from contracts import contract from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbBase class Readings(TimDbBase): @contract def __init__(self, db_path : 'Connection', files_root_path : 'str', type_name : 'str', current_user_name : 'str'): """Initializes TimDB with the specified database and root path. :param db_path: The path of the database file. :param files_root_path: The root path where all the files will be stored. """ TimDbBase.__init__(self, db_path, files_root_path, type_name, current_user_name) = EphemeralClient(EPHEMERAL_URL) @contract def getReadings(self, UserGroup_id : 'int', doc_id : 'int', doc_ver : 'str') -> 'list(dict)': """Gets the reading info for a document for a user. :param UserGroup_id: The id of the user group whose readings will be fetched. :param block_id: The id of the block whose readings will be fetched. """ return self.getMappedValues(UserGroup_id, doc_id, doc_ver, 'ReadParagraphs', status_unmodified='read', order_by_sql='order by timestamp desc') @contract def setAsRead(self, UserGroup_id: 'int', doc_id : 'int', doc_ver : 'str', par_index: 'int', commit : 'bool' = True): self.addEmptyParMapping(doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, commit=False) cursor = self.db.cursor() # Remove previous markings for this paragraph to reduce clutter cursor.execute( 'delete from ReadParagraphs where UserGroup_id = ? and doc_id = ? and par_index = ? and doc_ver = ?', [UserGroup_id, doc_id, par_index, doc_ver]) # Set current version as read cursor.execute( 'insert into ReadParagraphs (UserGroup_id, doc_id, doc_ver, par_index, timestamp) values (?, ?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', [UserGroup_id, doc_id, doc_ver, par_index]) if commit: self.db.commit()