kepler.api.reservation module

The module contains the functionality for REST API calls for reservations.

class kepler.api.reservation.AddReservationParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameters class for REST API call add_reservation.

note = Note that is added to the reservation.
time_slot_id = The ID of the time slot for which the reservation is made.
unit_group_id = The ID of the unit group which the reserved unit belongs to.
unit_id = The ID of the unit that will be reserved.
user_group_id = The ID of the user group for which the reservation is made.
class kepler.api.reservation.DeleteReservationParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameters class for REST API call delete_reservation.

reservation_id = The ID of the reservation to be deleted.
class kepler.api.reservation.GetReservationIcalParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameter class for REST API call get_reservation_ical.

reservation_id = The ID of the reservation which is to be returned
class kepler.api.reservation.GetReservationsParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameter class for REST API call get_reservations_user.

end_time = The end of the time span of returned reservations (exclusive).
start_time = The start of the time span of returned reservations (inclusive).

The function implements the REST API call add_reservation.


The function implements the REST API call delete_reservation.


The function implements the REST API call get_reservation_ical.


The function implements the REST API call get_reservations_user.

kepler.api.reservation.get_user_reservation_events(request, user_id, start, end)

The function returns the list of reservations as calendar events for the specified user and time interval.

kepler.api.reservation.get_user_reservations(user_id, start, end)

The function returns the list of reservations for the specified user and time interval.