* The directive handles velp summary. Requires reviewController.
* @module velpSummary
* @author Joonas Lattu
* @author Petteri Palojärvi
* @author Seppo Tarvainen
* @licence MIT
* @copyright 2016 Timber project members
var angular;
var timApp = angular.module('timApp');
* Angular directive for phrase selection
* @lends module:velpSummary
timApp.directive('velpSummary', function () {
"use strict";
return {
templateUrl: "/static/templates/velpSummary.html",
controller: 'VelpSummaryController',
scope: {annotations: "="}
timApp.controller('VelpSummaryController', ['$scope', '$http', '$window', function ($scope, $http, $window) {
"use strict";
var console = $window.console;
$scope.settings = {selectedAll: false};
* Toggles annotation in the document
* @method toggleAnnotation
* @param annotation - Annotation to toggle
$scope.toggleAnnotation = function (annotation) {
* Gets total number of points from given annotations.
* @method getTotalPoints
* @param annotations - Array of annotations
* @returns {number} Total number of points
$scope.getTotalPoints = function (annotations) {
var p = 0;
if (annotations === undefined)
return p;
for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
p += $scope.annotations[i].points;
//cast back to a number, the string has trailing zeros.
return Number(p.toPrecision(4));
* Checks all checkboxes linked to the annotations in the velp summary.
* @method checkAll
$scope.checkAll = function () {
angular.forEach($scope.annotations, function (a) {
a.selected = $scope.settings.selectedAll;