Source code for timApp.timdb.annotations

The module contains the database functions related to annotations. This includes adding, modifiying and deleting
annotations as well as adding comments to the annotations. The module also retrieves the annotations from the database.

:authors: Joonas Lattu, Petteri Palojärvi
:copyright: 2016 Timber project members
:version: 1.0.0


import copy
from enum import Enum, unique
from datetime import timedelta
from sqlite3 import Connection
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbBase
from utils import diff_to_relative

[docs]class Annotations(TimDbBase): """ Used as an interface to query the database about annotations. """ @unique
[docs] class AnnotationVisibility(Enum): """Enum for storing the visibility - myself = 1 - owner = 2 - teacher = 3 - everyone = 4 """ myself = 1 owner = 2 teacher = 3 everyone = 4
def __init__(self, db_path: Connection, files_root_path: str, type_name: str, current_user_name: str): """Initializes TimDB with the specified database and root path. :param type_name: The type name. :param current_user_name: The name of the current user. :param db_path: The path of the database file. :param files_root_path: The root path where all the files will be stored. """ TimDbBase.__init__(self, db_path, files_root_path, type_name, current_user_name)
[docs] def create_annotation(self, velp_version_id: int, visible_to: AnnotationVisibility, points: Optional[float], annotator_id: int, document_id: int, paragraph_id_start: Optional[str], paragraph_id_end: Optional[str], offset_start: int, node_start: int, depth_start: int, offset_end: int, node_end: int, depth_end: int, hash_start: Optional[str], hash_end: Optional[str], element_path_start: str, element_path_end: str, valid_until: Optional[str] = None, icon_id: Optional[int] = None, answer_id: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """Create a new annotation. :param velp_version_id: Version of the velp that the annotation uses. :param visible_to: visibility of the annotation. :param points: Points given, overrides velp's default and can be null. :param annotator_id: ID of user who left the annotation. :param document_id: ID of document in which annotation is located in. :param paragraph_id_start: ID of paragraph where annotation starts. :param paragraph_id_end: ID of paragraph where annotation ends. :param offset_start: Character location where annotation starts. :param node_start: Start node number :param depth_start: depth of the element path :param offset_end: Character location where annotation ends. :param node_end: End node number :param depth_end: depth of the element path :param hash_start: Hash code of paragraph where annotation starts. :param hash_end: Hash code of paragraph where annotation ends. :param element_path_start: List of elements as text (parsed in interface) connected to annotation start. :param element_path_end: List of elements as text (parsed in interface) connected to annotation end. :param valid_until: Datetime until which annotation is valid for, 'none' for forever. :param icon_id: ID of icon associated with annotation, can be 'none'. :param answer_id: ID of answer if annotation is located within one. :return: ID of the new, just added annotation. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Annotation(velp_version_id, visible_to, points, valid_until, icon_id, annotator_id, document_id, answer_id, paragraph_id_start, paragraph_id_end, offset_start, node_start, depth_start, offset_end, node_end, depth_end, hash_start, hash_end, element_path_start, element_path_end) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, [velp_version_id, visible_to.value, points, valid_until, icon_id, annotator_id, document_id, answer_id, paragraph_id_start, paragraph_id_end, offset_start, node_start, depth_start, offset_end, node_end, depth_end, hash_start, hash_end, element_path_start, element_path_end] ) self.db.commit() return cursor.lastrowid
[docs] def update_annotation(self, annotation_id: int, version_id: Optional[int], visible_to: AnnotationVisibility, points: Optional[float], icon_id: Optional[int]): """Changes an existing annotation. :param annotation_id: annotation to be changed. :param version_id: version of the velp that the annotation uses :param visible_to: visibility of the annotation :param points: Points given, overrides velp's default and can be null :param icon_id: Icon id, can be null """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE Annotation SET velp_version_id = ?, visible_to = ?, points = ?, icon_id = ? WHERE id = ? """, [version_id, visible_to.value, points, icon_id, annotation_id] ) self.db.commit()
[docs] def get_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) -> List[Dict]: """Gets an annotation. :param annotation_id: ID of annotation :return: A list of dictionaries with the fields of individual annotations. List is empty if nothing is found and has several rows if there are duplicate ids(not good). """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM Annotation WHERE = ? """, [annotation_id]) return self.resultAsDictionary(cursor)
[docs] def invalidate_annotation(self, annotation_id: int, valid_until: Optional[str] = None): """Invalidates and thus hides annotation. :param annotation_id: Id of annotation :param valid_until: Time when annotation will be invalidated """ cursor = self.db.cursor() if valid_until is None: # None if we want to invalidate immediately cursor.execute(""" UPDATE Annotation SET valid_until = current_timestamp WHERE = ? """, [annotation_id] ) else: # Else invalidate at some specific time cursor.execute(""" UPDATE Annotation SET valid_until = ? WHERE = ? """, [valid_until, annotation_id] ) self.db.commit()
[docs] def add_comment(self, annotation_id: int, commenter_id: int, content: str) -> int: """Adds new comment to an annotation. :param annotation_id: ID of annotation :param commenter_id: ID of commenter :param content: Text of comment :return: ID of the new comment. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO AnnotationComment(annotation_id, commenter_id, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, [annotation_id, commenter_id, content] ) self.db.commit() return cursor.lastrowid
[docs] def get_annotations_with_comments_in_document(self, user_id: int, user_has_see_answers: bool, user_has_teacher: bool, user_has_owner: bool, document_id: int) -> List[Dict]: """Gets all annotations with comments the user can see / has access to. :param user_id: user ID :param user_has_see_answers: whether user has 'see answer' rights or not. :param user_has_teacher: whether user has 'teacher' rights or not. :param user_has_owner: whether user is document owner or not. :param document_id: The relevant document. :return: List of dictionaries containing annotations with comments """ annotations = self.get_annotations_in_document(user_id, user_has_see_answers, user_has_teacher, user_has_owner, document_id) annotation_ids = [] for annotation in annotations: annotation_ids.append(annotation['id']) annotation['timesince'] = diff_to_relative(timedelta(seconds=annotation['seconds_since'])) comment_data = self.get_comments_for_annotations(annotation_ids) comment_dict = {} # Go through and sort the to list of dictionaries for each unique annotation ID found if comment_data: annotation_id = comment_data[0]['annotation_id'] list_help = [] dict_help = {} for i in range(len(comment_data)): next_id = comment_data[i]['annotation_id'] if next_id != annotation_id: comment_dict[annotation_id] = copy.deepcopy(list_help) annotation_id = next_id dict_help.clear() del list_help[:] dict_help['comment_relative_time'] = diff_to_relative( timedelta(seconds=comment_data[i]['seconds_since'])) dict_help['comment_time'] = comment_data[i]['comment_time'] dict_help['commenter_id'] = comment_data[i]['commenter_id'] dict_help['content'] = comment_data[i]['content'] dict_help['commenter_username'] = comment_data[i]['username'] dict_help['commenter_real_name'] = comment_data[i]['real_name'] dict_help['commenter_email'] = comment_data[i]['user_email'] list_help.append(copy.deepcopy(dict_help)) if i == len(comment_data) - 1: comment_dict[annotation_id] = copy.deepcopy(list_help) annotation_id = next_id dict_help.clear() # Attach comments to corresponding annotations for annotation in annotations: annotation_id = annotation['id'] if annotation_id in comment_dict: annotation['comments'] = copy.deepcopy(comment_dict[annotation_id]) else: annotation['comments'] = [] print("No comments for annotation id: " + str(annotation_id)) return annotations
[docs] def get_annotations_in_document(self, user_id: int, user_has_see_answers, user_has_teacher: bool, user_has_owner: bool, document_id: int) -> List[Dict]: """Gets all annotations made in a document. Both in document and in answers. :param user_has_see_answers: whether user has 'see answer' rights or not. :param user_id: user that is viewing annotations. Affects which annotations are returned. :param user_has_teacher: whether user has 'teacher' rights or not. :param user_has_owner: whether user is document owner or not. :param document_id: The relevant document. :return: List of dictionaries, each dictionary representing a single annotation. """ # Todo choose velp language. Have fun. language_id = 'FI' check_annotation_access_right_sql = "Annotation.visible_to = ?" annotation_access_levels = [Annotations.AnnotationVisibility.everyone.value] if user_has_teacher: check_annotation_access_right_sql += "OR\nAnnotation.visible_to = ?" annotation_access_levels = annotation_access_levels + [Annotations.AnnotationVisibility.teacher.value] if user_has_owner: check_annotation_access_right_sql += "OR\nAnnotation.visible_to = ?" annotation_access_levels = annotation_access_levels + [Annotations.AnnotationVisibility.owner.value] check_annotation_access_right_sql += "\n" cursor = self.db.cursor() # Distinct is necessary, because we get several identical rows if there are several users contributing in the # same answer. cursor.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT, velpversion.velp_id AS velp, velpcontent.content AS content, annotation.visible_to, annotation.points, strftime('%s','now')- strftime('%s',annotation.creation_time) AS seconds_since, annotation.creation_time as creationtime, annotation.valid_until, annotation.icon_id, annotation.annotator_id, Annotation.annotator_id = ? AS edit_access, AS annotator_name, user.real_name AS annotator_real_name,, annotation.answer_id, annotation.paragraph_id_start, annotation.paragraph_id_end, annotation.offset_start, annotation.node_start, annotation.depth_start, annotation.offset_end, annotation.node_end, annotation.depth_end, annotation.hash_start, annotation.hash_end, annotation.element_path_start, annotation.element_path_end, UserAnswer.user_id FROM annotation INNER JOIN velpversion ON = annotation.velp_version_id INNER JOIN velpcontent ON velpcontent.version_id = annotation.velp_version_id LEFT JOIN useranswer ON useranswer.answer_id = annotation.answer_id INNER JOIN user ON = annotation.annotator_id WHERE velpcontent.language_id = ? AND (annotation.valid_until ISNULL OR annotation.valid_until >= current_timestamp) AND annotation.document_id = ? AND ( annotation.annotator_id = ? OR ( """ + check_annotation_access_right_sql + """ AND (? OR UserAnswer.user_id = ? OR UserAnswer.user_id ISNULL) ) ) ORDER BY depth_start DESC, node_start DESC, offset_start DESC """, [user_id, language_id, document_id, user_id] + annotation_access_levels + [user_has_see_answers, user_id] ) results = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) for result in results: if result['element_path_start'] is not None and result['element_path_end'] is not None: start_path = [int(i) for i in result['element_path_start'][1:-1].split(',')] end_path = [int(i) for i in result['element_path_end'][1:-1].split(',')] else: start_path = None end_path = None start = {'par_id': result['paragraph_id_start'], 'offset': result['offset_start'], 'node': result['node_start'], 'depth': result['depth_start'], 't': result['hash_start'], 'el_path': start_path} end = {'par_id': result['paragraph_id_end'], 'offset': result['offset_end'], 'node': result['node_end'], 'depth': result['depth_end'], 't': result['hash_end'], 'el_path': end_path} coord = {'start': start, 'end': end} result['coord'] = coord return results
[docs] def get_comments_for_annotations(self, annotation_ids: List[int]) -> List[Dict]: """Gets comments for annotations given as a list. Also calculates for each comment how long ago it was made. (This can be negative if for some reason there are timestamps ahead of the server clock in the database. I didn't find a way to calculate the difference without using strftime. :param annotation_ids: List of annotation IDs :return: List of dictionaries containing annotation comment data """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT AnnotationComment.annotation_id, AnnotationComment.comment_time, strftime('%s','now')- strftime('%s',AnnotationComment.comment_time) as seconds_since, AnnotationComment.commenter_id, AnnotationComment.content, as username, User.real_name, as user_email FROM AnnotationComment JOIN User ON AnnotationComment.commenter_id = WHERE AnnotationComment.annotation_id IN ({}) ORDER BY AnnotationComment.annotation_id ASC; """.format(self.get_sql_template(annotation_ids)), annotation_ids ) comment_data = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) return comment_data