
Jarkko Aalto

Timo Konu

Samuli Kärkkäinen

Samuli Rahkonen

Miika Raunio

Requirements Specification 0.1.0

Requirement priorities

Priority 1Must have

Priority 2Good to have

Priority 3Nice to have

Priority 4Idea

Priority 5Will not be implemented

Requirement states

Look hereOutside module


Green FlagTested

Blue FlagImplemented

ImportantPartly implemented

Not OKNot implemented


Reading measurement data

Priority 1Not OKSoftware reads .lst-file (binary)

Priority 4Not OKSoftware reads .evnt-file (ascii)

Priority 4Not OKSoftware reads XML-file

ToF-E histogram

Priority 1Not OKHistogram can be zoomed

Priority 1Not OKHistogram can be dragged

Priority 1Not OKHistogram data point count in a pixel is displayed via logarithmic coloring

Priority 1Not OKHistogram axes bins can be changed to determine pixel counts per axis

Priority 1Not OKHistogram axes can be inverted

Priority 1Not OKHistogram axes can be transposed

Priority 1Not OKHistogram image can be saved

Priority 2Not OKHistogram data point count in a pixel can be displayed via linear coloring

Priority 3Not OKHistogram axes functions can be defined manually

Priority 3Not OKHistogram coloring scheme can be changed

Priority 3Not OKEstimation of elements' starting point

Element Selection

Priority 1Not OKElement type (ERD/RBS)

Priority 1Not OKElement selection can be removed

Priority 1Not OKElement selection point can be undone (if open)

Priority 1Not OKElement selection can be highlighted (area/border/color)

Priority 1Not OKElement selections' weight factor can be defined

Priority 1Not OKElement selections are saved automatically into a (selection) file

Priority 1Not OKElement selections can be loaded from a selection file

Priority 1Not OKElement selections are saved in cut-file that includes type, element mass, weight factor and data points

Priority 1Not OKElement selection uses efficiency file for each element

Priority 1Not OKElement selection can be modified (change element, type or weight factor)

Priority 1Not OKStable element isotope can be select or average is used

Priority 2Not OKElement selection point can be moved

Priority 3Not OKElement selection can utilize Boole's operators

Priority 3Not OKPeriodic table is colorcoded

Priority 4Not OKUnstable element isotope can be selected


Priority 1Not OKCurve fit with cut-files

Priority 1Not OKLinear fit with parameters

Priority 2Not OKCurve fit can be selected by clicking on the graph

Priority 3Not OKCalibration can use cut-files from outside the project

Priority 3Not OKCalibration parameters can be saved

Priority 3Not OKCalibration shows previous saved calibrations

Priority 3Not OKCalibration shows linear fit of previous saved calibration


Priority 1Not OKFevents saves partition count (as weight factor) into new cut files

Priority 1Not OKFevents will not generate new partitioned cut files automatically

Priority 1Not OKFevents' Y-axis can be scaled as min-max or zero-max

Priority 2Not OKFevents can graph multilple target cut-files at the same time

Priority 3Not OKFevents can generate energy spectrum

Depth profile

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile Y-axis scales every channel 100%

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile Y-axis can be standardised over defined depth

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile X-axis unit can be changed

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile axes ticks are rounded to integers (no decimals)

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile has option to integrate elements ratio at selected depth

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile's dispersion model can be changed and toggled on/off

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile shows cursor coordinates when hovering over the graph

Priority 1Not OKDepth profile image can be saved

Priority 2Not OKDepth profile's depth integration is shown in movable box

Priority 2Not OKDepth profile text and it's font can be changed

Priority 2Not OKDepth profile margin of error can be displayed (none / automatic / manual)

Priority 3Not OKDepth profile Y-axis standardise depth can be graphically selected

Priority 3Not OKDepth profile shows elements in predetermined colormap

Priority 3Not OKSeveral commonly used element colors are fixed

Priority 3Not OKDepth profile has option to show count of elements' data points at selected depth

Priority 3Not OKDepth profile doesn't show large negative values

Energy Spectrum

Priority 1Not OKEnergy spectrum can be saved from cut-files


Priority 3Not OKPlugin to show ratio between selected cut-files

Priority 4Not OKPlugin for data conversion

Priority 4Not OKPlugin for Monte-Carlo -simulation


Priority 2Not OKReport includes histograms in project

Priority 2Not OKReport includes depth profiles in project

Priority 2Not OKReport includes integration of selected depths in depth profiles

Priority 3Not OKReport includes Gnuplot/GLE files

Project management

Priority 1Not OKProjects are saved in users' documents by default

Priority 1Not OKProjects are saved in logical folder structure

Priority 1Not OKProject can include multiple measurements

Priority 1Not OKProjects' measurements are shown in GUI's tabs

Commandline/interpreter interface

Priority 1Not OKGUI functions can be used through commandline