require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe ApplicationHelper do it "renders a message if an object is not ready?" do repos = repositories(:johans) build_notice_for(repos).should include("This repository is being created") end it "renders block if object is ready" do obj = mock("any given object") obj.stub!(:ready?).and_return(true) render_if_ready(obj) do "moo" end.should == "moo" end it "renders block if object is ready" do obj = mock("any given object") obj.stub!(:ready?).and_return(false) _erbout = "" # damn you RSpec! render_if_ready(obj) do "moo" end _erbout.should_not == "moo" _erbout.should match(/is being created/) end it "gives us the domain of a full url" do base_url("").should == "" base_url("").should == "" base_url("").should == "" base_url("").should == "" base_url("").should == "" end it "generates a valid gravatar url" do email = ""; url = gravatar_url_for(email) base_url(url).should == "" url.include?(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email)).should == true url.include?("avatar.php?").should == true end it "should generate a blank commit graph url if the graph isn't there" do File.should_receive(:exist?).and_return(false) url = commit_graph_tag(repositories(:johans)) url.should == nil end it "should generate a blank url for commit graph by author if the graph isn't there" do File.should_receive(:exist?).and_return(false) url = commit_graph_by_author_tag(repositories(:johans)) url.should == nil end end