Source code for timApp.documentmodel.documentversion

from difflib import HtmlDiff

from contracts import contract, new_contract
from documentmodel.document import Document, DocParagraphIter
from documentmodel.docparagraph import DocParagraph

[docs]class DocumentVersion(Document): @contract def __init__(self, doc_id: 'int', doc_ver: 'tuple(int, int)', files_root=None, modifier_group_id: 'int|None' = 0): super(DocumentVersion, self).__init__(doc_id, files_root, modifier_group_id) self.does_exist = None self.settings = None self.version = doc_ver self.index = None = None self.dict = None self.indexlen = 0
[docs] def cache_index(self): if self.index is None: self.index = {} with open(self.get_version_path(self.version), 'r') as f: while True: line = f.readline() if line == '': self.indexlen = len(self.index) return entry = line.rstrip('\n').split('/') if len(entry) > 1: self.index[entry[0]] = entry[1]
@contract def __len__(self) -> 'int': self.cache_index() return self.indexlen @contract
[docs] def exists(self) -> 'bool': if self.does_exist is None: self.does_exist = Document.version_exists(self.doc_id, self.version, self.files_root) return self.does_exist
[docs] def create(self, ignore_exists : 'bool' = False): assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.create"
@classmethod @contract
[docs] def remove(cls, doc_id: 'int', files_root: 'str|None' = None, ignore_exists=False): assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.remove"
[docs] def get_version(self) -> 'tuple(int, int)': return self.version
[docs] def has_paragraph(self, par_id: 'str') -> 'bool': """ Checks if the document has the given paragraph. :param par_id: The paragraph id. :return: Boolean. """ self.cache_index() return par_id in self.index
[docs] def get_paragraph(self, par_id: 'str') -> 'DocParagraph': self.cache_index() par_hash = self.index.get(par_id, None) if par_hash is not None: return DocParagraph.get(self, par_id, par_hash, self.files_root) else: return DocParagraph.get_latest(self.doc_id, par_id, self.files_root)
[docs] def get_settings(self) -> 'DocSettings': if self.settings is None: self.settings = super(DocumentVersion, self).get_settings() return self.settings
[docs] def add_paragraph_obj(self, p: 'DocParagraph') -> 'DocParagraph': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.add_paragraph_obj"
[docs] def add_paragraph( self, text: 'str', par_id: 'str|None'=None, attrs: 'dict|None'=None, properties: 'dict|None'=None ) -> 'DocParagraph': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.add_paragraph"
[docs] def add_ref_paragraph(self, src_par: 'DocParagraph', text: 'str|None' = None) -> 'DocParagraph': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.add_ref_paragraph"
[docs] def delete_paragraph(self, par_id: 'str'): assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.delete_paragraph"
[docs] def insert_paragraph(self, text: 'str', insert_before_id: 'str|None', attrs: 'dict|None'=None, properties: 'dict|None'=None, par_id: 'str|None'=None) -> 'DocParagraph': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.delete_paragraph"
[docs] def modify_paragraph(self, par_id: 'str', new_text: 'str', new_attrs: 'dict|None'=None, new_properties: 'dict|None'=None) -> 'DocParagraph': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.modify_paragraph"
[docs] def update_section(self, text: 'str', par_id_first: 'str', par_id_last: 'str') -> 'tuple(str,str)': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.update_section"
[docs] def update(self, text: 'str', original: 'str', strict_validation=True): assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.update"
[docs] def modify_paragraph_obj(self, par_id: 'str', p: 'DocParagraph') -> 'DocParagraph': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.modify_paragraph_obj"
[docs] def insert_paragraph_obj(self, p: 'DocParagraph', insert_before_id: 'str|None') -> 'DocParagraph': assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.insert_paragraph_obj"
[docs] def delete_section(self, area_start: str, area_end: str): assert False, "Called DocumentVersion.delete_section"
[docs] def get_diff(d1, d2): differ = HtmlDiff() return differ.make_file(d1.export_markdown().splitlines(), d2.export_markdown().splitlines(), context=True, numlines=5)