kepler.api.common module

The module contains common utility functionality for the REST API implementation.

class kepler.api.common.Response(request)

Bases: object

The class generates REST API response values.

error(reason, message=None)

Returns a response with “error” status.


Returns a result response with result.success == False. The optional keyword arguments are inserted to the response result object.


Returns an error response with “invalid parameters” as reason and optional message.


Returns a response with “ok” status.

result(success, **kwargs)

Returns a result response containing a result object with a mandatory success field.


Returns a result response with result.success == True. The optional keyword arguments are inserted to the response result object.


The function returns a base for standard kepler REST API response.

kepler.api.common.make_error_response(reason, message=None)

The function returns a standard kepler REST API error response with status code “error”.

  • reason – The reason of the error.
  • reason – The message describing the error.

The function returns a standard kerpler REST API success response with status code “ok”.


The function returns a generic kepler REST API success response. All specified keword arguments are appended to the response.

kepler.api.common.make_result_response(success, **kwargs)

The Response with result object that contains a boolean success field. The value of the field is given by the function parameter success.

The function should be used to compose REST API result responses where the REST API call edits any resources. If the call is successful the success must be True and otherwise False.

  • success – Specifies if the call was successful or not.
  • kwargs – Optional parameters added to the result object.

The JSON serializable response dictionary.