import json from contracts import contract, new_contract from timdb.timdbbase import TimDbBase import hashlib import sqlite3 new_contract('row', sqlite3.Row) ANONYMOUS_GROUP = 2 LOGGED_IN_GROUP = 0 KORPPI_GROUP = 3 ADMIN_GROUP = 4 class Users(TimDbBase): """Handles saving and retrieving user-related information to/from the database.""" @contract def createAnonymousAndLoggedInUserGroups(self) -> 'int': """Creates an anonymous user and a usergroup for it. The user id and its associated usergroup id is 0. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO User (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)', [0, 'Anonymous']) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO UserGroup (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)', [ANONYMOUS_GROUP, 'Anonymous users']) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO UserGroupMember (User_id, UserGroup_id) VALUES (?, ?)', [0, ANONYMOUS_GROUP]) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO UserGroup (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)', [LOGGED_IN_GROUP, 'Logged-in users']) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO UserGroup (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)', [KORPPI_GROUP, 'Korppi users']) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO UserGroup (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)', [ADMIN_GROUP, 'Administrators']) self.db.commit() return 0 @contract def createUser(self, name: 'str', real_name: 'str', email: 'str', password: 'str' = '', commit : 'bool' = True) -> 'int': """Creates a new user with the specified name. :param email: The email address of the user. :param name: The name of the user to be created. :param real_name: The real name of the user. :param password: The password for the user (not used on Korppi login). :returns: The id of the newly created user. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() hash = self.hashPassword(password) if password != '' else '' cursor.execute('INSERT INTO User (name, real_name, email, pass) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', [name, real_name, email, hash]) if commit: self.db.commit() user_id = cursor.lastrowid return user_id def updateUser(self, user_id: 'int', name: 'str', real_name: 'str', email: 'str', password: 'str' = '', commit : 'bool' = True): """Updates user information. :param user_id: The id of the user to be updated. :param name: The username of the user. :param real_name: The real name of the user. :param email: The email of the user. :param password: The password of the user. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() pass_hash = self.hashPassword(password) if password != '' else '' cursor.execute('UPDATE User SET name = ?, real_name = ?, email = ?, pass = ? WHERE id = ?', [name, real_name, email, pass_hash, user_id]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def createUserGroup(self, name: 'str', commit : 'bool' = True) -> 'int': """Creates a new user group. :param name: The name of the user group. :returns: The id of the created user group. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO UserGroup (name) VALUES (?)', [name]) group_id = cursor.lastrowid assert group_id is not None, 'group_id was None' if commit: self.db.commit() return group_id @contract def addUserToGroup(self, group_id: 'int', user_id: 'int', commit : 'bool' = True): """Adds a user to a usergroup. :param group_id: The id of the group. :param user_id: The id of the user. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO UserGroupMember (UserGroup_id, User_id) VALUES (?, ?)', [group_id, user_id]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def addUserToKorppiGroup(self, user_id: 'int', commit: 'bool'=True): self.addUserToGroup(KORPPI_GROUP, user_id, commit) @contract def addUserToAdmins(self, user_id: 'int', commit: 'bool'=True): self.addUserToGroup(self.getUserGroupsByName('Administrators')[0]['id'], user_id, commit) @contract def createPotentialUser(self, email: 'str', password: 'str', commit : 'bool' = True): """Creates a potential user with the specified email and password. :param email: The email address of the user. :param password: The password of the user. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() hash = self.hashPassword(password) cursor.execute('REPLACE INTO NewUser (email, pass) VALUES (?, ?)', [email, hash]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def deletePotentialUser(self, email: 'str', commit : 'bool' = True): """Deletes a potential user. :param email: The email address of the user. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('DELETE FROM NewUser WHERE email=?', [email]) if commit: self.db.commit() @contract def testPotentialUser(self, email: 'str', password: 'str') -> 'bool': """Tests if a potential user matches to email and password. :param email: Email address. :param password: Password. :returns: Boolean. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() hash = self.hashPassword(password) cursor.execute('SELECT email FROM NewUser WHERE email=? and pass=?', [email, hash]) return cursor.fetchone() is not None @contract def testUser(self, email: 'str', password: 'str') -> 'bool': """Tests if a potential user matches to email and password. :param email: Email address. :param password: Password. :returns: Boolean. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() hash = self.hashPassword(password) cursor.execute('SELECT email FROM User WHERE email=? and pass=?', [email, hash]) return cursor.fetchone() is not None @contract def hashPassword(self, password: 'str') -> 'str': return hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() @contract def testPassword(self, hash: 'str', password: 'str'): return self.hashPassword(password) == hash @contract def getEditors(self, block_id: 'int'): """Gets the users that are allowed to edit the speficied block. :param block_id: The id of the block. :returns: The list of users who can edit the block. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT b.UserGroup_id, b.editable_from, b.editable_to, FROM BlockEditAccess b JOIN UserGroup u ON b.UserGroup_id = WHERE Block_id = ?""", [block_id]) return self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) @contract def getViewers(self, block_id: 'int'): """Gets the users that are allowed to view the speficied block. :param block_id: The id of the block. :returns: The list of users who can view the block. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT b.UserGroup_id, b.visible_from, b.visible_to, FROM BlockViewAccess b JOIN UserGroup u ON b.UserGroup_id = WHERE Block_id = ?""", [block_id]) return self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) @contract def getOwnerGroup(self, block_id: 'int'): """Returns the owner group of the specified block. :param block_id: The id of the block. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id, name FROM UserGroup WHERE id IN (SELECT UserGroup_id FROM Block WHERE id = ?)', [block_id]) return self.resultAsDictionary(cursor)[0] @contract def userExists(self, user_id : 'int') -> 'bool': """Checks if the user with the specified id. exists :returns: Boolean. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('select id from User where id = ?', [user_id]) return cursor.fetchone() is not None @contract def getUser(self, user_id: 'int') -> 'dict|None': """Gets the user with the specified id. :param user_id: :returns: An sqlite3 row object representing the user. Columns: id, name. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id, name, real_name, email FROM User WHERE id = ?', [user_id]) result = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) return result[0] if len(result) > 0 else None @contract def getUserByName(self, name: 'str') -> 'int|None': """Gets the id of the specified username. :param name: The name of the user. :returns: The id of the user or None if the user does not exist. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM User WHERE name = ?', [name]) result = cursor.fetchone() return result[0] if result is not None else None @contract def getUserByEmail(self, email: 'str') -> 'dict|None': """Gets the data of the specified user email address. :param name: Email address. :returns: The user data. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM User WHERE email = ?', [email]) result = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) return result[0] if len(result) > 0 else None @contract def groupExists(self, user_id : 'int') -> 'bool': """Checks if the group with the specified id. exists :returns: Boolean. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('select id from UserGroup where id = ?', [user_id]) return cursor.fetchone() is not None @contract def getUserGroupsByName(self, name: 'str'): """Gets the usergroup that has the specified name. :param name: The name of the usergroup to be retrieved. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM UserGroup WHERE name = ?', [name]) return self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) @contract def getPersonalUserGroup(self, user_id: 'int') -> 'int': """Gets the personal user group for the user. """ userName = self.getUser(user_id)['name'] groups = self.getUserGroupsByName(userName) if len(groups) > 0: return groups[0]['id'] groups = self.getUserGroupsByName('group of user ' + userName) if len(groups) > 0: return groups[0]['id'] return self.getUserGroups(user_id)[0] @contract def getUserGroups(self, user_id: 'int') -> 'list(dict)': """Gets the user groups of a user. :param user_id: The id of the user. :returns: The user groups that the user belongs to. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() if self.userHasAdminAccess(user_id): # Admin is part of every user group cursor.execute("""SELECT id, name FROM UserGroup ORDER BY id ASC""") else: cursor.execute("""SELECT id, name FROM UserGroup WHERE id IN (SELECT UserGroup_id FROM UserGroupMember WHERE User_id = ?) ORDER BY id ASC""", [user_id]) return self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) @contract def getUserGroupsPrintable(self, user_id: 'int', max_group_len: 'int' = 32) -> 'list(dict)': """Gets the user groups of a user, truncating the group names. :param user_id: The id of the user. :returns: The user groups that the user belongs to. """ groups = self.getUserGroups(user_id) for group in groups: if len(group['name']) > max_group_len: group['name'] = group['name'][:max_group_len] return groups @contract def isUserInGroup(self, user_name : 'str', usergroup_name : 'str') -> 'bool': cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT User_id FROM UserGroupMember WHERE User_id = (SELECT id from User where name = ?) AND UserGroup_id = (SELECT id from UserGroup where name = ?) """, [user_name, usergroup_name]) return len(cursor.fetchall()) > 0 @contract def isUserIdInGroup(self, user_id : 'int', usergroup_name : 'str') -> 'bool': cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT User_id FROM UserGroupMember WHERE User_id = ? AND UserGroup_id = (SELECT id from UserGroup where name = ?) """, [user_id, usergroup_name]) return len(cursor.fetchall()) > 0 def __grantAccess(self, group_id: 'int', block_id: 'int', access_type: 'str'): """Grants access to a group for a block. :param group_id: The group id to which to grant view access. :param block_id: The id of the block for which to grant view access. :param access_type: The kind of access. Possible values are 'edit' and 'view'. """ # TODO: Check that the group_id and block_id exist. assert access_type in ['view', 'edit'], 'invalid value for access_type' cursor = self.db.cursor() if access_type == 'view': cursor.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO BlockViewAccess (Block_id,UserGroup_id,visible_from) VALUES (?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)' , [block_id, group_id]) else: cursor.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO BlockEditAccess (Block_id,UserGroup_id,editable_from) VALUES (?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)' , [block_id, group_id]) self.db.commit() @contract def grantViewAccess(self, group_id: 'int', block_id: 'int'): """Grants view access to a group for a block. :param group_id: The group id to which to grant view access. :param block_id: The id of the block for which to grant view access. """ self.__grantAccess(group_id, block_id, 'view') @contract def grantEditAccess(self, group_id: 'int', block_id: 'int'): """Grants edit access to a group for a block. :param group_id: The group id to which to grant view access. :param block_id: The id of the block for which to grant view access. """ self.__grantAccess(group_id, block_id, 'edit') @contract def removeViewAccess(self, group_id: 'int', block_id: 'int'): """Removes view access from a user for a block. :param group_id: The id of the group from which to remove view access. :param block_id: The block id. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM BlockViewAccess WHERE UserGroup_id = ? AND Block_id = ?", [group_id, block_id]) self.db.commit() @contract def removeEditAccess(self, group_id: 'int', block_id: 'int'): """Removes edit access from a user for a block. :param group_id: The id of the group from which to remove edit access. :param block_id: The block id. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM BlockEditAccess WHERE UserGroup_id = ? AND Block_id = ?", [group_id, block_id]) self.db.commit() @contract def userHasAdminAccess(self, user_id: 'int') -> 'bool': return self.isUserIdInGroup(user_id, 'Administrators') @contract def userHasViewAccess(self, user_id: 'int', block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': """Returns whether the user has view access to the specified block. :param user_id: :param block_id: :returns: True if the user with id 'user_id' has view access to the block 'block_id', false otherwise. """ if self.userIsOwner(user_id, block_id): return True if self.checkAnonViewAccess(block_id): return True if user_id > 0 and self.checkLoggedInViewAccess(block_id): return True result = self.db.execute("""SELECT id FROM User WHERE id = ? AND IN (SELECT User_id FROM UserGroupMember WHERE UserGroup_id IN (SELECT UserGroup_id FROM BlockViewAccess WHERE Block_id = ?)) """, [user_id, block_id]).fetchall() return len(result) > 0 @contract def userHasEditAccess(self, user_id: 'int', block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': """Returns whether the user has edit access to the specified block. :param user_id: :param block_id: :returns: True if the user with id 'user_id' has view access to the block 'block_id', false otherwise. """ if self.userIsOwner(user_id, block_id): return True if self.checkAnonEditAccess(block_id): return True if user_id > 0 and self.checkLoggedInEditAccess(block_id): return True # TODO: This method is pretty much copy-paste from userHasViewAccess. Should make some common method. result = self.db.execute("""SELECT id FROM User WHERE id = ? AND IN (SELECT User_id FROM UserGroupMember WHERE UserGroup_id IN (SELECT UserGroup_id FROM BlockEditAccess WHERE Block_id = ?)) """, [user_id, block_id]).fetchall() return len(result) > 0 def checkUserGroupEditAccess(self, block_id: 'int', usergroup_id: 'int') -> 'bool': result = self.db.execute("""SELECT UserGroup_id FROM BlockEditAccess WHERE Block_id = ? AND UserGroup_id = ?""", [block_id, usergroup_id]).fetchall() return len(result) > 0 def checkAnonEditAccess(self, block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': return self.checkUserGroupEditAccess(block_id, ANONYMOUS_GROUP) or self.userIsOwner(ANONYMOUS_GROUP, block_id) def checkLoggedInEditAccess(self, block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': return self.checkUserGroupEditAccess(block_id, LOGGED_IN_GROUP) or self.userIsOwner(LOGGED_IN_GROUP, block_id) def checkUserGroupViewAccess(self, block_id: 'int', usergroup_id: 'int') -> 'bool': result = self.db.execute("""SELECT UserGroup_id FROM BlockViewAccess WHERE Block_id = ? AND UserGroup_id = ?""", [block_id, usergroup_id]).fetchall() return len(result) > 0 def checkAnonViewAccess(self, block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': return self.checkUserGroupViewAccess(block_id, ANONYMOUS_GROUP) or self.userIsOwner(ANONYMOUS_GROUP, block_id) def checkLoggedInViewAccess(self, block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': return self.checkUserGroupViewAccess(block_id, LOGGED_IN_GROUP) or self.userIsOwner(LOGGED_IN_GROUP, block_id) @contract def userIsOwner(self, user_id: 'int', block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': """Returns whether the user belongs to the owners of the specified block. :param user_id: :param block_id: :returns: True if the user with 'user_id' belongs to the owner group of the block 'block_id'. """ if self.userHasAdminAccess(user_id): return True cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT id FROM User WHERE id = ? AND (id IN (SELECT User_id FROM UserGroupMember WHERE UserGroup_id IN (SELECT UserGroup_id FROM Block WHERE id = ?)) )""", [user_id, block_id]) result = cursor.fetchall() assert len(result) <= 1, 'rowcount should be 1 at most' return len(result) == 1 @contract def userGroupHasViewAccess(self, user_group_id: 'int', block_id: 'int') -> 'bool': """ :param user_group_id: :param block_id: :return: """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT id from UserGroup where id == ? AND id IN (SELECT UserGroup_id FROM BlockViewAccess WHERE Block_id = ?)""", [user_group_id, block_id]) result = cursor.fetchall() assert len(result) <= 1, 'rowcount should be 1 at most' return len(result) == 1 def getPrefs(self, user_id: 'int') -> 'str': """Gets the preferences of a user. :param user_id: The id of the user. :returns: The user preferences as a string. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT prefs from User WHERE id = ?""", [user_id]) result = self.resultAsDictionary(cursor) return result[0]['prefs'] def setPrefs(self, user_id: 'int', prefs: 'str'): """Sets the preferences for a user. :param user_id: The id of the user. :param prefs: The preferences to set. """ cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute("""UPDATE User SET prefs = ? WHERE id = ?""", [prefs, user_id]) self.db.commit()