import hashlib from contracts import contract from ephemeralclient import EphemeralException, EphemeralClient, EPHEMERAL_URL from timdb.docidentifier import DocIdentifier from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbBase class Notes(TimDbBase): @contract def __init__(self, db_path : 'Connection', files_root_path : 'str', type_name : 'str', current_user_name : 'str'): """Initializes TimDB with the specified database and root path. :param db_path: The path of the database file. :param files_root_path: The root path where all the files will be stored. """ TimDbBase.__init__(self, db_path, files_root_path, type_name, current_user_name) = EphemeralClient(EPHEMERAL_URL) @contract def __tagstostr(self, tags : 'list(str)') -> 'str': tagstr = '' if 'difficult' in tags: tagstr += 'd' if 'unclear' in tags: tagstr += 'u' return tagstr @contract def __strtotags(self, tagstr : 'str') -> 'list(str)': tags = [] if 'd' in tagstr: tags.append("difficult") if 'u' in tagstr: tags.append("unclear") return tags @contract def hasEditAccess(self, UserGroup_id : 'int', doc_id : 'int', par_index : 'int', note_index : 'int') -> 'bool': """ :param user_id: The owner of the note. :param doc_id: The document in which the note resides. :param par_index: The paragraph index. :param note_index: The note index, starting from 0 for each paragraph. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( """ select UserGroup_id from UserNotes where doc_id = ? and par_index = ? and note_index = ? """, [doc_id, par_index, note_index]) row = cursor.fetchone() return row is not None and int(row[0]) == UserGroup_id @contract def addNote(self, UserGroup_id : 'int', doc_id : 'int', doc_ver : 'str', par_index : 'int', content : 'str', access : 'str', tags : 'list(str)', commit : 'bool' = True): """Adds a note to the document. :param UserGroup_id: The user group who owns the note. :param doc_id: The document in which the note exists. :param doc_ver: The version of the document. :param par_index: Index of the paragraph which the note is for. :param content: The content of the note. :param access: Who can read the note. :param tags: Tags for the note (difficult, unclear). """ self.addEmptyParMapping(doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, commit=False) cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( """ select note_index from UserNotes where doc_id = ? and par_index = ? order by note_index desc """, [doc_id, par_index]) lastindex = cursor.fetchone() if lastindex is None: note_index = 0 else: note_index = int(lastindex[0]) + 1 cursor.execute( """ insert into UserNotes (UserGroup_id, doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, note_index, content, created, modified, access, tags) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, ?, ?) """, [UserGroup_id, doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, note_index, content, access, self.__tagstostr(tags)]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def modifyNote(self, doc_id : 'int', doc_ver : 'str', par_index : 'int', note_index : 'int', new_content : 'str', access: 'str', new_tags : 'list(str)'): """Modifies an existing note. :param doc_id: The document in which the note resides. :param par_index: The paragraph index. :param note_index: The note index, starting from 0 for each paragraph. :param new_content: New note text to set. :param new_tags: New tags to set. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() # We need to refresh the UserNotes table at this point so that the comment will certainly be found self.getMappedValues(UserGroup_id=None, doc_id=doc_id, doc_ver=doc_ver, table='UserNotes', custom_access='1') cursor.execute( """ update UserNotes set doc_ver = ?, content = ?, tags = ?, access = ? where doc_id = ? and par_index = ? and note_index = ? """, [doc_ver, new_content, self.__tagstostr(new_tags), access, doc_id, par_index, note_index]) self.db.commit(){'content': new_content}), new_content.encode('utf-8')) @contract def deleteNote(self, doc_id : 'int', par_index : 'int', note_index : 'int'): """Deletes a note. :param doc_id: The document in which the note resides. :param par_index: The paragraph index. :param note_index: The note index, starting from 0 for each paragraph. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( """ delete from UserNotes where doc_id = ? and par_index = ? and note_index = ? """, [doc_id, par_index, note_index]) self.db.commit() @contract def getNotes(self, UserGroup_id : 'int', doc_id : 'int', doc_ver : 'str') -> 'list(dict)': """Gets all notes for a document a particular user has access to. :param user_id: The user requesting the notes. :param group_id: The group of the user. :param doc_id: The document to get the notes for. """ result = self.getMappedValues( UserGroup_id, doc_id, doc_ver, 'UserNotes', extra_fields=['UserGroup_id', 'note_index', 'content', 'created', 'modified', 'tags', 'access'], custom_access="access = 'everyone'" ) for note in result: note["tags"] = self.__strtotags(note["tags"]) note_id = self.getDocIdentifierForNote(note) try: note['htmlContent'] = except EphemeralException:, note['content'].encode('utf-8')) note['htmlContent'] = return result def getDocIdentifierForNote(self, note): return DocIdentifier('note', hashlib.sha256(note['content'].encode()).hexdigest())