# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # server to get a file from selected range # Get parameters (every param can have n after, f.ex file1=) # file = URL for file to get # start = regexp that much match to start printing (default = first line) # startcnt= int: how many times the start must match before start (default=1) # startn = int: how many lines to move print forward or backward from start-point (default = 0) # end = regexp to stop printing (default = last line) # endcnt = int: how many times the end must match before end (default=1) # endn = int: how many lines to move end forward or backward from end-point (default = 0) # linefmt = format for line number, f.exe linefmt={0:03d}%20 (default = "") # maxn = max number of lines to print (default=10000) # lastn = last linenumber to print (default=1000000) # url = if 1, use same url as last file (default=) # include = after this file is printied, print this text, \n is new line (default="") # replace = replace every line that match this, by the by-parameter (default="") # by = by what text is the replace replaced (\n is new line), (default="") # # Examples # ?file=http://example.org/Hello.java&start=main&end=} -> print from main to first } # ?file=http://example.org/Hello.java -> print whole file # ?file=http://example.org/Hello.java&start=startn=1&endn=-1 -> print file except first and last line # ?file=http://example.org/Hello.java&start=main&end=. -> print only the first line where is main # ?file=http://example.org/Hello.java&start=main&end=.&endn=1 # -> print only the first line where is main and next line # import http.server import socketserver import time import math import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/py') # /py on mountattu docker kontissa /opt/tim/timApp/modules/py -hakemistoon from fileParams import * # noqa PORT = 5000 csstatic = '/service/timApp/modules/cs/static/' regx_hm = re.compile(r"[ ,/;:.hm]") def timestr_2_sec2(value): # compare to timestr_2_sec, this is slower if not value: return 0 if isinstance(value, int): return value s = "0 0 0 " + str(value).replace("s", "") # loppu s unohdetaan muodosta 1h3m2s s = regx_hm.sub(" ", s) s = s.strip() sc = s.split(" ") n = len(sc) h = int(sc[n - 3]) m = int(sc[n - 2]) s = int(sc[n - 1]) return h * 3600.0 + m * 60.0 + s * 1.0 def take_last_number(s, i): n = 0 k = 1 c = '0' while i >= 0: # pass non numbers c = s[i] if '0' <= c <= '9': break i -= 1 while i >= 0: n += int(c) * k k *= 10 i -= 1 if i < 0: break c = s[i] if c < '0' or '9' < c: break return n, i def timestr_2_sec(value): # Tämän ratkaisun vaikutus: 100 000 small videota alku ja loppuajalla # start: 53 # end: 59 1.2 s # end: "59" 1.27 # end: "23:45:59" 1.5 s # timestr_2_sec2 1.8 s if not value: return 0 if isinstance(value, int): return value st = str(value) if st.isdigit(): return int(st) i = len(st) - 1 s, i = take_last_number(st, i) m, i = take_last_number(st, i) h, i = take_last_number(st, i) return h * 3600.0 + m * 60.0 + s * 1.0 def sec_2_timestr(t: float): # tt = time.gmtime(t) jne on todella hidas if not t: return "" h = math.floor(t / 3600) t = (t - h * 3600) m = math.floor(t / 60) s = int((t - m * 60)) if not h: h = "" else: h = str(h) + "h" if not h and not m: m = "" else: m = str(m) + "m" s = str(s) + "s" return h + m + s def get_image_md(query): """Muodostaa kuvan näyttämiseksi tarvittavan MD-koodin. :param query: pyynnön paramterit :return: kuvan md-jono """ url = get_clean_param(query, "file", "") w = get_clean_param(query, "width", "") h = get_clean_param(query, "height", "") if w: w = 'width=' + w + ' ' if h: h = 'height=' + h + ' ' header, footer = get_surrounding_md_headers2(query, "pluginHeader", None) result = header + "\n\n" + "![{0}]({1}){{{2}{3}}}".format(footer, url, w, h) return result def get_image_html(query): """Muodostaa kuvan näyttämiseksi tarvittavan HTML-koodin. :param query: pyynnön paramterit :return: kuvan html-jono """ url = get_clean_param(query, "file", "") w = get_clean_param(query, "width", "") h = get_clean_param(query, "height", "") if w: w = 'width="' + w + '" ' if h: h = 'height="' + h + '" ' header, footer = get_surrounding_headers2(query) result = header + '' + footer if is_user_lazy(query): return add_lazy(result) + header + footer return NOLAZY + result def replace_time_params(query, htmlstr): start = timestr_2_sec(get_param(query, "start", "")) end = timestr_2_sec(get_param(query, "end", "")) startt = sec_2_timestr(start) if startt: startt = ", " + startt s = htmlstr.replace("{{startt}}", startt) duration = sec_2_timestr(end - start) if duration != "": duration = "(" + duration + ") " s = s.replace("{{duration}}", duration) return s def small__and_list_html(query, duration_template): s = replace_template_param(query, '{{stem}}', "stem") di = replace_template_param(query, ' {{videoname}}', "videoname") if di: dur = replace_time_params(query, duration_template) icon = replace_template_param( query, 'Click here to show ', "videoicon", "/csstatic/video_small.png") s += ' ' + icon + di + dur + '' di = replace_template_param(query, ' {{doctext}}', "doctext") if di: icon = replace_template_param( query, 'Go to doc ', "docicon", "/csstatic/book.png") s += ' ' + icon + di + '' return s def small_and_list_md(query, duration_template): s = replace_template_param(query, '{{stem}}', "stem") di = replace_template_param(query, ' {{videoname}}', "videoname") if di: dur = replace_time_params(query, duration_template) icon = replace_template_param( query, ' \\includegraphics[width=0.1in]{{{{videoicon}}}}', "videoicon", csstatic + "video_small.png") s += '' + icon + di + ' ' + dur + '' di = replace_template_param(query, ' {{doctext}}', "doctext") if di: icon = replace_template_param( query, '\\includegraphics[width=0.1in]{{{{docicon}}}}', "docicon", csstatic + "book.png") s += ' ' + icon + di + '' return s def small_video_html(query): # Kokeiltu myös listoilla, ei mitattavasti parempi s = '
' s += replace_template_param(query, "


", "header") s += '

' + small__and_list_html(query, "{{duration}}") + '

' s += replace_template_param(query, '


', "footer") s += '
' return s def list_video_html(query): s = '
' s += replace_template_param(query, '


', "header") s += '' s += replace_template_param(query, '


', "footer") s += '
' return s def video_html(query): s = '
' s += replace_template_param(query, '


', "header") s += replace_template_param(query, '


', "stem") s += '

' \ '
' \ 'Click here to show the video' \ '
' di = replace_template_param(query, ' {{doctext}}', "doctext") if di: icon = replace_template_param( query, 'Go to doc ', "docicon", "/csstatic/book.png") s += ' ' + icon + di + '' s += replace_template_params(query, '


', "footer") s += '
' return s def get_video_html(query): """Muodostaa videon näyttämiseksi tarvittavan HTML-koodin. :param query: pyynnön paramterit :return: videon html-jono """ iframe = get_param(query, "iframe", False) or True js = query_params_to_map_check_parts(query) jso = json.dumps(js) hx = binascii.hexlify(jso.encode("UTF8")) video_type = get_param(query, "type", "icon") # print ("iframe " + iframe + " url: " + url) video_app = True if video_type == "small": # s = string_to_string_replace_attribute( # '', "##QUERYPARAMS##", query) s = 'xxxHEXJSONxxx' + hx.decode() + '' s = make_lazy(s, query, small_video_html) return s if video_type == "list": # s = string_to_string_replace_attribute( # '', "##QUERYPARAMS##", query) s = 'xxxHEXJSONxxx' + hx.decode() + '' s = make_lazy(s, query, list_video_html) return s if video_app: # s = string_to_string_replace_attribute( # '', "##QUERYPARAMS##", query) s = 'xxxHEXJSONxxx' + hx.decode() + '' s = make_lazy(s, query, video_html) return s url = get_clean_param(query, "file", "") w = get_clean_param(query, "width", "") h = get_clean_param(query, "height", "") if w: w = 'width="' + w + '" ' if h: h = 'height="' + h + '" ' if iframe: return '' # result = '' result = '' return result def small_video_md(query): # Kokeiltu myös listoilla, ei mitattavasti parempi s = '\\smallVideoRunDiv{' s += replace_template_param(query, '\\pluginHeader{{{{header}}}}\n\n', "header") s += '' + small_and_list_md(query, "{{duration}}") + '' s += replace_template_params(query, '\\plgfooter{{{{footer}}}}\n', "footer") s += '}' return s def list_video_md(query): s = '\\listVideoRunDiv{' s += replace_template_param(query, '\\pluginHeader{{{{header}}}}\n\n', "header") s += '\\begin{itemize}\n\\item\n' + small_and_list_md(query, "{{startt}} {{duration}}") + '\\end{itemize}\n' s += replace_template_params(query, '\\plgfooter{{{{footer}}}}\n', "footer") s += '}' return s def video_md(query): s = '\\videoRunDiv{' s += replace_template_param(query, '\\pluginHeader{{{{header}}}}\n\n', "header") s += replace_template_param(query, '\\stem{{{{stem}}}}\n', "stem") s += ''' \\begin{figure}[H] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=1.5in]{/service/timApp/modules/cs/static/video.png} \\end{figure} ''' di = replace_template_param(query, ' {{doctext}}', "doctext") # if di: # icon = replace_template_param( # query, 'Go to doc ', "docicon", "/csstatic/book.png") # s += ' ' + icon + di + '' s += replace_template_params(query, '\\plgfooter{{{{footer}}}}\n', "footer") s += '}' return s def get_video_md(query): """Muodostaa videon näyttämiseksi tarvittavan MD-koodin. :param query: pyynnön paramterit :return: videon html-jono """ iframe = get_param(query, "iframe", False) or True js = query_params_to_map_check_parts(query) jso = json.dumps(js) hx = binascii.hexlify(jso.encode("UTF8")) video_type = get_param(query, "type", "icon") # print ("iframe " + iframe + " url: " + url) video_app = True if video_type == "small": s = small_video_md(query) return s if video_type == "list": s = list_video_md(query) return s if video_app: s = video_md(query) return s url = get_clean_param(query, "file", "") w = get_clean_param(query, "width", "") h = get_clean_param(query, "height", "") if w: w = 'width="' + w + '" ' if h: h = 'height="' + h + '" ' if iframe: return '' # result = '' result = '' return result class TIMShowFileServer(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_OPTIONS(self): self.send_response(200, "ok") self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS') self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With, Content-Type") print(self.path) print(self.headers) def do_GET(self): self.do_all(get_params(self)) def do_POST(self): if self.path.find('/test') >= 0: do_headers(self, "application/json") dummy, n = (self.path + "&n=1").split("n=", 1) n, dummy = (n + "&").split("&", 1) try: n = int(n) except ValueError: n = 1 t1 = time.clock() query = post_params(self) # self.do_all(query) s = '' for i in range(0, n): s = get_html(self, query, True) t2 = time.clock() ts = "%7.4f" % (t2 - t1) self.wout(s + "\n" + ts) print(ts) return multimd = self.path.find('/multimd') >= 0 if self.path.find('/multihtml') < 0 and not multimd: self.do_all(post_params(self)) return print("do_POST MULTIHML ==========================================") t1 = time.clock() querys = multi_post_params(self) # print(querys) do_headers(self, "application/json") htmls = [] for query in querys: if multimd: s = get_md(self, query) else: s = get_html(self, query, True) htmls.append(s) sresult = json.dumps(htmls) self.wout(sresult) t2 = time.clock() ts = "multihtml: %d - %7.4f" % (len(querys), (t2 - t1)) print(ts) def do_PUT(self): self.do_all(post_params(self)) def wout(self, s): self.wfile.write(s.encode("UTF-8")) def do_all(self, query): # print(self.path) # print(self.headers) # print query show_html = self.path.find('/html') >= 0 is_template = self.path.find('/template') >= 0 is_css = self.path.find('/css') >= 0 is_js = self.path.find('/js') >= 0 is_reqs = self.path.find('/reqs') >= 0 is_image = self.path.find('/image') >= 0 is_video = self.path.find('/video') >= 0 is_pdf = self.path.find('/pdf') >= 0 content_type = 'text/plain' if is_reqs: content_type = "application/json" if show_html: content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' if is_css: content_type = 'text/css' if is_js: content_type = 'application/javascript' do_headers(self, content_type) if self.path.find("refresh") >= 0: self.wout(get_chache_keys()) clear_cache() return tempdir = "svn" if is_image: tempdir = "image" if is_video: tempdir = "video" if is_pdf: tempdir = "pdf" tempdir = "templates/" + tempdir if is_template: tempfile = get_param(query, "file", "") tidx = get_param(query, "idx", "0") print("tempfile: ", tempfile, tidx) return self.wout(get_template(tempdir, tidx, tempfile)) if is_reqs: result_json = join_dict({"multihtml": True, "multimd": True}, get_all_templates(tempdir)) if is_video or is_pdf: result_json.update({"js": ["/svn/video/js/video.js"], "angularModule": ["videoApp"]}) result_str = json.dumps(result_json) self.wout(result_str) return if is_css: # printFileTo('cs.css',self.wfile) return if is_js: # print(content_type) self.wout(file_to_string('js/video.js')) return s = get_html(self, query, show_html) self.wout(s) return def get_md(self, query): is_image = self.path.find('/image/') >= 0 is_video = self.path.find('/video/') >= 0 is_pdf = self.path.find('/pdf/') >= 0 is_template = self.path.find('/template') >= 0 tempfile = get_param(query, "file", "") if is_image: if is_template: return file_to_string('templates/image/' + tempfile) s = get_image_md(query) return s if is_video: if is_template: return file_to_string('templates/video/' + tempfile) s = get_video_md(query) return s if is_pdf: if is_template: return file_to_string('templates/pdf/' + tempfile) s = get_video_md(query) return s # Was none of special, so print the file(s) in query cla = get_param(query, "class", "") w = get_param(query, "width", "") if w: w = ' style="width:' + w + '"' if cla: cla = " " + cla s = "" s += get_file_to_output(query, False) filename = query.jso.get('markup',{}).get('file','') name = filename[filename.rfind('/')+1:] s = get_surrounding_md_headers(query, s, '\\smallhref{' + filename + '}{' + name +'}') return s def get_html(self, query, show_html): is_image = self.path.find('/image/') >= 0 is_video = self.path.find('/video/') >= 0 is_pdf = self.path.find('/pdf/') >= 0 is_template = self.path.find('/template') >= 0 tempfile = get_param(query, "file", "") if is_image: if is_template: return file_to_string('templates/image/' + tempfile) s = get_image_html(query) return s if is_video: if is_template: return file_to_string('templates/video/' + tempfile) s = get_video_html(query) return s if is_pdf: if is_template: return file_to_string('templates/pdf/' + tempfile) s = get_video_html(query) return s # Was none of special, so print the file(s) in query cla = get_param(query, "class", "") w = get_param(query, "width", "") if w: w = ' style="width:' + w + '"' if cla: cla = " " + cla s = "" ffn = get_param(query, "file", "") fn = ffn i = ffn.rfind("/") if i >= 0: fn = ffn[i + 1:] if show_html: s += '
    s += get_file_to_output(query, show_html)
    if show_html:
        s += '