# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from containerLink import call_plugin_html, call_plugin_multihtml, PluginException from containerLink import plugin_reqs from containerLink import get_plugin_tim_url from collections import OrderedDict import yaml from yaml import CLoader import yaml.parser import yaml.scanner from htmlSanitize import sanitize_html import json import html import re def correct_yaml(text): """ Inserts missing spaces after : Like width:20 => width: 20 Also gives an other way to write multiline attributes, by starting the multiline like: program: |!! (!! could be any number and any non a-z,A-Z chars and ending it by !! in first column :param text: text to convert proper yaml :return: text that is proper yaml """ lines = text.splitlines() s = "" p = re.compile("^[^ :]*:[^ ]") # kissa:istuu pm = re.compile("^[^ :]*:[ ]+\|[^ a-zA-Z]+$") # program: ||| or program: |!!! multiline = False for line in lines: if p.match(line) and not multiline: line = line.replace(':', ': ', 1) if pm.match(line): multiline = True n = 0 line, end_str = line.split("|", 1) s = s + line + "|\n" continue if multiline: if line == end_str: multiline = False continue line = " " + line s = s + line + "\n" return s def parse_yaml(text): values = {} if len(text) == 0: return False try: text = correct_yaml(text) values = yaml.load(text, Loader=CLoader) except yaml.parser.ParserError as e: return str(e) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: return str(e) try: if type(values) is str: return values else: return values except KeyError: return "Missing identifier" return "Unknown error" def parse_plugin_values(nodes): plugins = [] for node in nodes: values = {} name = node['plugin'] if not len(node.text): continue try: values = parse_yaml(node.text) if type(values) is str: plugins.append({"plugin": name, 'error': "YAML is malformed: " + values}) else: plugins.append({"plugin": name, "markup": values, "taskId": node['id']}) except Exception as e: plugins.append({"plugin": name, 'error': "Unknown error: " + str(e)}) return plugins ''' def parse_plugin_values(nodes): plugins = [] for node in nodes: values = {} name = node['plugin'] if len(node.text) > 0: try: values = yaml.load(node.text, Loader=CLoader) except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError): plugins.append({"plugin": name, 'error': "YAML is malformed"}) try: if type(values) is str: plugins.append({"plugin": name, 'error': "YAML is malformed"}) else: plugins.append({"plugin": name, "markup": values, "taskId": node['id']}) except KeyError: plugins.append({"plugin": name, 'error': "Missing identifier"}) return plugins ''' def find_plugins(html_str): if not html_str.startswith('
                values = parse_yaml(node.text) # yaml.load(node.text, Loader=CLoader)
                if type(values) is str:
                    print("Malformed yaml string ", values)
                    return "YAMLERROR: Malformed string"
            except Exception as e:
                print("Malformed yaml string ", str(e))
                return "YAMLERROR: Malformed string"
    return values

def get_block_yaml(block):
    tree = BeautifulSoup(block)
    values = None
    for node in tree.find_all('pre'):
        if len(node.text) > 0:
                values = yaml.load(node.text, Loader=CLoader)
            except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError):
                print("Malformed yaml string")
                return "YAMLERROR: Malformed string"
    return values

def get_error_html(plugin_name, message):
    return '
Plugin {} error: {}
'.format(plugin_name, message) def find_task_ids(blocks, doc_id): task_ids = [] final_html_blocks = [] plugins = {} for idx, block in enumerate(blocks): found_plugins = find_plugins(block) if len(found_plugins) > 0: plugin_info = parse_plugin_values(found_plugins) error_messages = [] for vals in plugin_info: plugin_name = vals['plugin'] if 'error' in vals: error_messages.append(get_error_html(plugin_name, vals['error'])) continue if not plugin_name in plugins: plugins[plugin_name] = OrderedDict() task_ids.append("{}.{}".format(doc_id, vals['taskId'])) return task_ids def pluginify(blocks, user, answer_db, doc_id, user_id, custom_state=None): """ "Pluginifies" or sanitizes the specified HTML blocks by inspecting each block for plugin markers, calling the corresponding plugin route if such is found. Sanitizes HTML for each non-plugin block. :param blocks: A list of HTML blocks to be processed. :param user: The current user's username. :param answer_db: A reference to the answer database. :param doc_id: The document id. :param user_id: The user id. :param custom_state: Optional state that will used as the state for the plugin instead of answer database. If this parameter is specified, the expression len(blocks) MUST be 1. :return: Processed HTML blocks along with JavaScript, CSS stylesheet and AngularJS module dependencies. """ if custom_state is not None: if len(blocks) != 1: raise PluginException('len(blocks) must be 1 if custom state is specified') final_html_blocks = [] plugins = {} for idx, block in enumerate(blocks): found_plugins = find_plugins(block) if len(found_plugins) > 0: assert len(found_plugins) == 1 plugin_info = parse_plugin_values(found_plugins) vals = plugin_info[0] plugin_name = vals['plugin'] if 'error' in vals: final_html_blocks.append({'html': '
' 'Error(s) occurred while rendering plugin.' '
' + get_error_html(plugin_name, vals['error']) }) continue if plugin_name not in plugins: plugins[plugin_name] = OrderedDict() vals['markup']["user_id"] = user task_id = "{}.{}".format(doc_id, vals['taskId']) states = answer_db.getAnswers(user_id, task_id) if custom_state is not None: state = custom_state else: # Don't show state for anonymous users. state = None if user_id == 0 or len(states) == 0 else states[0]['content'] try: if state is not None: state = json.loads(state) except ValueError: pass plugins[plugin_name][idx] = {"markup": vals['markup'], "state": state, "taskID": task_id} final_html_blocks.append({'html': '', # This will be filled later 'task_id': task_id}) else: final_html_blocks.append({'html': sanitize_html(block)}) js_paths = [] css_paths = [] modules = [] for plugin_name, plugin_block_map in plugins.items(): try: resp = plugin_reqs(plugin_name) except PluginException as e: for idx in plugin_block_map.keys(): final_html_blocks[idx]['html'] = get_error_html(plugin_name, str(e)) continue try: reqs = json.loads(resp) except ValueError: for idx in plugin_block_map.keys(): final_html_blocks[idx]['html'] = get_error_html(plugin_name, 'Failed to parse JSON from plugin reqs route.') continue plugin_js_files, plugin_css_files, plugin_modules = plugin_deps(reqs) for src in plugin_js_files: if src.startswith("http") or src.startswith("/"): js_paths.append(src) else: path = get_plugin_tim_url(plugin_name) + "/" + src js_paths.append(path) for src in plugin_css_files: if src.startswith("http") or src.startswith("/"): css_paths.append(src) else: path = get_plugin_tim_url(plugin_name) + "/" + src css_paths.append(path) for mod in plugin_modules: modules.append(mod) # Remove duplicates, preserving order js_paths = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(js_paths)) css_paths = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(css_paths)) modules = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(modules)) plugin_url = get_plugin_tim_url(plugin_name) if 'multihtml' in reqs and reqs['multihtml']: try: response = call_plugin_multihtml(plugin_name, json.dumps([val for _, val in plugin_block_map.items()])) except PluginException as e: for idx in plugin_block_map.keys(): final_html_blocks[idx]['html'] = get_error_html(plugin_name, str(e)) continue try: plugin_htmls = json.loads(response) except ValueError: for idx in plugin_block_map.keys(): final_html_blocks[idx]['html'] = get_error_html(plugin_name, 'Failed to parse plugin response from reqs route.') continue for idx, markup, html in zip(plugin_block_map.keys(), plugin_block_map.values(), plugin_htmls): final_html_blocks[idx]['html'] = "
".format(markup['taskID'], plugin_url, html) else: for idx, val in plugin_block_map.items(): try: html = call_plugin_html(plugin_name, val['markup'], val['state'], val['taskID']) except PluginException as e: final_html_blocks[idx]['html'] = get_error_html(plugin_name, str(e)) continue final_html_blocks[idx]['html'] = "
".format(val['taskID'], plugin_url, html) return final_html_blocks, js_paths, css_paths, modules def make_browse_buttons(user_id, task_id, answer_db): states = answer_db.getAnswers(user_id, task_id) if len(states) > 1: formatted = "" content_obj = json.loads(states[len(states)-1]["content"]) if isinstance(content_obj, dict): for key, val in content_obj.items(): formatted += key + "\n---------------\n" + str(val) + "\n\n" elif isinstance(content_obj, list): for v in content_obj: formatted += "List element:" + "\n---------------\n" + str(v) + "\n\n" else: formatted = str(content_obj) first = "
First answer:
".format(html.escape(formatted)) else: first = "" return """
{} / {} {}
""".format(len(states), len(states), first) # p is json of plugin requirements of the form: # {"js": ["js.js"], "css":["css.css"], "angularModule":["module"]} def plugin_deps(p): js_files = [] modules = [] css_files = [] if "css" in p: for cssF in p['css']: css_files.append(cssF) if "js" in p: for jsF in p['js']: js_files.append(jsF) if "angularModule" in p: for ng in p['angularModule']: modules.append(ng) return js_files, css_files, modules