Source code for timApp.documentmodel.docparagraph

import os
import shelve
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy

from contracts import new_contract
from documentmodel.documentparser import DocumentParser
from documentmodel.documentparseroptions import DocumentParserOptions
from documentmodel.documentwriter import DocumentWriter
from htmlSanitize import sanitize_html
from markdownconverter import par_list_to_html_list, expand_macros
from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbException
from typing import Generic, Optional, Dict, List, Tuple
from utils import count_chars, get_error_html
from .randutils import *

[docs]class DocParagraph: default_files_root = 'tim_files' def __init__(self, doc, files_root: Optional[str] = None): self.doc = doc self.original = None self.files_root = self.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root self.html_sanitized = False self.html = None self.__htmldata = None self.ref_pars = None @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, doc, par_id: Optional[str] = None, md: str = '', t: Optional[str] = None, html: Optional[str] = None, attrs: Optional[Dict] = None, props: Optional[Dict] = None, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> 'DocParagraph': par = DocParagraph(doc, files_root) par.html = html par.__data = { 'id': random_id() if par_id is None else par_id, 'md': md, 't': hashfunc(md, attrs) if t is None else t, 'links': [], 'attrs': {} if attrs is None else attrs, 'props': {} if props is None else props } par._cache_props() return par
[docs] def create_reference(self, doc, r: Optional[str] = None, add_rd: bool = True) -> 'DocParagraph': if 'r' == 'tr': par = DocParagraph.create(doc, files_root=self.files_root, md=self.get_markdown(), attrs=self.get_attrs(), props=self.get_properties()) else: par = DocParagraph.create(doc, files_root=self.files_root) par.set_attr('r', r) par.set_attr('rd', self.get_doc_id() if add_rd else None) par.set_attr('rp', self.get_id()) par.set_attr('ra', None) par._cache_props() return par
[docs] def create_area_reference(cls, doc, area_name: str, r: Optional[str] = None, add_rd: Optional[bool] = True, files_root: Optional[str] = None): par = DocParagraph.create(doc, files_root=files_root) par.set_attr('r', r) par.set_attr('rd', doc.doc_id if add_rd else None) par.set_attr('ra', area_name) par.set_attr('rp', None) par._cache_props() return par
[docs] def from_dict(cls, doc, d: Dict, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> 'DocParagraph': par = DocParagraph(doc, files_root) par.__data = dict(d) par._cache_props() return par
[docs] def get_latest(cls, doc, par_id: str, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> 'DocParagraph': froot = cls.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root try: t = os.readlink(cls._get_path(doc, par_id, 'current', froot)) return cls.get(doc, par_id, t, files_root=froot) except FileNotFoundError: raise TimDbException('Document {}: Paragraph not found: {}'.format(doc.doc_id, par_id))
[docs] def get(cls, doc, par_id: str, t: str, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> 'DocParagraph': try: """Loads a paragraph from file system based on given parameters. """ with open(cls._get_path(doc, par_id, t, files_root), 'r') as f: return cls.from_dict(doc, json.loads(, files_root=files_root) except FileNotFoundError: raise TimDbException('Document {}: Paragraph not found: {}'.format(doc.doc_id, par_id))
def __iter__(self): return self.__data.__iter__() @classmethod
[docs] def get_default_files_root(cls): return cls.default_files_root
@classmethod def _get_path(cls, doc, par_id: str, t: str, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> str: froot = cls.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root return os.path.join(froot, 'pars', str(doc.doc_id), par_id, t) @classmethod def _get_base_path(cls, doc_id: int, par_id: str, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> str: froot = cls.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root return os.path.join(froot, 'pars', str(doc_id), par_id)
[docs] def dict(self) -> Dict: return self.__data
def _mkhtmldata(self, from_preview: 'bool' = True): self._cache_props() if self.original: self.__htmldata = dict(self.original.__data) self.__htmldata['attrs_str'] = self.original.get_attrs_str() self.__htmldata['doc_id'] = self.original.doc.doc_id self.__htmldata['ref_doc_id'] = self.doc.doc_id self.__htmldata['ref_id'] = self.__data['id'] self.__htmldata['ref_t'] = self.__data['t'] self.__htmldata['ref_attrs'] = self.__data['attrs'] self.__htmldata['ref_attrs_str'] = self.get_attrs_str() else: self.__htmldata = dict(self.__data) self.__htmldata['attrs_str'] = self.get_attrs_str() self.__htmldata['doc_id'] = self.doc.doc_id try: self.__htmldata['html'] = self.get_html(from_preview=from_preview) except Exception as e: self.__htmldata['html'] = get_error_html(e) self.__htmldata['cls'] = 'par ' + self.get_class_str() self.__htmldata['is_plugin'] = self.is_plugin() self.__htmldata['is_question'] = self.is_question() self.__htmldata['needs_browser'] = True #self.is_plugin() and containerLink.get_plugin_needs_browser(self.get_attr('plugin')) def _cache_props(self): self.__is_plugin = self.get_attr('plugin') or "" # self.get_attr('taskId') self.__is_question = self.get_attr('question') or "" self.__is_ref = self.is_par_reference() or self.is_area_reference() self.__is_setting = 'settings' in self.get_attrs()
[docs] def html_dict(self) -> Dict: self._mkhtmldata() return self.__htmldata
[docs] def get_doc_id(self) -> int: return self.doc.doc_id
[docs] def get_id(self) -> str: return self.__data['id']
[docs] def get_rd(self) -> Optional[int]: if 'rd' in self.__data['attrs']: try: return int(self.get_attr('rd')) except ValueError: return None default_rd = self.doc.get_settings().get_source_document() if default_rd is not None: return default_rd return None
[docs] def is_different_from(self, par: 'DocParagraph') -> bool: return self.get_hash() != par.get_hash() or self.get_attrs() != par.get_attrs()
[docs] def get_hash(self) -> str: return self.__data['t']
[docs] def get_markdown(self) -> str: return self.__data['md']
[docs] def get_title(self) -> Optional[str]: md = self.__data['md'] if len(md) < 3 or md[0] != '#' or md[1] == '-': return None attr_index = md.find('{') return md[2:attr_index].strip() if attr_index > 0 else md[2:].strip()
[docs] def get_exported_markdown(self) -> str: if self.is_par_reference() and self.is_translation(): # This gives a default translation based on the source paragraph # todo: same for area reference data = [par.__data for par in self.get_referenced_pars(edit_window=True)] return DocumentWriter(data, export_hashes=False, export_ids=False).get_text() return DocumentWriter([self.__data], export_hashes=False, export_ids=False).get_text(DocumentParserOptions.single_paragraph())
def __get_setting_html(self) -> str: from documentmodel.docsettings import DocSettings if DocSettings.is_valid_paragraph(self): return '<p class="docsettings">&nbsp;</p>' else: return '<div class="pluginError">Invalid settings paragraph detected</div>'
[docs] def get_html(self, from_preview: bool = True) -> str: """ Gets the html for the paragraph. :param from_preview: Whether this is called from a preview window or not. If True, previous paragraphs are preloaded too and the result is not cached. Safer, but slower. Set explicitly False if you know what you're doing. :return: html string """ question_title = self.is_question() if question_title: return self.__set_html('<img class="questionAddedNew" title="%s" width="30" height="30" src=/static/images/show-question-icon.png/>' % question_title) if self.html is not None: return self.html if self.is_plugin(): return self.__set_html('') if self.is_setting(): return self.__set_html(self.__get_setting_html()) context_par = self.doc.get_previous_par(self, get_last_if_no_prev=False) if from_preview else None DocParagraph.preload_htmls([self], self.doc.get_settings(), context_par=context_par, persist=not from_preview) return self.html
[docs] def preload_htmls(cls, pars: List['DocParagraph'], settings, clear_cache: bool = False, context_par: Optional['DocParagraph'] = None, persist: bool = True): """ Loads the HTML for each paragraph in the given list. :param context_par: The context paragraph. Required only for previewing for now. :param persist: Whether the result of preloading should be saved to disk. :param clear_cache: Whether all caches should be refreshed. :param settings: The document settings. :param pars: Paragraphs to preload. :return: A list of paragraphs whose HTML changed as the result of preloading. """ if not pars: return doc_id_str = str(pars[0].doc.doc_id) macro_cache_file = '/tmp/tim_auto_macros_' + doc_id_str heading_cache_file = '/tmp/heading_cache_' + doc_id_str first_pars = [] if context_par is not None: first_pars = pars[0].doc.get_pars_till(context_par) pars = first_pars + pars if not persist: cache = {} heading_cache = {} with as c,\ as hc: # Basically we want the cache objects to be non-persistent, so we convert them to normal dicts # Find out better way if possible... for par in first_pars: key = str((par.get_id(), par.doc.get_version())) value = c.get(key) if value is not None: cache[key] = value value = hc.get(par.get_id()) if value is not None: heading_cache[par.get_id()] = value unloaded_pars = cls.get_unloaded_pars(pars, settings, cache, heading_cache, clear_cache) else: if clear_cache: try: os.remove(macro_cache_file + '.db') except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.remove(heading_cache_file + '.db') except FileNotFoundError: pass with as cache,\ as heading_cache: unloaded_pars = cls.get_unloaded_pars(pars, settings, cache, heading_cache, clear_cache) for k, v in heading_cache.items(): heading_cache[k] = v changed_pars = [] if len(unloaded_pars) > 0: htmls = par_list_to_html_list([par for par, _, _, _, _ in unloaded_pars], auto_macros=({'h': auto_macros['h'], 'headings': hs} for _, _, auto_macros, hs, _ in unloaded_pars), settings=settings) for (par, auto_macro_hash, _, _, old_html), h in zip(unloaded_pars, htmls): # h is not sanitized but old_html is, but HTML stays unchanged after sanitization most of the time # so they are comparable if h != old_html: h = sanitize_html(h) changed_pars.append(par) par.__data['h'][auto_macro_hash] = h par.__set_html(h, sanitized=True) if persist: par.__write() return changed_pars
[docs] def get_unloaded_pars(cls, pars, settings, auto_macro_cache, heading_cache, clear_cache=False): """ Finds out which of the given paragraphs need to be preloaded again. :param pars: The list of paragraphs to be processed. :param settings: The settings for the document. :param auto_macro_cache: The cache object from which to retrieve and store the auto macro data. :param heading_cache: A cache object to store headings into. The key is paragraph id and value is a list of headings in that paragraph. :param clear_cache: Whether all caches should be refreshed. :return: A 5-tuple of the form: (paragraph, hash of the auto macro values, auto macros, so far used headings, old HTML). """ cumulative_headings = [] unloaded_pars = [] dyn = 0 l = 0 macros = settings.get_macros() if settings else None macro_delim = settings.get_macro_delimiter() if settings else None m = str(macros) + macro_delim + str(settings.auto_number_headings()) + str(settings.heading_format()) for par in pars: if par.is_dynamic(): dyn += 1 continue if not clear_cache and par.html is not None: continue cached = par.__data.get('h') auto_macros = par.get_auto_macro_values(macros, macro_delim, auto_macro_cache, heading_cache) auto_macro_hash = hashfunc(m + str(auto_macros)) par_headings = heading_cache.get(par.get_id()) if cumulative_headings: # Performance optimization: copy only if the set of headings changes if par_headings: all_headings_so_far = cumulative_headings[-1].copy() else: all_headings_so_far = cumulative_headings[-1] else: all_headings_so_far = defaultdict(int) cumulative_headings.append(all_headings_so_far) if par_headings is not None: for h in par_headings: all_headings_so_far[h] += 1 if not clear_cache and cached is not None: if type(cached) is str: # Compatibility old_html = cached else: cached_html = cached.get(auto_macro_hash) if cached_html is not None: par.html = cached_html l += 1 continue else: try: old_html = next(iter(cached.values())) except StopIteration: old_html = None else: old_html = None tup = (par, auto_macro_hash, auto_macros, all_headings_so_far, old_html) par.__data['h'] = {} unloaded_pars.append(tup) return unloaded_pars
[docs] def has_class(self, class_name): return class_name in self.__data.get('attrs', {}).get('classes', {})
[docs] def add_class(self, class_name): if not self.has_class(class_name): if not 'attrs' in self.__data: self.__data['attrs'] = {} if not 'classes' in self.__data['attrs']: self.__data['attrs']['classes'] = [] self.__data['attrs']['classes'].append(class_name)
[docs] def get_auto_macro_values(self, macros, macro_delim, auto_macro_cache, heading_cache): """Gets the auto macros values for the current paragraph. Auto macros include things like current heading/table/figure numbers. :param heading_cache: A cache object to store headings into. The key is paragraph id and value is a list of headings in that paragraph. :param macros: Macros to apply for the paragraph. :param auto_macro_cache: The cache object from which to retrieve and store the auto macro data. :return: Auto macro values as a dict. :param macro_delim: Delimiter for macros. :return: A dict(str, dict(int,int)) containing the auto macro information. """ key = str((self.get_id(), self.doc.get_version())) cached = auto_macro_cache.get(key) if cached is not None: return cached prev_par = self.doc.get_previous_par(self) if prev_par is None: prev_par_auto_values = {'h': {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0}} heading_cache[self.get_id()] = [] else: prev_par_auto_values = prev_par.get_auto_macro_values(macros, macro_delim, auto_macro_cache, heading_cache) if prev_par is None or prev_par.is_dynamic() or prev_par.has_class('nonumber'): auto_macro_cache[key] = prev_par_auto_values heading_cache[self.get_id()] = [] return prev_par_auto_values md_expanded = expand_macros(prev_par.get_markdown(), macros, macro_delim) blocks = DocumentParser(md_expanded).get_blocks(DocumentParserOptions.break_on_empty_lines()) deltas = copy(prev_par_auto_values['h']) titles = [] for e in blocks: level = count_chars(e['md'], '#') if level > 0: title = e['md'][level:].strip() titles.append(title) deltas[level] += 1 for i in range(level + 1, 7): deltas[i] = 0 heading_cache[self.get_id()] = titles result = {'h': deltas} auto_macro_cache[key] = result return result
[docs] def sanitize_html(self): if self.html_sanitized or not self.html: return new_html = sanitize_html(self.html) self.__set_html(new_html, True)
def __set_html(self, new_html: str, sanitized: bool = False) -> str: self.html = new_html if self.__htmldata is not None: self.__htmldata['html'] = new_html self.html_sanitized = sanitized return self.html
[docs] def get_attr(self, attr_name: str, default_value: Generic = None, dereference: bool = False) -> Generic: if dereference and self.original: return self.original.get_attr(attr_name, default_value, True) return self.__data['attrs'].get(attr_name, default_value)
[docs] def set_attr(self, attr_name: str, attr_val: Generic, dereference: bool = False): if dereference and self.original: self.original.set_attr(attr_name, attr_val, True) elif attr_val is None: self.__data['attrs'].pop(attr_name, None) else: self.__data['attrs'][attr_name] = attr_val if attr_name == 'taskId': self.__is_plugin = bool(attr_val) if attr_name == 'question': self.__is_question = bool(attr_val) elif attr_name == 'rp' or attr_name == 'ra': self.__is_ref = self.is_par_reference() or self.is_area_reference()
@classmethod def __combine_md(cls, base_md: Optional[str], over_md: str) -> str: if base_md is None: return over_md # TODO: combine element by element return base_md if over_md == '' else over_md @classmethod def __combine_dict(cls, base_dict: Optional[Dict], over_dict: Dict) -> Dict: if base_dict is None: return over_dict new_dict = dict(base_dict) for key in over_dict: new_dict[key] = over_dict[key] return new_dict
[docs] def get_attrs(self, base_attrs: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: return DocParagraph.__combine_dict(base_attrs, self.__data['attrs'])
[docs] def get_properties(self, base_props: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: return DocParagraph.__combine_dict(base_props, self.__data.get('props', {}))
[docs] def is_multi_block(self) -> bool: properties = self.get_properties() is_multi_block = False if 'multi_block' in properties: is_multi_block = properties['multi_block'] return is_multi_block
[docs] def has_headers(self) -> bool: properties = self.get_properties() has_headers = False if 'has_headers' in properties: has_headers = properties['has_headers'] return has_headers
[docs] def get_attrs_str(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.__data['attrs'])
[docs] def get_class_str(self) -> str: return ' '.join(self.get_attr('classes', []))
[docs] def get_base_path(self) -> str: return self._get_base_path(self.get_doc_id(), self.get_id(), files_root=self.files_root)
[docs] def get_path(self) -> str: return self._get_path(self.doc, self.__data['id'], self.__data['t'], files_root=self.files_root)
def __read(self) -> bool: if not os.path.isfile(self.get_path()): return False with open(self.get_path(), 'r') as f: self.__data = json.loads( self._cache_props() self.__htmldata = None return True def __write(self): file_name = self.get_path() should_exist = len(self.get_links()) > 0 does_exist = os.path.isfile(file_name) if does_exist and not should_exist: # Uncomment to remove old versions #os.unlink(file_name) base_path = self.get_base_path() if os.listdir(base_path) == ['current']: os.unlink(os.path.join(base_path, 'current')) if os.path.islink(base_path): os.unlink(base_path) else: os.rmdir(base_path) if not should_exist: return if not does_exist and should_exist: base_path = self.get_base_path() if not os.path.exists(base_path): os.makedirs(base_path) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.__data))
[docs] def set_latest(self): linkpath = self._get_path(self.doc, self.get_id(), 'current', files_root=self.files_root) if linkpath == self.get_hash(): return if os.path.islink(linkpath) or os.path.isfile(linkpath): os.unlink(linkpath) os.symlink(self.get_hash(), linkpath)
[docs] def is_reference(self) -> bool: return self.__is_ref
[docs] def is_par_reference(self) -> bool: return self.get_attr('rp') is not None
[docs] def is_area_reference(self) -> bool: return self.get_attr('ra') is not None
[docs] def is_translation(self) -> bool: return self.get_attr('r') == 'tr'
def __repr__(self): return self.__data.__repr__() @classmethod def __rrepl(cls, s: str, old: str, new: str) -> str: rindex = s.rfind(old) return s[:rindex] + new + s[rindex + len(old):] if rindex >= 0 else s
[docs] def get_referenced_pars(self, edit_window: bool = False, set_html: bool = True, source_doc: bool = None, tr_get_one: bool = True, cycle: Optional[List[Tuple[int, str]]] = None): if self.ref_pars is not None: return self.ref_pars if cycle is None: cycle = [] par_doc_id = self.get_doc_id(), self.get_id() if par_doc_id in cycle: cycle.append(par_doc_id) raise TimDbException( 'Infinite referencing loop detected: ' + ' -> '.join(('{}:{}'.format(d, p) for d, p in cycle))) cycle.append(par_doc_id) def reference_par(ref_par): tr = self.get_attr('r') == 'tr' doc = ref_par.doc if edit_window: md = DocParagraph.__combine_md(ref_par.get_markdown(), self.get_markdown()) if tr else self.get_markdown() attrs = self.get_attrs() props = self.get_properties() else: md = DocParagraph.__combine_md(ref_par.get_markdown(), self.get_markdown()) if tr else ref_par.get_markdown() attrs = self.get_attrs(ref_par.get_attrs()) #if tr else ref_par.get_attrs() props = self.get_properties(ref_par.get_properties()) #if tr else ref_par.get_properties() # Remove reference attributes for ref_attr in ['r', 'rd', 'rp', 'ra', 'rt']: attrs.pop(ref_attr, None) par = DocParagraph.create(doc, par_id=ref_par.get_id(), md=md, t=ref_par.get_hash(), attrs=attrs, props=props) par.set_original(self) if set_html: html = self.get_html(from_preview=False) if tr else ref_par.get_html(from_preview=False) # if html is empty, use the source if html == '': html = ref_par.get_html(from_preview=False) par.__set_html(html) return par ref_docid = None ref_doc = None attrs = self.get_attrs() if 'rd' in attrs: try: ref_docid = int(attrs['rd']) except ValueError as e: raise TimDbException('Invalid reference document id: "{}"'.format(attrs['rd'])) elif source_doc is not None: ref_doc = source_doc else: settings = self.doc.get_settings() ref_docid = settings.get_source_document() if ref_doc is None: if ref_docid is None: raise TimDbException('Source document for reference not specified.') from documentmodel.document import Document # Document import needs to be here to avoid circular import ref_doc = Document(ref_docid) if not ref_doc.exists(): raise TimDbException('The referenced document does not exist.') if self.is_par_reference(): try: ref_par = DocParagraph.get_latest(ref_doc, attrs['rp'], ref_doc.files_root) if not ref_doc.has_paragraph(attrs['rp']): #ref_par.set_attr('deleted', 'True') ref_par.add_class('deleted') except TimDbException: raise TimDbException('The referenced paragraph does not exist.') if ref_par.is_reference(): ref_pars = ref_par.get_referenced_pars(edit_window=edit_window, set_html=set_html, cycle=cycle) else: ref_pars = [ref_par] elif self.is_area_reference(): section_pars = ref_doc.get_named_section(attrs['ra']) ref_pars = [] for p in section_pars: if p.is_reference(): ref_pars.extend(p.get_referenced_pars(edit_window=edit_window, set_html=set_html, source_doc=source_doc, cycle=cycle)) else: ref_pars.append(p) if tr_get_one and attrs.get('r', None) == 'tr' and len(ref_pars) > 0: self.ref_pars = [reference_par(ref_pars[0])] return self.ref_pars else: assert False self.ref_pars = [reference_par(ref_par) for ref_par in ref_pars] return self.ref_pars
[docs] def set_original(self, orig: 'DocParagraph'): self.original = orig self._cache_props() self.__htmldata = None
[docs] def get_original(self) -> 'DocParagraph': return self.original
[docs] def is_dynamic(self) -> bool: return self.__is_plugin \ or (self.__is_ref and self.__data.get('attrs', {}).get('r', '') != 'tr')\ or self.__is_setting
[docs] def is_plugin(self) -> bool: return self.__is_plugin
[docs] def is_question(self) -> bool: is_question = self.__is_question return is_question
[docs] def is_setting(self) -> bool: return self.__is_setting
@classmethod def __get_macro_info(cls, doc) -> Tuple[Dict, str]: if doc is None: return None, None settings = doc.get_settings() if settings is None: return None, None return settings.get_macros(), settings.get_macro_delimiter()
[docs] def set_id(self, par_id: str): self.__data['id'] = par_id
new_contract('DocParagraph', DocParagraph)