import copy import json from typing import Dict, Any, Optional from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr from flask import Blueprint from flask import abort from flask import request from timApp.accesshelper import verify_admin, verify_edit_access from timApp.plugin import Plugin from timApp.requesthelper import verify_json_params, get_option from timApp.responsehelper import json_response from timApp.timdb.models.docentry import DocEntry from timApp.dumboclient import call_dumbo from timApp.plugins.timTableLatex import convert_table timTable_plugin = Blueprint('timTable_plugin', __name__, url_prefix='/timTable/') # Reserved words in the TimTable format and other needed constants TABLE = 'table' ROWS = 'rows' ROW = 'row' COLUMNS = 'columns' COLUMN = 'column' CELL = 'cell' TYPE = 'type' TEXT = 'text' FORMULA = 'formula' NUMBER = 'number' DATABLOCK = 'tabledatablock' CELLS = 'cells' COL = 'col' ASCII_OF_A = 65 ASCII_CHAR_COUNT = 26 MARKUP = 'markup' @timTable_plugin.route("reqs/") @timTable_plugin.route("reqs") def timTable_reqs(): reqs = { "type": "embedded", "js": [ # "js/timTable.js" # "tim/controllers/qstController", ], "angularModule": [], "multihtml": True, "multimd": True } return json_response(reqs) @timTable_plugin.route("multihtml/", methods=["POST"]) def tim_table_multihtml(): """ Route for getting the html of TimTable. :return: """ jsondata = request.get_json() multi = [] for jso in jsondata: multi.append(tim_table_get_html(jso, is_review(request))) return json_response(multi) @timTable_plugin.route("getCellData", methods=["GET"]) def tim_table_get_cell_data(): """ Route for getting the content of a cell. :return: The cell content in the specified index. """ multi = [] args = request.args doc_id = get_option(request, 'docId', None, cast=int) if not doc_id: abort(400) doc = DocEntry.find_by_id(doc_id) if not doc: abort(404) verify_edit_access(doc) par = doc.document.get_paragraph(args['parId']) plug = Plugin.from_paragraph(par) yaml = plug.values cell_cnt = None if is_datablock(yaml): cell_cnt = find_cell_from_datablock(yaml[TABLE][DATABLOCK][CELLS], int(args[ROW]), int(args[COL])) if cell_cnt != None: multi.append(cell_cnt) else: rows = yaml[TABLE][ROWS] cell_content = find_cell(rows,int(args['row']),int(args['col'])) multi.append(cell_content) return json_response(multi) @timTable_plugin.route("saveCell", methods=["POST"]) def tim_table_save_cell_list(): """ Saves cell content :return: The cell content as html """ multi = [] cellContent, docId, parId, row, col = verify_json_params('cellContent', 'docId', 'parId', 'row', 'col') doc = DocEntry.find_by_id(docId) if not doc: abort(404) verify_edit_access(doc) par = doc.document_as_current_user.get_paragraph(parId) plug = Plugin.from_paragraph(par) yaml = plug.values if is_datablock(yaml): save_cell(yaml[TABLE][DATABLOCK], row, col, cellContent) else: create_datablock(yaml[TABLE]) save_cell(yaml[TABLE][DATABLOCK], row, col, cellContent) cc = str(cellContent) html = call_dumbo([cc], "/mdkeys") multi.append(html[0]) return json_response(multi) @timTable_plugin.route("addRow", methods=["POST"]) def tim_table_add_row(): """ Adds a row into the table. :return: """ doc_id, par_id = verify_json_params('docId', 'parId') d = DocEntry.find_by_id(doc_id) if not d: abort(404) verify_edit_access(d) par = d.document_as_current_user.get_paragraph(par_id) plug = Plugin.from_paragraph(par) try: rows = plug.values[TABLE][ROWS] except KeyError: return abort(400) # clone the previous row's data into the new row but remove the cell content copy_row = copy.deepcopy(rows[-1]) rows.append(copy_row) #rows.append({'row': copy.deepcopy(rows[-1]['row'])}) row = rows[-1]['row'] for i in range(len(row)): if isinstance(row[i], str) or isinstance(row[i], int) or isinstance(row[i], bool) \ or isinstance(row[i], float): row[i] = {CELL: ''} else: row[i][CELL] = '' return json_response(call_dumbo(plug.values, '/mdkeys')) @timTable_plugin.route("addColumn", methods=["POST"]) def tim_table_add_column(): """ Adds a new cell into each row on the table. In other words, adds a column into the table. :return: """ doc_id, par_id = verify_json_params('docId', 'parId') d = DocEntry.find_by_id(doc_id) if not d: abort(404) verify_edit_access(d) par = d.document_as_current_user.get_paragraph(par_id) plug = Plugin.from_paragraph(par) try: rows = plug.values[TABLE][ROWS] except KeyError: return abort(400) for row in rows: try: current_row = row[ROW] except KeyError: return abort(400) last_cell = current_row[-1] if isinstance(last_cell, str) or isinstance(last_cell, int) or isinstance(last_cell, bool) \ or isinstance(last_cell, float): current_row.append({CELL: ""}) else: # Copy the last cell's other properties for the new cell, but leave the text empty new_cell = copy.deepcopy(last_cell) new_cell[CELL] = '' current_row.append(new_cell) return json_response(call_dumbo(plug.values, '/mdkeys')) @timTable_plugin.route("multimd/", methods=["POST"]) def tim_table_multimd(): """ Handles lates printing. :return: Table as latex. """ jsondata = request.get_json() multi = [] for jso in jsondata: tbl = jso[MARKUP][TABLE] latexTable = str(convert_table(tbl)) multi.append(latexTable) return json_response(multi) def is_datablock(yaml: dict) -> bool: """ Checks if tableDataBlock exists :param yaml: :return: Boolean indicating the existance of tabledatablock """ try: if yaml[TABLE][DATABLOCK]: return True else: return False except KeyError: return False def create_datablock(table: dict): """ Creates tableDatablock :param table: :return: """ table['tabledatablock'] = {} table['tabledatablock']['type'] = 'relative' table['tabledatablock']['cells'] = {} def save_cell(datablock: dict, row: int, col: int, cell_content: str): """ Updates datablock with the content and the coordinate of a cell. :param datablock: :param row: Row index :param col: Column index :param cell_content: Cell content :return: """ coordinate = colnum_to_letters(col) + str(row+1) try: datablock['cells'].update({coordinate: cell_content}) except: pass def find_cell(rows: list, row: int, col: int) -> str: """ Get cell from index place if exists :param rows: List of cells :param row: Row index :param col: Column index :return: Cell from specified index """ right_row = rows[row][ROW] right_cell = right_row[col] if isinstance(right_cell, str) or isinstance(right_cell, int) or isinstance(right_cell, float): return right_cell return right_cell[CELL] def find_cell_from_datablock(cells: dict, row: int, col: int) -> Optional[str]: """ Finds cell from datablock :param cells: all cells :param row: Row index :param col: Column index :return: cell if exists """ ret = None coordinate = colnum_to_letters(col) + str(row+1) try: value = cells[coordinate] ret = value except: pass return ret def colnum_to_letters(column_index: int) -> str: """ Transforms column index to letter :param column_index: ex. 2 :return: solumn index as letter """ last_char = chr(ASCII_OF_A + (column_index % ASCII_CHAR_COUNT)) remainder = column_index // ASCII_CHAR_COUNT if remainder == 0: return last_char elif remainder <= ASCII_CHAR_COUNT: return chr(ASCII_OF_A + remainder - 1) + last_char # recursive call to figure out the rest of the letters return colnum_to_letters(remainder - 1) + last_char def is_review(request): """ Check if request is review :param request: :return: """ result = request.full_path.find("review=") >= 0 return result def tim_table_get_html(jso, review): """ Returns html :param jso: :param review: :return: """ attrs = json.dumps(jso['markup']) runner = 'tim-table' s = f'<{runner} data={quoteattr(attrs)}>' return s