiedOn(); } public void setPlanStatusID( int planStatusID ) { if (planStatusID < 0) return; this.planStatusID = planStatusID; setModifiedOn(); } public void setName( String name ) { = name; setModifiedOn(); } protected void setModifiedOn( String modifiedOn ) { this.modifiedOn = modifiedOn; } protected void setModifiedOn() { setModifiedOn(time.getCurrentTime()); } protected void setRootStudyPlanElement(StudyPlanElement rootStudyPlanElement) { this.rootStudyPlanElement = rootStudyPlanElement; } protected void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; } // Get-methods public int getPlanID() { return planID; } public int getStudyGroupID() { return studyGroupID; } public int getPersonID() { return personID; } public int getPlanStatusID() { return planStatusID; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getModifiedOn() { return modifiedOn; } public static String getPlanStatus(int status) { return STATUS_STRING[status]; } public User getUser() { return user; } public StudyPlanElement getRootStudyPlanElement() { return rootStudyPlanElement; } // Methods for getting structure from database and intializing studyPlanElements /** * Inserts studyplangroup- and subgroupids in vector. * @param studygroupid parent * @param subgroupid child * @param courseid id of course * @param db database connection * @param relation vector, where to place IntGroup-objects * @param courseids ids of courses * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void getPlanStudyGroupIDs(int studygroupid, int subgroupid, int courseid, DB db, Vector relation, Vector courseids) throws Exception { /* String sql = "SELECT subgroupid, courseid FROM study_group_relation" + " WHERE studygroupid = " + studygroupid + " AND deleted = false AND (planid = " + getPlanID() + " OR planid is null)"; */ String sql = "SELECT subgroupid, courseid FROM study_group_relation" + " WHERE (studygroupid = " + studygroupid + " OR (studygroupid = " + subgroupid + " AND subgroupid isnull))" + " AND deleted = false AND (planid = " + getPlanID() + " OR planid is null)"; //Add studygroupids and groupsubgroupids in vector if (studygroupid > 0) { //relation.add(new IntGroup(new int[]{studygroupid, subgroupid, courseid})); relation.add(new IntGroup(new int[]{subgroupid, studygroupid})); RS2s rs2 = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(sql)); while (rs2 != null && { getPlanStudyGroupIDs(rs2.getInt("subgroupid"), studygroupid, rs2.getInt("courseid"), db, relation, courseids); } } //Add else if (courseid > 0) { courseids.add(new IntGroup(new int[]{subgroupid, courseid})); } } // Methods for getting information from database /** * Gets information from database and saves it to attributes. * @param planID the id of the study_plan * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void loadFromDB(int planID) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) { Log.log("In StudyPlan.loadFromDB -method."); System.out.println("In StudyPlan.loadFromDB -method."); } String loadPlanQuery = "SELECT s.studygroupid, s.personid, s.planstatusid," + ", s.modifiedon FROM study_plan as s" + " WHERE s.planid = " + planID + " AND s.deleted = false"; RS2s rs2 = null; //For information about studyPlan RS2s rs2Group = null; RS2s rs2Course = null; RS2s rs2PlannedElement = null; DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.loadFromDB db"); //Try to get information for studyPlan from database try { db.connect(); rs2 = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(loadPlanQuery)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.loadFromDB :", e); throw new Exception("StudyPlan.loadFromDB: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { db.disconnect(); } //Initialize studyPlan if (rs2 != null && { setPlanID(planID); setStudyGroupID(rs2.getInt("studygroupid")); setPersonID(rs2.getInt("personid")); setName(rs2.getString("name")); setPlanStatusID(rs2.getInt("planstatusid")); setModifiedOn(rs2.getString("modifiedon")); } else { throw new Exception("No any studyPlan matching planID=" + planID + "."); } if (DEBUG) { Log.log("StudyPlan found from DB. planID = " + planID); } //Query for getting all studyPlanGroups StringBuffer queryGroup = new StringBuffer(); queryGroup.append("SELECT t.value, s.studygroupid, s.grouptypeid,"); queryGroup.append(" s.groupstatusid, s.min_credits, s.min_count,"); queryGroup.append(" s.coursemask, s.valid_from_year, s.modifiedon"); queryGroup.append(" FROM study_group as s,study_group_parameter as p,"); queryGroup.append(" study_group_parameter_translation as t"); queryGroup.append(" WHERE s.deleted = false AND p.deleted = false"); queryGroup.append(" AND t.deleted = false AND s.studygroupid IN ("); //Query for getting information about courses StringBuffer queryCourse = new StringBuffer(); queryCourse.append( "SELECT c.courseid, c.code, c.maxcredits, c.mincredits,"); queryCourse.append(" FROM course as c, coursetranslation as ct"); queryCourse.append(" WHERE c.deleted = false AND ct.deleted = false"); //Rest of this query is completed while database connection is on //Query for getting information for planned elements StringBuffer queryPlannedElement = new StringBuffer(); queryPlannedElement.append( "SELECT unitid, begintime, endtime, studygroupid, courseinstanceid"); queryPlannedElement.append( " FROM study_unit WHERE deleted = false AND planid = " + planID); queryPlannedElement.append(" AND studygroupid IN ("); //Rest of this query is completed while database connection is on Vector relation = new Vector(); //structure is stored here Vector courseids = new Vector(); //Try to get information for elements in structure and plan. try { db.connect(); //Get ids for all elements in structure getPlanStudyGroupIDs(getStudyGroupID(), 0, 0, db, relation, courseids); //Add to query for getting all studyPlanGroups Iterator i = relation.iterator(); StringBuffer studyGroupIDs = new StringBuffer(); //We need this later while (i.hasNext()) { IntGroup groupid = (IntGroup); //queryGroup.append(groupid.getInt(1)); studyGroupIDs.append(groupid.getInt(1)); if (i.hasNext()) { studyGroupIDs.append(", "); } } queryGroup.append(studyGroupIDs); queryGroup.append(") AND s.studygroupid = p.studygroupid"); queryGroup.append(" AND p.groupparametertypeid = " + GroupElement.NAME); queryGroup.append(" AND p.groupparameterid = t.groupparameterid"); queryGroup.append(" AND t.languageid = " + user.getLanguageID()); //Add to query for getting information about courses i = courseids.iterator(); if (i.hasNext()) { queryCourse.append(" AND c.courseid IN ("); while (i.hasNext()) { IntGroup courseid = (IntGroup); queryCourse.append(courseid.getInt(1)); if (i.hasNext()) { queryCourse.append(", "); } } queryCourse.append(")"); queryCourse.append(" AND c.courseid = ct.courseid"); queryCourse.append(" AND ct.languageid = " + user.getLanguageID()); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("queryCourse: " + queryCourse.toString()); //ResultSet for Courses rs2Course = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(queryCourse.toString())); } //Add to query for getting information for planned elements queryPlannedElement.append(studyGroupIDs); queryPlannedElement.append(")"); //ResultSet for Groups rs2Group = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(queryGroup.toString())); //ResultSet for PlannedElements rs2PlannedElement = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(queryPlannedElement.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.loadFromDB :", e); throw new Exception("StudyPlan.loadFromDB: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { db.disconnect(); } if (DEBUG) { Log.log("Stuff for studyPlanElements from DB."); //Groups System.out.println("Results of queryGroup"); while (rs2Group != null && { System.out.println(rs2Group.getString("value")); } System.out.println(); if (rs2Group != null) rs2Group.beforeFirst(); //Courses //courseid, code, maxcredits, mincredits, name System.out.println("Results of queryCourse"); while (rs2Course != null && { System.out.println(rs2Course.getString("code") + ", " + rs2Course.getString("name") + ", " + rs2Course.getInt("mincredits") + ", " + rs2Course.getInt("maxcredits") + ", " + rs2Course.getInt("courseid")); } System.out.println(); if (rs2Course != null) rs2Course.beforeFirst(); //Planned elements //unitid, begintime, endtime, studygroupid, courseinstanceid System.out.println("Results of queryPlannedElement"); if (rs2PlannedElement != null) while ( { System.out.print(rs2PlannedElement.getInt("unitid") + ", "); //System.out.print(rs2PlannedElement.getTimestamp("begintime") + ", "); //System.out.print(rs2PlannedElement.getTimestamp("endtime") + ", "); System.out.print(rs2PlannedElement.getInt("studygroupid") + ", "); System.out.print(rs2PlannedElement.getInt("courseinstanceid")); System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); if (rs2PlannedElement != null) rs2PlannedElement.beforeFirst(); } //Initialization of objects try { Vector elements = new Vector(); Vector plannedElements = new Vector(); Vector unitIDs = new Vector(); BitSet plannedGroupIDs = new BitSet(); //TODO: Place these things in own methods... //PLANNED ELEMENTS //Go through the ResultSet containing information about planned elments //and initialize PlannedElement objects according to that information. if (rs2PlannedElement != null) while ( { PlannedElement planned = null; planned = new PlannedElement(); planned.setUnitID(rs2PlannedElement.getInt("unitid")); planned.setBeginTime(rs2PlannedElement.getTimestamp("begintime")); planned.setEndTime(rs2PlannedElement.getTimestamp("endtime")); //Now if plannedElement doesn't change in the future, no need to //update it to database planned.setChanged(false); //Place group of studyGroupID and unitID in vector int studyGroupID = rs2PlannedElement.getInt("studygroupid"); IntGroup unitID = new IntGroup(new int[] {studyGroupID, planned.getUnitID()}); unitIDs.add(unitID); //Set studyGroupID as planned in BitSet plannedGroupIDs.set(studyGroupID); //Place plannedElement in vector plannedElements.add(planned); } //GROUPS //Go through the ResultSet containing information about groups //in study plan and initialize objects according to that information if (rs2Group != null) while ( { StudyPlanGroup element = null; //Create StudyPlanGroup element = new StudyPlanGroup(); //Set attributes element.setMinCount(rs2Group.getInt("min_count")); element.setMinCredits(rs2Group.getInt("min_credits")); element.setCourseMask(rs2Group.getString("coursemask")); element.setName(rs2Group.getString("value")); element.setStudyGroupID(rs2Group.getInt("studygroupid")); element.setPlanID(planID); //If element is included in plan, initialize PlannedElement //... //Place element in vector elements.add(element); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Added group in vector: " + element.getName() + " - " + element.getStudyGroupID()); } //For testing element.setOpen(true); } //COURSES //Go through the ResultSet containing information about courses //in study plan and initialize objects according to that information if (rs2Course != null) while ( { StudyPlanCourse element = null; //Create StudyPlanCourse element = new StudyPlanCourse(); //Set attributes specific to StudyPlanCourse //courseid, code, maxcredits, mincredits, name element.setCourseID(rs2Course.getInt("courseid")); element.setMinCredits(rs2Course.getInt("mincredits")); element.setMaxCredits(rs2Course.getInt("maxcredits")); element.setCode(rs2Course.getString("code")); element.setName(rs2Course.getString("name")); element.setPlanID(planID); //Get studygroupid from courseids -vector int studyGroupID = 0; Iterator i = courseids.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { IntGroup ig = (IntGroup); if (ig.getInt(1) == element.getCourseID()) { element.setStudyGroupID(ig.getInt(0)); break; } } //For testing element.setAbility(StudyPlanElement.NOT_PLANNED_COURSE); //If element is included in plan, initialize PlannedElement //... //Place element in vector elements.add(element); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Added in vector: " + element.getName() + " - " + element.getStudyGroupID()); } } if (DEBUG) { Iterator d = elements.iterator(); System.out.println("relation-vector"); d = relation.iterator(); while (d.hasNext()) { IntGroup ig = (IntGroup); System.out.println(ig.getInt(0) + ", " + ig.getInt(1)); } System.out.println("courseids-vector"); d = courseids.iterator(); while (d.hasNext()) { IntGroup ig = (IntGroup); System.out.println(ig.getInt(0) + ", " + ig.getInt(1)); } } //Place elements in right structure according to rs2, and //initialize plannedElement for elements that are included in plan Iterator i = elements.iterator(); //Go through studyPlanElements in vector while (i.hasNext()) { StudyPlanElement element = (StudyPlanElement); //Check if planned if (plannedGroupIDs.get(element.getStudyGroupID()) == true) { //Make element planned //Find right planned element from vector int unitID = 0; Iterator ui = unitIDs.iterator(); while (ui.hasNext()) { IntGroup ids = (IntGroup); if (ids.getInt(0) == element.getStudyGroupID()) unitID = ids.getInt(1); } ui = plannedElements.iterator(); while (ui.hasNext()) { PlannedElement planned = (PlannedElement); if (planned.getUnitID() == unitID) element.setPlanned(planned); } } if (DEBUG) { Log.log( "Find all subgroupids from relation vector for element and set them in BitSet."); } //Find all subgroupids from relation vector for element and set them in //BitSet. BitSet subGroupIDs = new BitSet(); Iterator r = relation.iterator(); while (r.hasNext()) { IntGroup ids = (IntGroup); if (ids.getInt(0) == element.getStudyGroupID()) subGroupIDs.set( ids.getInt(1)); //Set subgroupid in BitSet } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(subGroupIDs.toString()); } if (DEBUG) { Log.log("Find all elements that has these ids from elements vector and add them to this elements children."); } //Find all elements that has these ids from elements vector and add them //to this elements children. Iterator j = elements.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { StudyPlanElement candidate = (StudyPlanElement); //If candidate.studyGroupID is set in BitSet if (subGroupIDs.get(candidate.getStudyGroupID())) { //Add candidate as element's child. element.add(candidate); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Added '" + candidate.getName() + "' under '" + element.getName() + "'"); } } } //If element is root element, add it in StudyPlan's attribute if (getStudyGroupID() == element.getStudyGroupID()) { setRootStudyPlanElement(element); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("****Added '" + element.getName() + "' as root."); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.loadFromDB - initializing: ", ex); throw new Exception("StudyPlan.loadFromDB - initializing: " + ex.getMessage()); } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Finished StudyPlan.loadFromDB"); } } // Methods for saving information to database /** * Determines whether to use updateToDB or insertToDB. * @param lang The language id from jsp page * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void saveToDB(int lang) throws Exception { if (getPlanID() == 0) { try { insertToDB(lang); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Saving to database failed! "+ e.getMessage()); } } else { try { updateToDB(lang); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Updating to database failed! "+ e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Adds new studyPlan in database. * @param lang the language id * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void insertToDB(int lang) throws Exception { //Create / get next number for index setPlanID(AutoNumber.getNumber("study_plan", "planid")); //Query to add study_plan to database String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO study_plan (deleted, planid, studygroupid," + " personid, planstatusid, name, modifiedon) " + " VALUES (false, " + getPlanID() + ", " + getStudyGroupID() + ", " + getPersonID() + ", " + getPlanStatusID() + ", '" + getName() + "', '" + getModifiedOn() + "' )"; DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.insertToDB db"); try { db.connect(); db.executeUpdate(insertQuery); //Add studyPlanElements in database if (getRootStudyPlanElement() != null) getRootStudyPlanElement().saveToDBRecursive(db); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.insertToDB", e); throw e; // disconnect will always be performed } finally { db.disconnect(); } } /** * Updates information of studyPlan in database. * @param lang the language id * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void updateToDB(int lang) throws Exception { String sql = "UPDATE study_plan SET studygroupid=" + getStudyGroupID() + ", personid=" + getPersonID() + "," + " planstatusid=" + getPlanStatusID() + ", name='" + getName() + "', modifiedon='" + getModifiedOn() + "'" + " WHERE deleted=false" + " AND planid=" + getPlanID(); DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.updateToDB db"); try { db.connect(); db.executeUpdate(sql); //Save studyPlanElements in database if (getRootStudyPlanElement() != null) getRootStudyPlanElement().saveToDBRecursive(db); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.updateToDB", e); throw e; // disconnect will always be performed } finally { db.disconnect(); } } /** * Sets this study_plan as deleted in database. * TODO: mark rows belonging to this study_plan deleted in study_unit table. * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void removeFromDB() throws Exception { if (getPlanID() == 0) return; //If not in database //SQL query. String queryRemove = "UPDATE study_plan SET deleted = true WHERE planid = " + getPlanID(); DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.removeFromDB db"); try { db.connect(); db.executeUpdate(queryRemove); //Mark as deleted //TODO: Mark elements in studyunit-table as deleted also } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.removeFromDB", e); throw e; } finally { db.disconnect(); } } // Methods for printing to StringBuffer /** * Prints list of study plans of user * @param buff buffer where to print * @param user current user * @throws Exception */ public static void printStudyPlans(StringBuffer buff, User user) throws Exception { String studyPlanQuery = "SELECT personid, planstatusid, name, modifiedon, planid" + " FROM study_plan WHERE deleted = false AND personid = '" + user.getPersonID() + "'"; DB db = new DB("StudyPlan.printStudyPlans db"); try { db.connect(); RS2s rs2 = new RS2s(db.executeQuery(studyPlanQuery)); //String str = rs2.getString("modifiedon"); //String date = str.substring(1,10); while(rs2 != null && { buff.append("" + rs2.getString("name") + "" + "" + time.monthToOutFormat((rs2.getString("modifiedon")).substring(0,10)) + "" + "" + user.getFirstNames() + " " + user.getLastName() + "" + "" + getPlanStatus(rs2.getInt("planstatusid")) + ""); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.log("Exception in StudyPlan.printStudyPlans", e); throw e; } finally { db.disconnect(); } } // Methods for printing public String printRecursive() { if (getRootStudyPlanElement() == null) return ""; return getRootStudyPlanElement().printRecursive(); } public String printRecursiveModify() { if (getRootStudyPlanElement() == null) return ""; return getRootStudyPlanElement().printRecursiveModify(); } // Methods for searching StudyPlanElement /** * Find StudyPlanElement recursively. * @param studyGroupID the studyGroupID of searched StudyPlanElement * @param s current element * @return found element, or null if not found */ protected StudyPlanElement getElementRecursive(int studyGroupID, StudyPlanElement s) { if (s == null) return null; //If found element maching studyGroupID if (s.getStudyGroupID() == studyGroupID) return s; //Go through the children recursively Iterator i = s.iterator(); if (i == null) return null; while (i.hasNext()) { StudyPlanElement candidate = getElementRecursive(studyGroupID, (StudyPlanElement); if (candidate != null) return candidate; } //Not found element maching studyGroupID return null; } /** * Get element matching studyGroupID. * @param studyGroupID the studyGroupID of searched StudyPlanElement * @return found element, or null if not found */ public StudyPlanElement getElement(int studyGroupID) { if (getRootStudyPlanElement() == null) return null; return getElementRecursive(studyGroupID, getRootStudyPlanElement()); } /** * Find StudyPlanElements recursively * @param studyGroupIDs the studyGroupIDs of searched StudyPlanElements * @param s current element * @param elements vector containing found elements */ protected void getElementsRecursive(BitSet studyGroupIDs, StudyPlanElement s, Vector elements) { if (s == null) return; if (studyGroupIDs.isEmpty()) return; //If found element maching studyGroupID if (studyGroupIDs.get(s.getStudyGroupID()) == true) { elements.add(s); studyGroupIDs.clear(s.getStudyGroupID()); } //Go through the children recursively Iterator i = s.iterator(); if (i == null) return; while (i.hasNext()) { getElementsRecursive(studyGroupIDs, (StudyPlanElement), elements); } } /** * Get element matching studyGroupID * @param studyGroupIDs the studyGroupID of searched StudyPlanElements * @return elments in Vector */ public Vector getElements(String[] studyGroupIDs) { if (getRootStudyPlanElement() == null) return null; //Make BitSet containing studyGroupIDs BitSet studyGroupIDsBitSet = new BitSet(); for (int i = 0; i < studyGroupIDs.length; i++) { int id = 0; try { id = Integer.parseInt(studyGroupIDs[i]); studyGroupIDsBitSet.set(id); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.log("StudyPlan.getElements: Could not parse int from String. "); } } Vector elements = new Vector(); getElementsRecursive(studyGroupIDsBitSet, getRootStudyPlanElement(), elements); return elements; } /** * Find planned StudyPlanElements recursively * @param s current element * @param elements vector containing found elements */ protected void getPlannedElementsRecursive(StudyPlanElement s, Vector elements) { if (s == null) return; //If found element included in plan if (s.getPlanned() != null) { elements.add(s); } //Go through the children recursively Iterator i = s.iterator(); if (i == null) return; while (i.hasNext()) { getPlannedElementsRecursive((StudyPlanElement), elements); } } /** * Get all planned elements * @return planned studyPlanElements in vector */ public Vector getPlannedElements() { Vector elements = new Vector(); getPlannedElementsRecursive(getRootStudyPlanElement(), elements); return elements; } }