--- name: CM fileTypes: - cm scopeName: source.cm uuid: AEF91285-0D21-4BB0-B702-F5D0CEDBA4B8 foldingStartMarker: \(\* patterns: - name: comment.block.cm captures: "0": name: punctuation.definition.comment.cm begin: \(\* end: \*\) - name: keyword.other.cm match: \b(Library|is|Group|structure|signature|functor)\b - name: meta.directive.cm captures: "1": name: meta.preprocessor.cm "2": name: keyword.control.import.if.cm begin: ^\s*(#(if).*) end: ^\s*(#(endif)) - name: string.quoted.double.cm begin: "\"" end: "\"" patterns: - name: constant.character.escape.cm match: \\. foldingStopMarker: \*\) comment: CM is the SML Compilation Manager, a sophisticated make that determines dependencies for you.