# encoding: utf-8 #-- # Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Johan Sørensen # Copyright (C) 2008 August Lilleaas # Copyright (C) 2008 David A. Cuadrado # Copyright (C) 2008 Tor Arne Vestbø # Copyright (C) 2009 Fabio Akita # Copyright (C) 2009 Bill Marquette # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #++ # Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application. module ApplicationHelper include TagsHelper include UsersHelper include BreadcrumbsHelper include EventRenderingHelper GREETINGS = ["Hello", "Hi", "Greetings", "Howdy", "Heya", "G'day"] def random_greeting GREETINGS[rand(GREETINGS.length)] end def help_box(style = :side, icon = :help, options = {}, &block) out = %Q{
} out << capture(&block) out << "
" concat(out) end def pull_box(title, options = {}, &block) css_class = options.delete(:class) out = %Q{
} out << %Q{


} if title out << %Q{
} out << capture(&block) out << "
" concat(out) end def dialog_box(title, options = {}, &block) css_class = options.delete(:class) out = %Q{
} out << %Q{


} if title out << %Q{
} out << capture(&block) out << "
" concat(out) end def markdown(text, options = [:smart]) renderer = MarkupRenderer.new(text, :markdown => options) renderer.to_html end def render_markdown(text, *options) # RDiscount < 1.4 doesn't support the :auto_link, use Rails' instead auto_link = options.delete(:auto_link) markdown_options = [:smart] + options markdownized_text = markdown(text, markdown_options) if auto_link markdownized_text = auto_link(markdownized_text, :urls) end sanitize(markdownized_text) end def feed_icon(url, alt_title = "Atom feed", size = :small) link_to image_tag("silk/feed.png", :class => "feed_icon"), url, :alt => alt_title, :title => alt_title end def default_css_tag_sizes %w(tag_size_1 tag_size_2 tag_size_3 tag_size_4) end def linked_tag_list_as_sentence(tags) tags.map do |tag| link_to(h(tag.name), search_path(:q => "category:#{h(tag.name)}")) end.to_sentence end def build_notice_for(object, options = {}) out = %Q{
} out << %Q{
} out << %Q{

#{I18n.t( "application_helper.notice_for").call(object.class.name.humanize.downcase)}

} if options.delete(:include_refresh_link) out << %Q{

Click to refresh

} else out << %Q{


} end out << %Q{

If this message persist beyond what's reasonable, feel free to #{link_to("contact us", contact_path)}

} out << %Q{
} out end def render_if_ready(object, options = {}) if object.respond_to?(:ready?) && object.ready? yield else concat(build_notice_for(object, options)) end end def selected_if_current_page(url_options, slack = false) if slack if controller.request.request_uri.index(CGI.escapeHTML(url_for(url_options))) == 0 "selected" end else "selected" if current_page?(url_options) end end def submenu_selected_class_if_current?(section) case section when :overview if %w[projects].include?(controller.controller_name ) return "selected" end when :repositories if %w[repositories trees logs commits comitters comments merge_requests blobs committers].include?(controller.controller_name ) return "selected" end when :pages if %w[pages].include?(controller.controller_name ) return "selected" end end end def link_to_with_selected(name, options = {}, html_options = nil) html_options = current_page?(options) ? {:class => "selected"} : nil link_to(name, options = {}, html_options) end def syntax_themes_css out = [] if @load_syntax_themes # %w[ active4d all_hallows_eve amy blackboard brilliance_black brilliance_dull # cobalt dawn eiffel espresso_libre idle iplastic lazy mac_classic # magicwb_amiga pastels_on_dark slush_poppies spacecadet sunburst # twilight zenburnesque # ].each do |syntax| # out << stylesheet_link_tag("syntax_themes/#{syntax}") # end return stylesheet_link_tag("syntax_themes/idle") end out.join("\n") end def base_url(full_url) URI.parse(full_url).host end def gravatar_url_for(email, options = {}) options.reverse_merge!(:default => "images/default_face.gif") port_string = [443, 80].include?(request.port) ? "" : ":#{request.port}" "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=" + (email.nil? ? "" : Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email)) + "&default=" + u("http://#{GitoriousConfig['gitorious_host']}#{port_string}" + "/#{options.delete(:default)}") + options.map { |k,v| "&#{k}=#{v}" }.join end # For a User object, return either his/her avatar or the gravatar for her email address # Options # - Pass on :size for the height+width of the image in pixels # - Pass on :version for a named version/style of the avatar def avatar(user, options={}) if user.avatar? avatar_style = options.delete(:version) || :thumb image_options = { :alt => 'avatar'}.merge(:width => options[:size], :height => options[:size]) image_tag(user.avatar.url(avatar_style), image_options) else gravatar(user.email, options) end end # Returns an avatar from an email address (for instance from a commit) where we don't have an actual User object def avatar_from_email(email, options={}) return if email.blank? avatar_style = options.delete(:version) || :thumb image = User.find_avatar_for_email(email, avatar_style) if image == :nil gravatar(email, options) else image_options = { :alt => 'avatar'}.merge(:width => options[:size], :height => options[:size]) image_tag(image, image_options) end end def gravatar(email, options = {}) size = options[:size] image_options = { :alt => "avatar" } if size image_options.merge!(:width => size, :height => size) end image_tag(gravatar_url_for(email, options), image_options) end def gravatar_frame(email, options = {}) extra_css_class = options[:style] ? " gravatar_#{options[:style]}" : "" %{
#{gravatar(email, options)}
} end def flashes flash.map do |type, content| content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p, content), :class => "flash_message #{type}") end.join("\n") end def commit_graph_tag(repository, ref = "master") end def commit_graph_by_author_tag(repository, ref = "master") end def action_and_body_for_event(event) target = event.target if target.nil? return ["", "", ""] end # These are defined in event_rendering_helper.rb: action, body, category = self.send("render_event_#{Action::css_class(event.action)}", event) body = sanitize(body, :tags => %w[a em i strong b]) [action, body, category] end def link_to_remote_if(condition, name, options, html_options = {}) if condition link_to_remote(name, options, html_options) else content_tag(:span, name) end end def sidebar_content? !@content_for_sidebar.blank? end def render_readme(repository) possibilities = [] repository.git.git.ls_tree({:name_only => true}, "master").each do |line| possibilities << line[0, line.length-1] if line =~ /README.*/ end return "" if possibilities.empty? text = repository.git.git.show({}, "master:#{possibilities.first}") markdown(text) rescue simple_format(sanitize(text)) end def render_markdown_help render :partial => '/site/markdown_help' end def file_path(repository, filename, head = "master") project_repository_blob_path(repository.project, repository, branch_with_tree(head, filename)) end def link_to_help_toggle(dom_id, style = :image) if style == :image link_to_function(image_tag("help_grey.png", { :alt => t("application_helper.more_info") }), "$('##{dom_id}').toggle()", :class => "more_info") else %Q{(} + link_to_function("?", "$('##{dom_id}').toggle()", :class => "more_info") + ")" end end FILE_EXTN_MAPPINGS = { '.cpp' => 'cplusplus-file', '.c' => 'c-file', '.h' => 'header-file', '.java' => 'java-file', '.sh' => 'exec-file', '.exe' => 'exec-file', '.rb' => 'ruby-file', '.png' => 'image-file', '.jpg' => 'image-file', '.gif' => 'image-file', 'jpeg' => 'image-file', '.zip' => 'compressed-file', '.gz' => 'compressed-file'} def class_for_filename(filename) return FILE_EXTN_MAPPINGS[File.extname(filename)] || 'file' end def render_download_links(project, repository, head, options={}) head = desplat_path(head) if head.is_a?(Array) links = [] exceptions = Array(options[:except]) unless exceptions.include?(:source_tree) links << content_tag(:li, link_to("View source tree for #{head}", tree_path(head)), :class => "tree") end if head =~ /^[a-z0-9]{40}$/ # it looks like a SHA1 head = head[0..7] end { 'tar.gz' => 'tar', # 'zip' => 'zip', }.each do |extension, url_key| archive_path = self.send("project_repository_archive_#{url_key}_path", project, repository, ensplat_path(head)) link_html = link_to("Download #{head} as #{extension}", archive_path, :onclick => "Gitorious.DownloadChecker.checkURL('#{archive_path}?format=js', 'archive-box-#{head.gsub("/", "_")}');return false", :class => "download-link") link_callback_box = content_tag(:div, "", :class => "archive-download-box round-5 shadow-2", :id => "archive-box-#{head.gsub("/", "_")}", :style => "display:none;") links << content_tag(:li, link_html+link_callback_box, :class => extension.split('.').last) end if options.delete(:only_list_items) links.join("\n") else css_classes = options[:class] || "meta" content_tag(:ul, links.join("\n"), :class => "links #{css_classes}") end end def paragraphs_with_more(text, identifier) return if text.blank? first, rest = text.split("

", 2) if rest.blank? first + "

" else %Q{#{first} more…

} end end def markdown_hint t("views.common.format_using_markdown", :markdown => %(Markdown)) end def current_site @controller.current_site end def new_polymorphic_comment_path(parent, comment) if parent repo_owner_path(@repository, [@project, @repository, parent, comment]) else repo_owner_path(@repository, [@project, @repository, comment]) end end def force_utf8(str) if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) str.force_encoding("UTF-8") if str.valid_encoding? str else str.encode("binary", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace).encode("utf-8") end else str.mb_chars end end # Creates a CSS styled