--- name: Prolog fileTypes: [] scopeName: source.prolog uuid: C0E2ADB0-1706-4A28-8DB7-263BDC8B5C5C foldingStartMarker: "%\\s*region \\w*" patterns: - name: string.quoted.single.prolog endCaptures: "0": name: punctuation.definition.string.end.prolog begin: "'" beginCaptures: "0": name: punctuation.definition.string.begin.prolog end: "'" patterns: - name: constant.character.escape.prolog match: \\. - name: constant.character.escape.quote.prolog match: "''" - name: comment.line.percent.prolog captures: "1": name: punctuation.definition.comment.prolog match: (%).*$\n? - name: keyword.operator.definition.prolog match: ":-" - name: variable.other.prolog match: \b[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\b - name: constant.other.symbol.prolog match: \b[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\b comment: "\n\ \t\t\tI changed this from entity to storage.type, but have no idea what it is -- Allan\n\ \t\t\tAnd I changed this to constant.other.symbol after glancing over the docs,\n\ \t\t\t might still be wrong. -- Infininight\n\ \t\t\t" foldingStopMarker: "%\\s*end(\\s*region)?" keyEquivalent: ^~P