Fractal calculator help


Some requirements must be taken into account, before you can begin to use the Fractal Calculator.


You need to have the Java2 version 1.3.x. With earlier versions it won't work and the iaik security library had trouble with recent 1.4.x versions. We recommend the Blackdown Java to be used, if possible.

Java CoG

In order to make valid certificate for the application, you need to use Java CoG to make the proxy file. Version 0.9.13 was used in testing, but older versions might work too.

Valid Proxy File

You need to have a valid proxy file named proxy.txt that is in the same directory with the application. Also the certificate authority file is needed in that same location. Please see the Installation Document of the Nexus system for instructions how to install the Java CoG and how to make the proxy file if you haven't already done so.