University of Jyväskylä
Department of Matematical Information Technology


Midba team implemented an EJB component prototype (Sum Function) for Enermet OY. SumFunction component is a part of a larger system that handles energy metering. It uses a large database that can have millions of lines, but typically for one calculation thousands of lines are used. The purpose of the component is to perform calculations using certain rules for the specified metering data. Both the rules and the metering data are taken from the database and the new series is saved back into the database after the calculation is accomplished.

MIDBA-project team:

Jukka Mäkelä (
Doina Oltean (
Ilkka Myllyperkiö (
Mika Partanen (

Project supervisor:

Kari Kärkkäinen (

Technical counsellors:

Antti Viinikka (
Niina Hämäläinen (

Enermet Oy

Mauri Patrikainen
Aku Kalajo

Project resources

There were five PC available for the project team. Four of them were located at Enermet, having Windows NT4/W2k, common Windows programs, JDeveloper, Rational Rose and TOAD installed. One computer was located at the University's facilities, having common Windows programs installed. The team was offered one room at Enermet and another room at the University's facilities. Printing and copying services were also offered by both the University and Enermet. Most of the time the team worked at Enermet,so the team members used more frequently the services offered by Enermet.