from contracts import contract, new_contract from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbBase, TimDbException, blocktypes import os new_contract('bytes', bytes) class Images(TimDbBase): @contract def getImagePath(self, image_id: 'int', image_filename: 'str'): """Gets the path of an image. :param image_id: The id of the image. :param image_filename: The filename of the image. :returns: The path of the image file. """ return os.path.join(self.blocks_path, str(image_id), image_filename) @contract def getImageRelativePath(self, image_id: 'int', image_filename: 'str'): """Gets the relative path of an image. :param image_id: The id of the image. :param image_filename: The filename of the image. :returns: The path of the image file. """ return os.path.relpath(self.getImagePath(image_id, image_filename), self.blocks_path) @contract def saveImage(self, image_data: 'bytes', image_filename: 'str', owner_group_id: 'int') -> 'tuple(int, str)': """Saves an image to the database. :param image_data: The image data. :param image_filename: The filename of the image. :param owner_group_id: The owner group of the image. :returns: A tuple containing the id of the image and its relative path of the form 'image_id/image_filename'. """ # TODO: Check that the file extension is allowed. # TODO: Use imghdr module to do basic validation of the file contents. # TODO: Should file name be unique among images? cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO Block (description, UserGroup_id, type_id) VALUES (?,?,?)', [image_filename, owner_group_id, blocktypes.IMAGE]) img_id = cursor.lastrowid img_path = self.getImagePath(img_id, image_filename) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(img_path)) # TODO: Set mode. with open(img_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(image_data) self.db.commit() return img_id, image_filename @contract def deleteImage(self, image_id: 'int'): """Deletes an image from the database.""" cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT description FROM Block WHERE type_id = ? AND id = ?', [blocktypes.IMAGE, image_id]) image_filename = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Block WHERE type_id = ? AND id = ?', [blocktypes.IMAGE, image_id]) if cursor.rowcount == 0: raise TimDbException('The image was not found.') img_path = self.getImagePath(image_id, image_filename) os.remove(img_path) os.rmdir(os.path.dirname(img_path)) self.db.commit() @contract def getImage(self, image_id: 'int', image_filename: 'str') -> 'bytes': """Gets the specified image. :param image_id: The id of the image. :param image_filename: The filename of the image. :returns: The content of the image. """ with open(self.getImagePath(image_id, image_filename), 'rb') as f: return @contract def getImages(self) -> 'list(dict)': """Gets all the images. :returns: A list of dictionaries of the form {'id': xx, 'file': 'xx/filename.ext'}. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id, id || \'/\' || description AS file FROM Block WHERE type_id = ?', [blocktypes.IMAGE]) images = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) return images def imageExists(self, image_id: 'int', image_filename: 'str'): """Returns whether the specified image exists. :param image_id: The id of the image. :param image_filename: The filename of the image. :returns: True if the image exists, false otherwise. """ if not self.blockExists(image_id, blocktypes.IMAGE): return False return os.path.exists(self.getImagePath(image_id, image_filename))