import os from shutil import copyfile from datetime import datetime from contracts import contract import ansiconv from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbBase, TimDbException, blocktypes from timdb.docidentifier import DocIdentifier from ephemeralclient import EphemeralClient, EphemeralException, EPHEMERAL_URL from timdb.gitclient import NothingToCommitException, GitClient from utils import date_to_relative class Documents(TimDbBase): @contract def __init__(self, db_path: 'Connection', files_root_path: 'str', type_name: 'str', current_user_name: 'str'): """Initializes TimDB with the specified database and root path. :param type_name: The type name. :param current_user_name: The name of the current user. :param db_path: The path of the database file. :param files_root_path: The root path where all the files will be stored. """ TimDbBase.__init__(self, db_path, files_root_path, type_name, current_user_name) = EphemeralClient(EPHEMERAL_URL) self.git = GitClient.connect(files_root_path) @contract def addMarkdownBlock(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', content: 'str', new_block_index: 'int') -> 'tuple(list(str),DocIdentifier)': """Adds a new markdown block to the specified document. :param document_id: The id of the document. :param content: The content of the block. :param new_block_index: The index of the new block. :returns: A list of the added blocks. """ assert self.documentExists(, 'document does not exist: %r' % document_id self.ensureCached(document_id) content = self.trimDoc(content) response =, new_block_index, content) new_doc = self.__handleModifyResponse(document_id, response, 'Added a paragraph at index %d' % (new_block_index), new_block_index, len(response['paragraphs'])) return response['paragraphs'], new_doc @contract def createDocument(self, name: 'str', owner_group_id: 'int') -> 'DocIdentifier': """Creates a new document with the specified name. :param name: The name of the document to be created. :param owner_group_id: The id of the owner group. :returns: The id of the newly created document. """ if '\0' in name: raise TimDbException('Document name cannot contain null characters.') document_id = self.insertBlockToDb(name, owner_group_id, blocktypes.DOCUMENT) document_path = os.path.join(self.blocks_path, str(document_id)) try: self.writeUtf8('Edit me!', document_path) except OSError: print('Couldn\'t open file for writing:' + document_path) self.db.rollback() raise rel_block_path = os.path.relpath(self.blocks_path, self.files_root_path) rel_document_path = os.path.join(rel_block_path, str(document_id)) self.git.add(rel_document_path) doc_hash = self.git.commit('Created a new document: {} (id = {})'.format(name, document_id)) docId = DocIdentifier(document_id, doc_hash), b'Edit me!') cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""UPDATE Block SET created = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE type_id = ? and id = ?""", [blocktypes.DOCUMENT,]) self.db.commit() self.updateLatestRevision(docId) return docId @contract def createDocumentFromBlocks(self, block_directory: 'str', document_name: 'str'): """ Creates a document from existing blocks in the specified directory. The blocks should be ordered alphabetically. :param block_directory: The path to the directory containing the blocks. :param document_name: The name of the document to be created. """ assert os.path.isdir(block_directory) blockfiles = [int(f) for f in os.listdir(block_directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(block_directory, f))] blockfiles.sort() with open("tmp.temp", "w", encoding='utf-8') as tmpfile: for file in blockfiles: print(file) with open(os.path.join(block_directory, str(file)), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: tmpfile.write( tmpfile.write('\n\n') self.importDocumentFromFile('tmp.temp', document_name, 0) @contract def deleteDocument(self, document_id: 'int'): """Deletes the specified document. :param document_id: The id of the document to be deleted. """ assert self.documentExists(document_id), 'document does not exist: %d' % document_id cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Block WHERE type_id = ? AND id = ?', [blocktypes.DOCUMENT, document_id]) cursor.execute('DELETE FROM ParMappings where doc_id = ?', [document_id]) cursor.execute('DELETE FROM ReadParagraphs where doc_id = ?', [document_id]) cursor.execute('DELETE FROM UserNotes where doc_id = ?', [document_id]) self.db.commit() os.remove(self.getDocumentPath(document_id)) self.git.rm(self.getDocumentPathAsRelative(document_id)) self.git.commit('Deleted document {}.'.format(document_id)) @contract def deleteParagraph(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', par_id: 'int') -> 'DocIdentifier': """Deletes a paragraph from a document. :param document_id: The id of the document from which to delete the paragraph. :param par_id: The index of the paragraph in the document that should be deleted. """ self.ensureCached(document_id) response =, par_id) new_doc = self.__handleModifyResponse(document_id, response, 'Deleted a paragraph at index %d' % (par_id), par_id, -1) return new_doc @contract def documentExists(self, document_id: 'int') -> 'bool': """Checks whether a document with the specified id exists. :param document_id: The id of the document. :returns: True if the documents exists, false otherwise. """ return self.blockExists(document_id, blocktypes.DOCUMENT) @contract def getDocumentId(self, document_name: 'str') -> 'int|None': """Gets the document's identifier by its name or None if not found. :param document_name: The name of the document. :returns: A row representing the document. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Block WHERE description = ? AND type_id = ?', [document_name, blocktypes.DOCUMENT]) row = cursor.fetchone() return row[0] if row is not None else None @contract def getDocument(self, document_id: 'int') -> 'dict': """Gets the metadata information of the specified document. :param document_id: The id of the document to be retrieved. :returns: A row representing the document. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id, description AS name FROM Block WHERE id = ? AND type_id = ?', [document_id, blocktypes.DOCUMENT]) return self.resultAsDictionary(cursor)[0] @contract def getDocuments(self, historylimit: 'int'=100) -> 'list(dict)': """Gets all the documents in the database. :returns: A list of dictionaries of the form {'id': , 'name': 'document_name'} """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id,description AS name,modified,latest_revision_id FROM Block WHERE type_id = ?', [blocktypes.DOCUMENT]) results = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) zombies = [] for result in results: if not self.blockExists(result['id'], blocktypes.DOCUMENT): print('getDocuments: document {} does not exist on the disk!'.format(result['id'])) zombies.append(result) continue else: result['versions'] = self.getDocumentVersions(result['id'], limit=historylimit) if result['modified'] is None or result['latest_revision_id'] is None: latest_version = self.getDocumentVersions(result['id'], limit=1, date_format='iso') time_str = latest_version[0]['timestamp'].rsplit(' ', 1)[0] cursor.execute("""UPDATE Block SET modified = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ?) WHERE type_id = ? and id = ?""", [time_str, blocktypes.DOCUMENT, result['id']]) result['modified'] = time_str if result['latest_revision_id'] is None: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ReadRevision (Block_id, Hash) VALUES (?, ?)", [result['id'], latest_version[0]['hash']]) cursor.execute("UPDATE Block SET latest_revision_id = ? WHERE type_id = ? and id = ?", [cursor.lastrowid, blocktypes.DOCUMENT, result['id']]) result['modified'] = date_to_relative(datetime.strptime(result['modified'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) self.db.commit() for zombie in zombies: results.remove(zombie) return results @contract def updateLatestRevision(self, doc_id: 'DocIdentifier', commit: 'bool'=True): cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT latest_revision_id FROM Block WHERE id = ?', []) revid = cursor.fetchone()[0] if revid is None: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ReadRevision (Block_id, Hash) VALUES (?, ?)", [, doc_id.hash]) cursor.execute("UPDATE Block SET latest_revision_id = ? WHERE type_id = ? and id = ?", [cursor.lastrowid, blocktypes.DOCUMENT,]) else: cursor.execute("UPDATE ReadRevision SET Hash = ? WHERE revision_id = ?", [doc_id.hash, revid]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def getDocumentsForGroup(self, group_id : 'int', historylimit: 'int'=100) -> 'list(dict)': """Gets all the documents owned by a group. :returns: A list of dictionaries of the form {'id': , 'name': 'document_name'} """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id,description AS name FROM Block WHERE type_id = ? AND UserGroup_id = ?', [blocktypes.DOCUMENT, group_id]) results = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) for result in results: result['versions'] = self.getDocumentVersions(result['id'], limit=historylimit) return results @contract def getDocumentsByIds(self, document_ids: 'list(int)') -> 'seq(row)': """Gets all the documents in the database.""" cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('select id,description as name from Block where id in (%s)' % ','.join('?' * len(document_ids)), document_ids) return cursor.fetchall() @contract def getDocumentBlockIds(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier') -> 'list(int)': """Gets the block ids of the specified document. :param document_id: The id of the document. :returns: A list of the block ids of the document. """ document_path = self.getDocumentPath( assert os.path.exists(document_path), 'document does not exist: %d' % document_id # TODO: Get ids of the document from Ephemeral. If the ids are indexes, maybe only count is needed? @contract def getBlock(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', block_id: 'int') -> 'str': """Gets a block of a document. :param document_id: The id of the document. :param block_id: The id (index) of the block in the document. """ content = self.ephemeralCall(document_id,, block_id) return self.trimDoc(content) def getBlockAsHtml(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', block_id: 'int') -> 'str': """Gets a block of a document in HTML. :param document_id: The id of the document. :param block_id: The id (index) of the block in the document. """ return self.ephemeralCall(document_id,, block_id) @contract def getDocumentAsBlocks(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier') -> 'list(str)': """Gets all the blocks of the specified document in markdown format. :param document_id: The id of the document. :returns: The blocks of the document in markdown format. """ return [self.trimDoc(block) for block in self.ephemeralCall(document_id,] @contract def getDocumentAsHtmlBlocks(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier') -> 'list(str)': """Gets the specified document in HTML form. :param document_id: The id of the document. :returns: The document contents as a list of HTML blocks. """ return self.ephemeralCall(document_id, @contract def getIndex(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier') -> 'list(str)': return [block for block in self.getDocumentAsBlocks(document_id) if len(block) > 0 and block[0] == '#'] @contract def ephemeralCall(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', ephemeral_function, *args): """Calls a function of EphemeralClient, ensuring that the document is in cache. :param args: Required arguments for the function. :param ephemeral_function: The function to call. :param document_id: The id of the document. """ try: result = ephemeral_function(document_id, *args) except EphemeralException: if self.documentExists( with open(self.getBlockPath(, 'rb') as f:, result = ephemeral_function(document_id, *args) else: raise TimDbException('The requested document was not found.') return result @contract def getDocumentPath(self, document_id: 'int') -> 'str': """Gets the path of the specified document. :param document_id: The id of the document. :returns: The path of the document. """ return self.getBlockPath(document_id) @contract def getDocumentPathAsRelative(self, document_id: 'int'): return os.path.relpath(self.getDocumentPath(document_id), self.files_root_path).replace('\\', '/') @contract def getDocumentMarkdown(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier') -> 'str': content = self.git.get_contents(document_id.hash, self.getDocumentPathAsRelative( return self.trimDoc(content) @contract def getDifferenceToPrevious(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier') -> 'str': try: out, _ = self.git.command('diff --color --unified=5 {}^! {}'.format(document_id.hash, self.getDocumentPathAsRelative( except TimDbException as e: e.message = 'The requested revision was not found.' raise html = ansiconv.to_html(out) return html @contract def getDocumentVersions(self, document_id: 'int', limit: 'int'=100, date_format: 'str'='relative') -> 'list(dict(str:str))': """Gets the versions of a document. :param date_format: The date format. :param limit: Maximum number of versions to get. :param document_id: The id of the document whose versions will be fetched. :returns: A list of the versions of the document. """ if limit <= 0: return [] if not self.documentExists(document_id): raise TimDbException('The specified document does not exist.') file_path = self.getDocumentPathAsRelative(document_id) output, _ = self.git.command('log --format=%H|%ad|%an|%s --date={} -n {} {}'.format(date_format, limit, file_path)) lines = output.splitlines() versions = [] for line in lines: pieces = line.split('|') versions.append({'hash': pieces[0], 'timestamp': pieces[1], 'user': pieces[2], 'message': pieces[3]}) return versions @contract def getNewestVersion(self, document_id: 'int') -> 'dict(str:str)|None': """Gets the hash of the newest version for a document. :param document_id: The id of the document. :returns: A version dictionary, or none if not found. """ return self.git.getLatestVersionDetails(self.getDocumentPathAsRelative(document_id)) @contract def getNewestVersionHash(self, doc_id: 'int') -> 'str|None': """Gets the hash of the newest version for a document. :param document_id: The id of the document. :returns: The hash string, or None if not found. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT latest_revision_id FROM Block WHERE id = ?", [doc_id]) revid = cursor.fetchone() if revid is None: doc_ver = self.git.getLatestVersion(self.getDocumentPathAsRelative(doc_id)) self.updateLatestRevision(DocIdentifier(doc_id, doc_ver)) return doc_ver else: cursor.execute("SELECT Hash FROM ReadRevision WHERE revision_id = ?", [revid[0]]) return cursor.fetchone()[0] @contract def importDocumentFromFile(self, document_file: 'str', document_name: 'str', owner_group_id: 'int') -> 'DocIdentifier': """Imports the specified document in the database. :param document_file: The file path of the document to import. :param document_name: The name for the document. :param owner_group_id: The owner group of the document. :returns: The id of the imported document. """ # Assuming the document file is markdown-formatted, importing a document is very straightforward. doc_id = DocIdentifier(self.insertBlockToDb(document_name, owner_group_id, blocktypes.DOCUMENT), '') copyfile(document_file, self.getDocumentPath( self.git.add(self.getDocumentPathAsRelative( doc_hash = self.git.commit('Imported document: {} (id = {})'.format(document_name, docId = DocIdentifier(, doc_hash) with open(document_file, 'rb') as f:, return docId @contract def importDocument(self, content: 'str', document_name: 'str', owner_group_id: 'int') -> 'DocIdentifier': doc_id = DocIdentifier(self.insertBlockToDb(document_name, owner_group_id, blocktypes.DOCUMENT), '') doc_hash = self.__commitDocumentChanges(doc_id, content, 'Imported document: %s (id = %d)' % (document_name, doc_id = DocIdentifier(, doc_hash), content.encode('utf-8')) return doc_id def __commitDocumentChanges(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', doc_content: 'str', msg: 'str') -> 'str': """Commits the changes of the specified document to Git. :param document_id: The document identifier. :param msg: The commit message. :returns: The hash of the commit. """ self.writeUtf8(doc_content, self.getDocumentPath( self.git.add(self.getDocumentPathAsRelative( return self.git.commit('Document {}: {}'.format(, msg), author=self.current_user_name) @contract def ensureCached(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier'): self.getDocumentAsBlocks(document_id) def getParMappings(self, doc_id : 'DocIdentifier', start_index = 0, end_index = -1) -> 'list(tuple)': cursor = self.db.cursor() endclause = " and par_index < {}".format(end_index) if end_index >= 0 else "" cursor.execute( "select par_index, new_index from ParMappings where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index >= ?" + endclause, [, doc_id.hash, start_index]) return cursor.fetchall() def addParMapping(self, old_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', new_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', par_index : 'int', new_index : 'int', modified=False, commit=True): cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( """ update ParMappings set new_ver = ?, new_index = ?, modified = ? where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index = ? """, [new_document_id.hash, new_index, modified,, old_document_id.hash, par_index]) cursor.execute( """ insert into ParMappings (doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, new_ver, new_index, modified) values (?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL) """, [, new_document_id.hash, new_index]) if commit: self.db.commit() def __copyParMappings(self, old_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', new_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', start_index : 'int' = 0, end_index : 'int' = -1, offset : 'int' = 0, commit: 'bool'=True): for m in self.getParMappings(old_document_id, start_index, end_index): par_index = int(m[0]) new_index = par_index + offset #print("{0} par {1} -> {2} par {3}".format(old_document_id.hash[:6], new_index, new_document_id.hash[:6], new_index)) self.addParMapping(old_document_id, new_document_id, par_index, new_index, commit=False) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def updateParMappings(self, old_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', new_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', start_index : 'int' = 0, commit: 'bool'=True): cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( """ select par_index from ParMappings where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index >= ? order by par_index """, [, old_document_id.hash, start_index]) old_pars = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) self.ensureCached(old_document_id) self.ensureCached(new_document_id) mappings = [] invmap = {} removemaps = [] for p in old_pars: old_index = int(p['par_index']) affinities =, new_document_id, old_index) [affinity, new_index] = max(affinities, key=lambda x: x[0] if x[0] is not None else 0) if affinity < 0.5: # This is most likely a deleted paragraph continue if new_index in invmap and invmap[new_index] in mappings: # There is an existing mapping for the same index in the new document prevmap = mappings[invmap[new_index]] if affinity > prevmap[2]: # This one is a better match print('Taking back {} to {}'.format(invmap[new_index], new_index)) removemaps.append(invmap[new_index]) else: # This one is a bad match, do not add continue mappings.append([old_index, new_index, affinity]) invmap[new_index] = old_index # Remove mappings for bad matches for i in range(len(removemaps) - 1, -1, -1): del mappings[i] for m in mappings: [old_index, new_index, affinity] = m #print("{0} par {1} -> {2} par {3} (affinity {4})".format(old_document_id.hash[:6], old_index, new_document_id.hash[:6], new_index, affinity)) cursor.execute( """ update ParMappings set new_ver = ?, new_index = ?, modified = ? where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index = ?""", [new_document_id.hash, new_index, str(affinity < 1),, old_document_id.hash, old_index]) # We use "or ignore" in case two old paragraphs have been mapped to the same new one cursor.execute( """ insert or ignore into ParMappings (doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, new_ver, new_index, modified) values (?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL) """, [, new_document_id.hash, new_index]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def __updateParMapping(self, old_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', new_document_id : 'DocIdentifier', par_index : 'int', new_index : 'int' = -1, commit: 'bool'=True): if new_index == -1: new_index = par_index #print("updateParMapping(doc {0}) : ver {1} par {2} -> ver {3} par {4}".format(, old_document_id.hash[:6], par_index, new_document_id.hash[:6], new_index)) cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( """ select par_index from ParMappings where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index = ? """, [, old_document_id.hash, par_index]) if cursor.fetchone() is None: # Nothing to update return # TODO: this could be optimized by getting only a 1:1 affinity instead of 1:n affinities =, new_document_id, par_index) affinity = affinities[new_index][0] cursor.execute( """ update ParMappings set new_ver = ?, new_index = ?, modified = ? where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index = ? """, [new_document_id.hash, new_index, str(affinity < 1),, old_document_id.hash, par_index]) cursor.execute( """ insert into ParMappings (doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, new_ver, new_index, modified) values (?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL) """, [, new_document_id.hash, new_index]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def __deleteParMapping(self, document_id : 'DocIdentifier', par_index : 'int'): #print("deleteParMapping(doc {0}:{1}, par {2})".format(, document_id.hash[:6], par_index)) cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( """ select par_index from ParMappings where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index = ? """, [, document_id.hash, par_index]) if cursor.fetchone() is None: #print("Mapping does not exist.") return cursor.execute( """delete from ParMappings where doc_id = ? and doc_ver = ? and par_index = ?""", [, document_id.hash, par_index]) self.db.commit() @contract def __handleModifyResponse(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', response: 'dict', message: 'str', mod_index: 'int', mod_count: 'int') -> 'DocIdentifier': """Handles the response that comes from Ephemeral when modifying a document in some way. :param mod_index: The index at which the document was modified. :param mod_count: The number of paragraphs that was added (positive) or removed (negative). :param document_id: The id of the document that was modified. :param response: The response object from Ephemeral. :param message: The commit message describing the change. :returns: The id of the new document. """ new_id = DocIdentifier(, response['new_id'])['new_id'], str(new_id)) new_content = try: version = self.__commitDocumentChanges(new_id, new_content, message) except NothingToCommitException: return document_id, DocIdentifier(, version)) new_id = DocIdentifier(, version) self.updateLatestRevision(new_id) self.__copyParMappings(document_id, new_id, start_index = 0, end_index = mod_index, commit=False) if mod_count >= 0: # Add or modify #print("__handleModifyResponse({0}): adding {1} paragraph(s) to index {2}".format(, mod_count, mod_index)) if message[:3] == 'Add': # No modifications to the paragraph at mod_index self.__updateParMapping(document_id, new_id, mod_index, mod_index + mod_count, commit=False) else: # This is a modify request, but there may still be more paragraphs... self.__updateParMapping(document_id, new_id, mod_index, commit=False) self.__copyParMappings( document_id, new_id, start_index = mod_index + 1, offset = mod_count, commit=False ) else: # Remove #print("__handleModifyResponse({0}): removing {1} paragraph(s) from index {2}".format(, -mod_count, mod_index)) #print("copyParMappings({}, {}, start_index = {}, offset = {})".format(document_id.hash[:6], new_id.hash[:6], mod_index - mod_count, mod_count)) self.__copyParMappings( document_id, new_id, start_index = mod_index - mod_count, offset = mod_count, commit=False ) self.updateDocModified(new_id, commit=False) self.db.commit() return new_id @contract def modifyMarkDownBlock(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', block_id: 'int', new_content: 'str') -> 'tuple(list(str), DocIdentifier)': """Modifies the specified block. :param document_id: The id of the document. :param block_id: The id (relative to document) of the paragraph to be modified. :param new_content: The new content of the paragraph. :returns: The modified blocks and the new document id as a tuple. """ assert self.documentExists(, 'document does not exist: ' + str(document_id) self.ensureCached(document_id) new_content = self.trimDoc(new_content) response =, block_id, new_content) new_doc = self.__handleModifyResponse(document_id, response, 'Modified a paragraph at index %d' % (block_id), block_id, len(response['paragraphs']) - 1) blocks = response['paragraphs'] return blocks, new_doc @contract def renameDocument(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', new_name: 'str') -> 'None': """Renames a document. :param document_id: The id of the document to be renamed. :param new_name: The new name for the document. """ assert self.documentExists(, 'document does not exist: ' + str(document_id) cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('UPDATE Block SET description = ? WHERE type_id = ? AND id = ?', [new_name, blocktypes.DOCUMENT,]) self.db.commit() @contract def updateDocument(self, document_id: 'DocIdentifier', new_content: 'str') -> 'DocIdentifier': """Updates a document. :param document_id: The id of the document to be updated. :param new_content: The new content of the document. :returns: The id of the new document. """ assert self.documentExists(, 'document does not exist: ' + document_id new_content = self.trimDoc(new_content) try: version = self.__commitDocumentChanges(document_id, new_content, "Modified as whole") except NothingToCommitException: return document_id new_id = DocIdentifier(, version), new_content.encode('utf-8')) self.updateParMappings(document_id, new_id, commit=False) self.updateDocModified(new_id, commit=False) self.updateLatestRevision(new_id, commit=False) self.db.commit() return new_id def trimDoc(self, text: 'str'): """Trims the specified text. Don't trim spaces from left side because they may indicate a code block :param text: The text to be trimmed. :return: The trimmed text. """ return text.rstrip().strip('\r\n') @contract def updateDocModified(self, doc_id: 'DocIdentifier', commit: 'bool'=True): cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('UPDATE Block SET modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE type_id = ? and id = ?', [blocktypes.DOCUMENT,]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def previewBlock(self, content: 'str') -> 'list(str)': """Previews the specified markdown in HTML :param content: The markdown to preview. :returns: A list of HTML blocks. """ doc_id = DocIdentifier('temp', ''), content.encode('utf-8')) return self.getDocumentAsHtmlBlocks(doc_id)