Project Potku

Potku project group developed a graphical user interface (software Potku) for the visualization and analyzation of a ToF-ERD telescope's measurement data. The customer of the software was the experimental materials physics group in Department of Physics at University of Jyväskylä.

The Potku software can draw the data points received from the telescope into a histogram, allow the user to select chemical elements from the histogram, and use the selected elements to produce elemental losses histograms, energy spectrum histograms and depth profile histograms.

The software was developed with Python 3.3, PyQt and Matplotlib. Software components provided by the customer were written in C.

The Student Software Project course TIES405 was a part of the studies in Department of Mathematical Information Technology at University of Jyväskylä.

Project group

  • Jarkko Aalto
  • Timo Konu
  • Samuli Kärkkäinen
  • Samuli Rahkonen
  • Miika Raunio


  • Timo Sajavaara
  • Mikko Laitinen
  • Jaakko Julin
  • Kai Arstila


  • Jonne Itkonen
  • Jukka-Pekka Santanen
  • Tero Tuovinen
(Click to enlarge)

Last time updated: 31.5.2013