Source code for timApp.documentmodel.document

import json
import os
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from tempfile import mkstemp
from time import time

from contracts import contract, new_contract
from lxml import etree, html
from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from documentmodel.docparagraph import DocParagraph
from documentmodel.docsettings import DocSettings
from documentmodel.documentparser import DocumentParser
from documentmodel.documentwriter import DocumentWriter
from documentmodel.exceptions import DocExistsError
from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbException
from utils import get_error_html

[docs]class Document: default_files_root = 'tim_files' def __init__(self, doc_id: Optional[int]=None, files_root = None, modifier_group_id: Optional[int] = 0): self.doc_id = doc_id if doc_id is not None else Document.get_next_free_id(files_root) self.files_root = self.get_default_files_root() if not files_root else files_root self.modifier_group_id = modifier_group_id self.version = None # Used to cache paragraphs in memory on request so the pars don't have to be read from disk in every for loop self.par_cache = None # Used for accessing previous/next paragraphs quickly based on id self.par_map = None @classmethod
[docs] def get_default_files_root(cls): return cls.default_files_root
def __len__(self): count = 0 for _ in self: count += 1 return count def __iter__(self) -> 'Union[DocParagraphIter, CacheIterator]': if self.par_cache is None: return DocParagraphIter(self) else: return CacheIterator(self.par_cache.__iter__()) @classmethod def __get_largest_file_number(cls, path: str, default=None) -> int: if not os.path.exists(path): return default largest = -1 for name in os.listdir(path): try: largest = max(largest, int(name)) except ValueError: pass return largest if largest > -1 else default @classmethod
[docs] def doc_exists(cls, doc_id: int, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Checks if a document id exists. :param doc_id: Document id. :return: Boolean. """ froot = cls.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root return os.path.exists(os.path.join(froot, 'docs', str(doc_id)))
[docs] def version_exists(cls, doc_id: int, doc_ver: 'tuple(int,int)', files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ Checks if a document version exists. :param doc_id: Document id. :param doc_ver: Document version. :return: Boolean. """ froot = cls.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(froot, 'docs', str(doc_id), str(doc_ver[0]), str(doc_ver[1])))
def __update_par_map(self): self.par_map = {} for i in range(0, len(self.par_cache)): curr_p = self.par_cache[i].get_id() prev_p = self.par_cache[i-1] if i > 0 else None next_p = self.par_cache[i+1] if i+1 < len(self.par_cache) else None self.par_map[curr_p] = {'p': prev_p, 'n': next_p}
[docs] def load_pars(self): """ Loads the paragraphs from disk to memory so that subsequent iterations for the Document are faster. """ self.par_cache = [par for par in self] self.__update_par_map()
[docs] def get_previous_par(self, par, get_last_if_no_prev=False): if self.par_map is None: self.load_pars() prev = self.par_map.get(par.get_id()) if prev: return prev['p'] if get_last_if_no_prev: return self.par_cache[-1] if self.par_cache else None return None
[docs] def get_pars_till(self, par): pars = [] i = self.__iter__() try: while True: p = next(i) pars.append(p) if par.get_id() == p.get_id(): break except StopIteration: pass # TODO: improve this # 'i' might be a ListIterator or DocParagraphIter depending on whether the pars were cached try: i.close() except AttributeError: pass return pars
[docs] def add_setting(self, key: str, value) -> None: current_settings = self.get_settings().get_dict() current_settings[key] = value self.set_settings(current_settings)
[docs] def set_settings(self, settings: dict): first_par = None with self.__iter__() as i: for p in i: first_par = p break new_par = DocSettings(settings).to_paragraph(self) if first_par is None: self.add_paragraph_obj(new_par) else: if not first_par.is_setting(): self.insert_paragraph_obj(new_par, insert_before_id=first_par.get_id()) else: self.modify_paragraph_obj(first_par.get_id(), new_par)
[docs] def get_settings(self) -> DocSettings: if self.par_cache is not None: return DocSettings.from_paragraph(self.par_cache[0]) if len(self.par_cache) > 0 else DocSettings() try: i = self.__iter__() return DocSettings.from_paragraph(next(i)) except StopIteration: return DocSettings() finally: i.close()
[docs] def create(self, ignore_exists : bool = False): path = os.path.join(self.files_root, 'docs', str(self.doc_id)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) elif not ignore_exists: raise DocExistsError(self.doc_id)
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: return Document.doc_exists(self.doc_id, self.files_root)
[docs] def export_markdown(self, export_hashes : bool = False) -> str: return DocumentWriter([par.dict() for par in self], export_hashes=export_hashes).get_text()
[docs] def export_section(self, par_id_start: str, par_id_end: str, export_hashes=False) -> str: return DocumentWriter([par.dict() for par in self.get_section(par_id_start, par_id_end)], export_hashes=export_hashes).get_text()
[docs] def get_section(self, par_id_start: str, par_id_end: str) -> List[DocParagraph]: all_pars = [par for par in self] all_par_ids = [par.get_id() for par in all_pars] start_index, end_index = all_par_ids.index(par_id_start), all_par_ids.index(par_id_end) return all_pars[start_index:end_index + 1]
[docs] def remove(cls, doc_id: int, files_root: Optional[str] = None, ignore_exists=False): """ Removes the whole document. :param doc_id: Document id to remove. :return: """ froot = cls.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root if cls.doc_exists(doc_id, files_root=froot): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(froot, 'docs', str(doc_id))) # todo: remove all paragraph links elif not ignore_exists: raise DocExistsError(doc_id)
[docs] def get_next_free_id(cls, files_root: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """ Gets the next free document id. :return: """ froot = cls.get_default_files_root() if files_root is None else files_root res = 1 + cls.__get_largest_file_number(os.path.join(froot, 'docs'), default=0) return res
[docs] def get_version(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Gets the latest version of the document as a major-minor tuple. :return: Latest version, or (-1, 0) if there isn't yet one. """ if self.version is not None: return self.version basedir = os.path.join(self.files_root, 'docs', str(self.doc_id)) major = self.__get_largest_file_number(basedir, default=0) minor = 0 if major < 1 else self.__get_largest_file_number(os.path.join(basedir, str(major)), default=0) self.version = major, minor return major, minor
[docs] def get_id_version(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: major, minor = self.get_version() return self.doc_id, major, minor
[docs] def get_document_path(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.files_root, 'docs', str(self.doc_id))
[docs] def get_version_path(self, ver: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None) -> str: version = self.get_version() if ver is None else ver return os.path.join(self.files_root, 'docs', str(self.doc_id), str(version[0]), str(version[1]))
[docs] def get_refs_dir(self, ver: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None) -> str: version = self.get_version() if ver is None else ver return os.path.join(self.files_root, 'refs', str(self.doc_id), str(version[0]), str(version[1]))
[docs] def get_reflist_filename(self, ver: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None) -> str: return os.path.join(self.get_refs_dir(ver), 'reflist_to')
[docs] def getlogfilename(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.get_document_path(), 'changelog')
def __write_changelog(self, ver: Tuple[int, int], operation: str, par_id: str, op_params: Optional[dict] = None): logname = self.getlogfilename() src = open(logname, 'r') if os.path.exists(logname) else None destfd, tmpname = mkstemp() dest = os.fdopen(destfd, 'w') ts = time() timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') entry = { 'group_id': self.modifier_group_id, 'par_id': par_id, 'op': operation, 'op_params': op_params, 'ver': ver, 'time': timestamp } dest.write(json.dumps(entry)) dest.write('\n') #dest.write('{} {}.{} {}\n'.format(timestamp, ver[0], ver[1], msg)) while src: line = src.readline() if line: dest.write(line) else: src.close() src = None dest.close() shutil.copyfile(tmpname, logname) os.unlink(tmpname) def __increment_version(self, op: str, par_id: str, increment_major: bool, op_params: Optional[dict] = None) -> Tuple[int, int]: ver_exists = True ver = self.get_version() while ver_exists: old_ver = ver ver = (old_ver[0] + 1, 0) if increment_major else (old_ver[0], old_ver[1] + 1) ver_exists = os.path.isfile(self.get_version_path(ver)) if increment_major: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.files_root, 'docs', str(self.doc_id), str(ver[0]))) if old_ver[0] > 0: shutil.copyfile(self.get_version_path(old_ver), self.get_version_path(ver)) else: with open(self.get_version_path(ver), 'w'): pass self.__write_changelog(ver, op, par_id, op_params) self.version = ver self.par_cache = None self.par_map = None return ver def __update_metadata(self, pars: List[DocParagraph], old_ver: Tuple[int, int], new_ver: Tuple[int, int]): if old_ver == new_ver: raise TimDbException("__update_metadata called with old_ver == new_ver") new_reflist_file = self.get_reflist_filename(new_ver) reflist = self.get_referenced_document_ids(old_ver) for p in pars: if p.is_reference(): try: referenced_pars = p.get_referenced_pars() except TimDbException: pass else: for par in referenced_pars: try: reflist.add(int(par.get_doc_id())) except (ValueError, TypeError): print('Invalid document reference: ' + str(par.get_rd())) self.__save_reflist(new_reflist_file, reflist)
[docs] def has_paragraph(self, par_id: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the document has the given paragraph. :param par_id: The paragraph id. :return: Boolean. """ with open(self.get_version_path(self.get_version()), 'r') as f: while True: line = f.readline() if line == '': return False if line.split('/', 1)[0].rstrip('\n') == par_id: return True
[docs] def get_paragraph(self, par_id: str) -> DocParagraph: return DocParagraph.get_latest(self, par_id, self.files_root)
[docs] def add_paragraph_obj(self, p: DocParagraph) -> DocParagraph: """ Appends a new paragraph into the document. :param p: Paragraph to be added. :return: The same paragraph object, or None if could not add. """ p.add_link(self.doc_id) p.set_latest() old_ver = self.get_version() new_ver = self.__increment_version('Added', p.get_id(), increment_major=True) old_path = self.get_version_path(old_ver) new_path = self.get_version_path(new_ver) if os.path.exists(old_path): shutil.copyfile(old_path, new_path) with open(new_path, 'a') as f: f.write(p.get_id() + '/' + p.get_hash()) f.write('\n') return p
[docs] def add_paragraph( self, text: str, par_id: Optional[str]=None, attrs: Optional[dict]=None, properties: Optional[dict]=None ) -> DocParagraph: """ Appends a new paragraph into the document. :param par_id: The id of the paragraph or None if it should be autogenerated. :param attrs: The attributes for the paragraph. :param text: New paragraph text. :return: The new paragraph object. """ p = DocParagraph.create( doc=self, par_id=par_id, md=text, attrs=attrs, props=properties, files_root=self.files_root ) return self.add_paragraph_obj(p)
[docs] def add_ref_paragraph(self, src_par: DocParagraph, text: Optional[str] = None, attrs: Optional[dict] = None, properties: Optional[dict] = None) -> DocParagraph: ref_attrs = {} if attrs is None else attrs.copy() ref_attrs['rp'] = src_par.get_id() ref_attrs['rt'] = src_par.get_hash() rd = src_par.get_doc_id() if self.get_settings().get_source_document() != rd: ref_attrs['rd'] = str(rd) if text is not None: ref_attrs['r'] = 'tr' else: text = '' return self.add_paragraph(text, attrs=ref_attrs, properties=properties)
[docs] def add_area_ref_paragraph(self, src_doc: 'Document', src_area_name: str, text: Optional[str] = None, attrs: Optional[dict] = None, properties: Optional[dict] = None) -> DocParagraph: ref_attrs = {} if attrs is None else attrs.copy() ref_attrs['ra'] = src_area_name ref_attrs.pop('rt', None) if self.get_settings().get_source_document() != src_doc.doc_id: ref_attrs['rd'] = str(src_doc.doc_id) if text is not None: ref_attrs['r'] = 'tr' else: text = '' return self.add_paragraph(text, attrs=ref_attrs, properties=properties)
[docs] def delete_paragraph(self, par_id: str): """ Removes a paragraph from the document. :param par_id: Paragraph id to remove. """ if not self.has_paragraph(par_id): return old_ver = self.get_version() new_ver = self.__increment_version('Deleted', par_id, increment_major=True) self.__update_metadata([], old_ver, new_ver) with open(self.get_version_path(old_ver), 'r') as f_src: with open(self.get_version_path(new_ver), 'w') as f: while True: line = f_src.readline() if not line: return if line.startswith(par_id): p = DocParagraph.get_latest(self, par_id, files_root=self.files_root) p.remove_link(self.doc_id) else: f.write(line)
[docs] def insert_paragraph(self, text: str, insert_before_id: Optional[str], attrs: Optional[dict]=None, properties: Optional[dict]=None, par_id: Optional[str]=None) -> DocParagraph: """ Inserts a paragraph before a given paragraph id. :param par_id: The id of the new paragraph or None if it should be autogenerated. :param attrs: The attributes for the paragraph. :param text: New paragraph text. :param insert_before_id: Id of the paragraph to insert before, or None if last. :return: The inserted paragraph object. """ if not insert_before_id: return self.add_paragraph(text=text, par_id=par_id, attrs=attrs, properties=properties) p = DocParagraph.create( doc=self, par_id=par_id, md=text, attrs=attrs, props=properties, files_root=self.files_root ) return self.insert_paragraph_obj(p, insert_before_id=insert_before_id)
[docs] def insert_paragraph_obj(self, p: DocParagraph, insert_before_id: Optional[str]) -> DocParagraph: p.add_link(self.doc_id) p.set_latest() old_ver = self.get_version() new_ver = self.__increment_version('Inserted', p.get_id(), increment_major=True, op_params={'before_id': insert_before_id}) self.__update_metadata([p], old_ver, new_ver) with open(self.get_version_path(old_ver), 'r') as f_src: with open(self.get_version_path(new_ver), 'w') as f: while True: line = f_src.readline() if not line: return p if line.startswith(insert_before_id): f.write(p.get_id() + '/' + p.get_hash()) f.write('\n') f.write(line)
[docs] def modify_paragraph(self, par_id: str, new_text: str, new_attrs: Optional[dict]=None, new_properties: Optional[dict]=None) -> DocParagraph: """ Modifies the text of the given paragraph. :param par_id: Paragraph id. :param new_text: New text. :return: The new paragraph object. """ if new_attrs is None: new_attrs = self.get_paragraph(par_id).get_attrs() if new_properties is None: new_properties = self.get_paragraph(par_id).get_properties() p = DocParagraph.create( md=new_text, doc=self, par_id=par_id, attrs=new_attrs, props=new_properties, files_root=self.files_root ) return self.modify_paragraph_obj(par_id, p)
[docs] def modify_paragraph_obj(self, par_id: str, p: DocParagraph) -> DocParagraph: if not self.has_paragraph(par_id): raise KeyError('No paragraph {} in document {} version {}'.format(par_id, self.doc_id, self.get_version())) p_src = DocParagraph.get_latest(self, par_id, files_root=self.files_root) p_src.remove_link(self.doc_id) p.set_id(par_id) new_hash = p.get_hash() p.add_link(self.doc_id) p.set_latest() old_ver = self.get_version() old_hash = p_src.get_hash() new_ver = self.__increment_version('Modified', par_id, increment_major=False, op_params={'old_hash': old_hash, 'new_hash': new_hash}) self.__update_metadata([p], old_ver, new_ver) old_line = '{}/{}\n'.format(par_id, old_hash) old_line_legacy = '{}\n'.format(par_id) new_line = '{}/{}\n'.format(par_id, new_hash) with open(self.get_version_path(old_ver), 'r') as f_src: with open(self.get_version_path(new_ver), 'w') as f: while True: line = f_src.readline() if not line: return p if line == old_line or line == old_line_legacy: f.write(new_line) else: f.write(line) return p
[docs] def update_section(self, text: str, par_id_first: str, par_id_last: str) -> 'tuple(str,str)': """Updates a section of the document. :param text: The text of the section. :param par_id_first: The id of the paragraph that denotes the start of the section. :param par_id_last: The id of the paragraph that denotes the end of the section. """ new_pars = DocumentParser(text).add_missing_attributes().validate_structure(is_whole_document=False).get_blocks() new_par_id_set = set([par['id'] for par in new_pars]) all_pars = [par for par in self] all_par_ids = [par.get_id() for par in all_pars] start_index, end_index = all_par_ids.index(par_id_first), all_par_ids.index(par_id_last) old_pars = all_pars[start_index:end_index + 1] other_par_ids = all_par_ids[:] del other_par_ids[start_index:end_index + 1] intersection = new_par_id_set & set(other_par_ids) if intersection: raise TimDbException('Duplicate id(s): ' + str(intersection)) return self._perform_update(new_pars, old_pars, last_par_id=all_par_ids[end_index + 1] if end_index + 1 < len(all_par_ids) else None)
[docs] def update(self, text: str, original: str, strict_validation=True): """Replaces the document's contents with the specified text. :param text: The new text for the document. :param original: The original text for the document. :param strict_validation: Whether to use stricter validation rules for areas etc. """ new_pars = DocumentParser(text).add_missing_attributes().validate_structure(is_whole_document=strict_validation).get_blocks() old_pars = [DocParagraph.from_dict(doc=self, d=d) for d in DocumentParser(original).add_missing_attributes().get_blocks()] self._perform_update(new_pars, old_pars)
def _perform_update(self, new_pars: List[dict], old_pars: List[DocParagraph], last_par_id=None) -> Tuple[str, str]: old_ids = [par.get_id() for par in old_pars] new_ids = [par['id'] for par in new_pars] s = SequenceMatcher(None, old_ids, new_ids) opcodes = s.get_opcodes() # Do delete operations first to avoid duplicate ids for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in [opcode for opcode in opcodes if opcode[0] in ['delete', 'replace']]: for par_id in old_ids[i1:i2]: self.delete_paragraph(par_id) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in opcodes: if tag == 'replace': for par in new_pars[j1:j2]: before_i = self.find_insert_index(i2, old_ids) self.insert_paragraph(par['md'], attrs=par.get('attrs'), par_id=par['id'], insert_before_id=old_ids[before_i] if before_i < len(old_ids) else last_par_id) elif tag == 'insert': for par in new_pars[j1:j2]: before_i = self.find_insert_index(i2, old_ids) self.insert_paragraph(par['md'], attrs=par.get('attrs'), par_id=par['id'], insert_before_id=old_ids[before_i] if before_i < len(old_ids) else last_par_id) elif tag == 'equal': for idx, (new_par, old_par) in enumerate(zip(new_pars[j1:j2], old_pars[i1:i2])): if new_par['t'] != old_par.get_hash() or new_par.get('attrs', {}) != old_par.get_attrs(): if self.has_paragraph(old_par.get_id()): self.modify_paragraph(old_par.get_id(), new_par['md'], new_attrs=new_par.get('attrs')) else: before_i = self.find_insert_index(j1 + idx, new_ids) self.insert_paragraph(new_par['md'], attrs=new_par.get('attrs'), par_id=new_par['id'], insert_before_id=old_ids[before_i] if before_i < len( old_ids) else last_par_id) return new_ids[0], new_ids[-1]
[docs] def find_insert_index(self, i2, old_ids): before_i = i2 while before_i < len(old_ids) and not self.has_paragraph(old_ids[before_i]): before_i += 1 return before_i
[docs] def get_index(self) -> List[Tuple]: pars = [par for par in DocParagraphIter(self)] DocParagraph.preload_htmls(pars, self.get_settings()) pars = dereference_pars(pars, edit_window=False, source_doc=self.get_original_document()) # Skip plugins html_list = [par.get_html(from_preview=False) for par in pars if not par.is_dynamic()] return get_index_from_html_list(html_list)
[docs] def add_index_entry(index_table, current_headers, header): level = int(header.tag[1:]) current = {'id': header.get('id'), 'text': header.text, 'level': level} if level == 1: if current_headers is not None: index_table.append(current_headers) current_headers = (current, []) elif current_headers is not None: current_headers[1].append(current) return current_headers
[docs] def get_changelog(self, max_entries: int = 100) -> List[dict]: log = [] logname = self.getlogfilename() if not os.path.isfile(logname): return [] lc = max_entries with open(logname, 'r') as f: while lc != 0: line = f.readline() if not line: break try: log.append(json.loads(line)) except ValueError: print("doc id {}: malformed log line: {}".format(self.doc_id, line)) lc -= 1 return log
[docs] def get_paragraph_by_task(self, task_id_name): with self.__iter__() as it: for p in it: if p.get_attr('taskId') == task_id_name: return p if p.is_reference(): for rp in p.get_referenced_pars(): if rp.get_attr('taskId') == task_id_name: return rp return None
[docs] def get_last_modified(self): log = self.get_changelog(max_entries=1) return log[0]['time'] if log is not None and len(log) > 0 else ''
[docs] def delete_section(self, area_start, area_end): all_par_ids = [par.get_id() for par in self] start_index, end_index = all_par_ids.index(area_start), all_par_ids.index(area_end) old_pars = all_par_ids[start_index:end_index + 1] for par in old_pars: self.delete_paragraph(par)
[docs] def get_named_section(self, section_name: str): start_found = False end_found = False pars = [] with self.__iter__() as i: for par in i: if par.get_attr('area') == section_name: start_found = True if start_found: pars.append(par) if par.get_attr('area_end') == section_name: end_found = True break if not start_found or not end_found: raise TimDbException('Area not found: ' + section_name) return pars
[docs] def calculate_referenced_document_ids(self, ver: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None) -> Set[int]: """Gets all the document ids that are referenced from this document recursively. :return: The set of the document ids. """ refs = set() source = self if ver is not None: from documentmodel.documentversion import DocumentVersion source = DocumentVersion(self.doc_id, ver, self.files_root) for p in source: if p.is_reference(): try: referenced_pars = p.get_referenced_pars() except TimDbException: pass else: for par in referenced_pars: try: refs.add(int(par.get_doc_id())) except (ValueError, TypeError): print('Invalid document reference: ' + str(par.get_rd())) return refs
def __load_reflist(self, reflist_name: str) -> Set[int]: with open(reflist_name, 'r') as reffile: return set(json.loads( def __save_reflist(self, reflist_name: str, reflist: Set[int]): reflist_dir = os.path.dirname(reflist_name) os.makedirs(reflist_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(reflist_name, 'w') as reffile: reffile.write(json.dumps(list(reflist)))
[docs] def get_referenced_document_ids(self, ver: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]=None) -> Set[int]: reflist_name = self.get_reflist_filename(ver) if os.path.isfile(reflist_name): reflist = self.__load_reflist(reflist_name) else: reflist = self.calculate_referenced_document_ids(ver) self.__save_reflist(reflist_name, reflist) return reflist
[docs] def get_paragraphs(self) -> List[DocParagraph]: return [par for par in self]
[docs] def get_closest_paragraph_title(self, par_id: Optional[str]): last_title = None for par in self: title = par.get_title() if title is not None: last_title = title if par.get_id() == par_id: return last_title return None
[docs] def get_latest_version(self): from documentmodel.documentversion import DocumentVersion return DocumentVersion(self.doc_id, self.get_version(), self.files_root, self.modifier_group_id)
[docs] def get_original_document(self): src_docid = self.get_settings().get_source_document() return Document(src_docid) if src_docid is not None else None
[docs] def get_last_par(self): pars = [par for par in self] return pars[-1] if pars else None
[docs] def insert_temporary_pars(self, pars, context_par): self.load_pars() if context_par is None: self.par_cache = pars + self.par_cache else: i = 0 for i, par in enumerate(self.par_cache): if par.get_id() == context_par.get_id(): break self.par_cache = self.par_cache[:i+1] + pars + self.par_cache[i+1:] self.__update_par_map()
[docs] def clear_mem_cache(self): self.par_cache = None self.par_map = None self.version = None
new_contract('Document', Document)
[docs]class CacheIterator: def __init__(self, i): self.i = i def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass def __iter__(self): return self.i def __next__(self) -> DocParagraph: return self.i.__next__()
[docs]class DocParagraphIter: def __init__(self, doc: Document): self.doc = doc self.next_index = 0 name = doc.get_version_path(doc.get_version()) self.f = open(name, 'r') if os.path.isfile(name) else None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self) -> DocParagraph: if not self.f: raise StopIteration while True: line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.close() raise StopIteration if line != '\n': if len(line) > 14: # Line contains both par_id and t par_id, t = line.replace('\n', '').split('/') # Make a copy of the paragraph to avoid modifying cached instance return DocParagraph.get(self.doc, par_id, t, self.doc.files_root) else: # Line contains just par_id, use the latest t return DocParagraph.get_latest(self.doc, line.replace('\n', ''), self.doc.files_root)
[docs] def close(self): if self.f: self.f.close() self.f = None
[docs]def get_index_from_html_list(html_table) -> List[Tuple]: index = [] current_headers = None for htmlstr in html_table: try: index_entry = html.fragment_fromstring(htmlstr, create_parent=True) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: continue if index_entry.tag == 'div': for header in index_entry.iter('h1', 'h2', 'h3'): current_headers = Document.add_index_entry(index, current_headers, header) elif index_entry.tag.startswith('h'): current_headers = Document.add_index_entry(index, current_headers, index_entry) if current_headers is not None: index.append(current_headers) return index
[docs]def dereference_pars(pars, edit_window: bool=False, source_doc: Optional[Document]=None): """Resolves references in the given paragraphs. :type pars: list[DocParagraph] :param pars: The DocParagraphs to be processed. :param edit_window: Calling from edit window or not. :param source_doc: Default document for referencing. """ new_pars = [] for par in pars: if par.is_reference(): try: new_pars += par.get_referenced_pars(edit_window=edit_window, source_doc=source_doc) except TimDbException as e: err_par = DocParagraph.create( par.doc, par_id=par.get_id(), md='', html=get_error_html(e)) new_pars.append(err_par) else: new_pars.append(par) return new_pars