kepler.api.notice_board module

The module contains the functionality for REST API calls related to the notice board.

class kepler.api.notice_board.AddNoticeBoardNoteParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameter class for REST API call add_notice_board_note.

lang = The language part of the locale name in which the note is written.
message = The message of the note.
title = The title of the note.
class kepler.api.notice_board.EditNoticeBoardNoteParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameter class for REST API call edit_notice_board_note.

lang = The language part of the locale name in which the note is written.
message = The message of the note.
note_id = The ID of the note to be edited.
title = The title of the note.
class kepler.api.notice_board.HideNoticeBoardNoteParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

note_id = The id of the note to be hidden.
class kepler.api.notice_board.ShowNoticeBoardNoteParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

note_id = The id of the note to be shown.

The function implements the REST API call add_notice_board_note.


The function implements the REST API call edit_notice_board_note.


The function implements the REST API call get_notice_board.


The function implements the REST API call get_notice_board_notes.


The function implements the REST API call hide_notice_board_note.

kepler.api.notice_board.set_transl(lang_id, tr_id, translation)

The utitlity function adds a translation to the database.


The function implements the REST API call show_notice_board_note.