kepler.models.constants module

The module contains some configurable constant values that are used elsewhere in Kepler to avoid unnecessarily complicated database queries.

class kepler.models.constants.Language

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for language IDs in the database.

class kepler.models.constants.ReservationStatusType

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for the IDs in the ReservationStatusType database table.

active_id = None

The reservation is active.

did_not_attend_id = None

One or any of the users did not attend the event (NOTE: This should be modeled as a separate table.)

superuser_canceled_id = None

The reservation is canceled by superuser or cascaded from time slot cancellation.

user_canceled_id = None

Canceled by one of the users from the user group that made the reservation.

class kepler.models.constants.ResourceStatusType

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for some of the IDs in ReservationStatusType database table.

available_id = None

The resource is available for use.

broken_id = None

The resource is broken and thus unavailable for use.

deleted_id = None

The resource has been deleted.

unavailable_id = None

The resource is unavailable for use.

class kepler.models.constants.Role

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for some of the IDs in Role database table. Using negative IDs so that the ID sequence of “dynamic roles” can start from 0 or positive.

student_id = None

The role ID for user.

superuser_id = None

The role ID for superuser.

class kepler.models.constants.TimeSlotStatusType

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for the IDs in the TimeSlotStatusType database table.

active_id = None

The time slot is active.

canceled_id = None

The time slot has been canceled.

planned_id = None

The time slot is in planning state and thus not visible for reservations.

class kepler.models.constants.UnitStatusType

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for IDs in UnitStatusType database table.

active_id = None

The unit is active and can be reserved.

deleted_id = None

The unit has been deleted.

class kepler.models.constants.UserGroupType

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for the IDs in the UserGroupType database table.

personal_id = None

The special group type for the automatically created personal user group.

shared_id = None

The group type for user groups that can have multiple members.

class kepler.models.constants.UserInfoType

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The class defines the enumeration for the IDs in the UserInfoType database table.


The utility function maps a locale name to the corresponding language ID. The locale name refers to the language part of the locale. If no matching locale name is found, the default language ID is returned.

Parameters:locale_name – The locale name whose language ID is wanted.
Returns:The language ID that corresponds to the specified locale name.

The utility function checks if a language with the specified locale name is found in the system.

Parameters:locale_name – The locale name to be checked.
Returns:True if the specified locale name is found in the system, otherwise false.