# encoding: utf-8 { :'en' => { :application => { :require_ssh_keys_error => "You need to upload your public key first", :require_current_user => "You don't seem to have the right to access the requested page. Redirected to home.", :no_commits_notice => "The repository doesn't have any commits yet", }, :admin => { :users_controller => { :create_notice => 'User was successfully created.', :suspend_notice => "User {{user_name}} was successfully suspended.", :suspend_error => "Unable to suspend user {{user_name}}.", :unsuspend_notice => "User {{user_name}} was successfully unsuspended.", :unsuspend_error => "Unable to unsuspend user {{user_name}}.", :check_admin => "For Administrators Only", }, }, :mailer => { :repository_clone => "{{login}} has cloned {{slug}}", :request_notification => "{{login}} has requested a merge in {{title}}", :code_comment => "{{login}} commented on your merge request", :new_password => "Your new password", :subject => 'Please activate your new account', :activated => 'Your account has been activated!', }, :blobs_controller => { :raw_error => "Blob is too big ({{size}} bytes). Clone the repository locally to see it", }, :comments_controller => { :create_success => "Your comment was added", }, :committers_controller => { :create_error_not_found => "Could not find user by that name", :create_error_already_commiter => "Could not add user or user is already a committer", :destroy_success => "User removed from repository", :destroy_error => "Could not remove user from repository", :find_repository_error => "You're not the owner of this repository", }, :keys_controller => { :create_notice => "Key added", :destroy_notice => "Key removed", }, :merge_requests_controller => { :create_success => "You sent a merge request to \"{{name}}\"", :resolve_notice => "The merge request was marked as {{status}}", :resolve_disallowed => "The merge request could not be marked as {{status}}", :update_success => "Merge request was updated", :destroy_success => "Merge request was retracted", :assert_resolvable_error => "You're not permitted to resolve this merge request", :assert_ownership_error => "You're not the owner of this merge request", :need_contribution_agreement => "You need to accept the contribution agreement", :reopened => 'Merge request was reopened', :reopening_failed => 'Merge request could not be reopened' }, :projects_controller => { :update_error => "You're not the owner of this project", :destroy_error => "You're not the owner of this project, or the project has clones", :create_only_for_site_admins => "Only site administrators are allowed to create new projects", }, :repositories_controller => { :new_clone_error => "Sorry, can't clone an empty repository", :create_clone_error => "Sorry, can't clone an empty repository", :create_success => "New repository created", :destroy_notice => "The repository was deleted", :destroy_error => "You're not the owner of this repository", :adminship_error => "Sorry, only repository admins are allowed to do that", :only_projects_create_new_error => "You can only add new repositories directly to a project", }, :trees_controller => { :archive_error => "The given repository or sha is invalid" }, :groups_controller => { :group_created => "Team created", }, :users_controller => { :activate_notice => "Your account has been activated, welcome!", :activate_error => "Invalid activation code", :reset_password_notice => "A new password has been sent to your email", :reset_password_error => "Invalid email", :reset_password_inactive_account => 'Your account has not been activated yet. Please check your mailbox (including your spam folder) for an activation message from YouSource', }, :pages_controller => { :invalid_page_error => "invalid page, badly formatted title or body", :no_changes => "No changes was submitted", :repository_not_ready => "The wiki is being created", }, :memberships_controller => { :membership_created => "Membership was successfully created", :membership_updated => "Membership was updated", :failed_to_destroy => "Failed to destroy membership", :membership_destroyed => "Membership deleted", }, :application_helper => { :notice_for => lambda { |class_name| "This #{class_name} is being created,
it will be ready pretty soon…"}, :event_status_add_project_repository => "created repository", :event_status_created => "created project", :event_status_deleted => "deleted project", :event_status_updated => "updated project", :event_added_favorite => "started watching", :event_status_cloned => "cloned", :event_updated_repository => 'updated repository', :event_status_deleted => "deleted", :event_status_pushed => "pushed", :event_status_started => "started development", :event_branch_created => "created branch", :event_branch_deleted => "deleted branch", :event_tagged => "tagged", :event_tag_deleted => "deleted tag", :event_committer_added => "added {{collaborator}} as collaborator", :event_committer_removed => "removed {{collaborator}} as collaborator", :event_commented => "commented", :event_requested_merge_of => "requested merge of", :event_resolved_merge_request => "resolved merge request", :event_reopened_merge_request => 'reopened merge request', :event_updated_merge_request => "updated merge request", :event_deleted_merge_request => "deleted merge request", :event_status_push_wiki => "pushed wiki content", :event_updated_wiki_page => "edited wiki page", :event_status_pushed => 'pushed some commits', :event_status_committed => 'committed', :event_pushed_n => "pushed {{commit_link}}", :more_info => "More info…", }, :project => { :format_slug_validation => "must match something in the range of [a-z0-9_\-]+", :ssl_required => "Must begin with http(s)", }, :user => { :invalid_url => "Invalid url", }, :membership => { :notification_subject => "You have been added to a team", :notification_body => "{{inviter}} added you to the \"{{group}}\" team, as a {{role}}", }, :committership => { :notification_subject => "A new collaborator has been added", :notification_body => "{{inviter}} added {{user}} as a collaborator to the {{repository}} in the {{project}} project", }, :ssh_key => { :key_format_validation_message => "does not appear to be a valid public key", }, :views => { :layout => { :system_notice => "System notice", :home => "Home", :dashboard => "Home", :admin => "Administration", :projects => "Projects", :search => "Search", :faq => "FAQ", :about => "About YouSource", :my_account => "My Account", :logout => "Logout", :login => "Login", :register => "Register", :project_overview => "Project Overview", :repositories => "Repositories", :pages => "Wiki", :user_mgt => "User Management", :discussion => "Discussion group", :teams => "Teams", :blog => "Blog", }, :site => { :pay_off => lambda {|gitorious_repo_path, read_more_path| %{Gitorious provides free open source infrastructure for open source projects that use Git. Read more »} }, :login_box_header => "Already registered?", :page_title => "Free open source project hosting", :description => "YouSource is a source code management system. We help you to keep your code up to date and make it easy for you to share your work. If you find an interesting project on YouSource, just clone it for yourself right on the site and start experimenting.", :for_projects => "For Projects", :for_contributors => "For Contributors", :creating_account => lambda { |this, path| this.link_to("Creating a user account", path) + " allows you to create your own project or participate in the development of any project." }, :newest_projects => "Latest projects", :view_more => "View more »", :dashboard => { :page_title => "{{login}}'s home", :activities => "Activities", :your_projects => "Your projects:", :your_clones => "Your repository clones", :your_account => "Your Account", :your_profile => "Your Profile", :projects => "Projects", :repositories => "Repositories", :team_memberships => "Team memberships", :registration_button => "Register now" }, }, :events => { :page_title => "Events", :activities => "YouSource activities", :system_activities => "System Activities", }, :license => { :show_title => 'End User License Agreement', :terms_accepted => 'You have accepted the Terms of Use', :terms_not_accepted => 'You need to accept the Terms of Use', :terms_already_accepted => 'You have already accepted the latest terms of use' }, :keys => { :edit_title => "Edit a SSH key", :ssh_keys => "Your SSH Keys", :ssh_keys_breadcrumb => "SSH Keys", :manage_ssh_keys => "Manage SSH keys", :add_ssh_key => "Add SSH key", :add_ssh_key_breadcrumb => "Add SSH Key", :add_title => "Add a new public SSH key", :your_public_key => "Your public key", :hint => "If you want to use multiple keys you'll have to add each of them seperately.
The key should be in the format of:
ssh-algorithm base64-content you@somehost", }, :users => { :activated => "Activated?", :suspended => "Suspended?", :reset_pwd => "Reset Password", :admin => "Admin?", :suspend => "Suspend", :unsuspend => "Unsuspend", :create_btn => "Create New User", :is_admin => "Is Administrator?", :forgot_title => "Forgot your password?", :send_new_passwd => 'Send me a new password', :openid_build_title => 'Complete your registration', :openid_build_description => 'You need enter the following details:', :create_title => "Create new user", :create_description => "Creating a user account allows you to create your own project or participate in the development of any project.", :wants_email_notifications => 'Send email notifications?', :describe_email_notifications => "We will send you an email notification when you receive a message in YouSource", :default_favorite_notifications => "By default notify me of updates in what I'm watching", :describe_default_favorite_notifications => "By selecting this you will by default be notified by email when " + "activities occur in what you're watching on YouSource", :member_for => "Member for", :this_week => { :one => "commit so far this week", :other => "commits so far this week", }, :about => "about {{about}}", :edit_title => "Edit your profile", :edit_action => "Edit profile", :edit_breadcrumb => "Edit Profile", :realname => "Full name", :email => "E-mail", :url => "Website URL (blog etc.)", :openid => "OpenID", :my_account => "My account", :chg_passwd_action => "Change password", :chg_passwd_title => "Change your password", :chg_passwd_breadcrumb => "Change Password", :new_passwd => "New password", :new_passwd_conf => "New password confirmation", :edit_details => "Edit profile", :show_title => "Account", :details_title => "Account details", :edit_link => "edit", :username => "Username", :create => "create an account", :license => 'End User License Agreement', :send_user_msg => "Send message", :avatar => 'Profile image', :pending_activation => { :header => "Almost done", :info => "A confirmation e-mail will be delivered to the e-mail address you specified. This e-mail contains an activation link, visit that link to complete the registration.", :thanks => "We look forward to seeing you use YouSource!" } }, :logs => { :title => "Commits in {{repo_url}}:{{ref}}", :project => "Project", :maintainer => "Maintainer", :head_tree => "HEAD tree", :branches => "Branches", :tags => "Tags", :committed => "committed", }, :blobs => { :page_title => "{{path}} - {{repo}} in {{title}}", :wrap => "Softwrap mode", :title => "Blob of {{path}}", :raw => "Raw blob data", :show => "Blob contents", :history => "Blob history", :heading => "History for {{ref}}:{{path}}", :too_big => lambda { |this, path| "This file is too big to be rendered within reasonable time, " + this.link_to("try viewing the raw data", path) }, :message => lambda { |this, path| "This blob appears to be binary data, if you like you can " + this.link_to("download the raw data", path) + " (right click, save as)" }, }, :comments => { :commit => "on commit {{sha1}}", :permalink => '#', :add_title => "Add a new comment", :edit_title => "Change your comment", :body => "Comment", :add => "Add Comment", :update_or_add => "Update / Add Comment", :page_title => "Comments in {{repo}}", :diff => "Commit diff", :total => "Comments ({{total}})", :page_title_2 => "Comments on {{title}}", :page_title_3 => "Comments for "{{repo}}" repository in {{title}}", }, :commits => { :date => "Date", :committer => "Committer", :author => "Author", :sha1 => "Commit SHA1", :tree_sha1 => "Tree SHA1", :parent_sha1 => "Parent SHA1", :page_title => "Commit in {{repo}} in {{title}}", :title => "Commit {{commit}}", :message => lambda { |this, path| "This is the initial commit in this repository, " + this.link_to( "browse the initial tree state", path ) + "." }, }, :sessions => { :login => "Login", :label => lambda { |this| "Username (use Korppi login name)" }, :passwd => "Password", :openid => lambda { |this| "OpenID or #{this.switch_login('switch to email login', 'to_email')}"}, :remember => "Remember me", :submit => 'Log in', :register => "Register", :forgot => "Forgotten your password?", :openid_url => "OpenID URL", :email => "E-mail", :to_openid => "Switch to OpenID", :to_regular => "Switch to regular login", :regular_login_header => "Regular login", :openid_login_header => "OpenID login" }, :searches => { :search => "Search", :hint => %Q{eg. 'wrapper', 'category:python' or '"document database"'}, :page_title => %Q{Search for "{{term}}"}, :no_results => "Sorry, no results for {{term}}", :found => { :one => "Found {{count}} result in {{time}}ms", :other => "Found {{count}} results in {{time}}ms", }, }, :trees => { :page_title => "Tree for {{repo}} in {{title}}", :title => "Tree of {{repo}} repository in {{title}}", :download => "Download as gzipped tarball", :branch => "Branch", }, :repos => { :overview => "Overview", :commits => "Commits", :tree => "Source Tree", :comments => "Comments ({{count}})", :requests => "Merge requests ({{count}})", :public_url => "Public clone url", :your_clone_url => "Your push url", :clone_this_repo => "Clone this repository", :more_info => "More info…", :help_clone => "You can clone this repository with the following command", :help_clone_http => "note that cloning over HTTP is slightly slower, but useful if you're behind a firewall", :http_url => "Public HTTP clone url", :push_url => "Your push url", :help_push => "You can run git push {{repo}} master
Or you can setup a remote like this:", :wiki_clone_url => "Download this wiki with", :wiki_push_url => "Upload this wiki by pushing to", :owner => "Owner", :creator => "creator", :project => "Project", :mirroring => "Mirroring", :visibility => "Visibility", :confirm_delete => "Please confirm deletion of {{repo}} in {{title}}", :message_delete => "Once you press this button the repository will be deleted", :btn_delete => "YES I am sure I want to delete this repository permanently", :page_title => "Repositories in {{repo}}", :title => "Repositories", :commits => "Commits", :tree => "Tree", :activities => { :one => "activity", :other => "activities" }, :branches => { :one => "branch", :other => "branches" }, :authors => { :one => "author", :other => "authors" }, :name => %Q{Name (eg "{{name}}-sandbox", "performance-fixes" etc)}, :btn_clone => "Clone this repository on YouSource", :back => "Back to repository", :show_page_title => "{{repo}} in {{title}}", :show_title => ""{{repo}}" repository in {{title}}", :committers_title => "Add committers to {{repo}} in {{title}}", :committers_manage_group_members => "Manage team members for {{group}}", :committers_howto => "There are two ways to add committers to a repository, either by adding members to the team owning the repository, or to add another team as committers.", :transfer_owner => "Transfer owner", :current_owner_project => "The repository is currrently owned by the {{project_name}} project (which you own).", :current_owner_user => "The repository is currrently owned by you.", :transfer_owner_howto => "If you wish, you can transfer ownership of this repository to a team you're an administrator of. That way you can add multiple users as committers, without requiring them to start a team.", :add_committer_group => "Or you can add an existing team as committers to the repository, thus giving all the members commit access.", :update_with_zip_hint => "The repository contents will be replaced with the contents of the zip. Any \"lost\" files can be restored from previous commit(s).", :target_branch_hint => "The zip contents will be uploaded to the selected branch. If unsure, select the master branch.
Branching in git is very handy, read more.", :activities => "Activities", :clone_of => "Clone of", :created => "Created", :license => "License", :btn_create => "Create repository", :btn_request => "Request merge", :btn_add_committer => "Add committer", :btn_add_committers => "Add committers", :btn_manage_collaborators => "Manage collaborators", :btn_delete_repo => "Delete repository", :btn_edit_repo => "Edit repository", :btn_update_repo_with_zip => "Update repository with zip", :edit_repo => "Update", :edit_breadcrumb => "Edit Repository", :update_with_zip_breadcrumb => "Update repository with zip", :committers => "Committers", :current_committers => "Committers", :current_viewers => "Viewers", :remove => "Remove", :clone_breadcrumb => "Clone Repository", :create_title => lambda { |this, clone, project| "Create a clone of #{this.link_to(this.send(:h, clone.name), this.send(:project_repository_path, project, clone) )} in #{this.link_to this.send(:h, project.title), this.send(:project_path, project)}" }, :edit_group => "Edit/show team members", :show_group => "Show team members", :by_teams => "Team clones", :by_users => "Personal clones", :merge_requests_enabled => "By choosing the check box you allow other YouSource users to send you requests to merge changes they have made to your code.", :private_repo_hint => "Only repository collaborators are allowed to see private repositories. You can add collaboratos in Manage collaborators section.", :initialize_with_zip_hint => "The contents of the zip file will be automatically stored into the new repository." }, :projects => { :title => "Projects", :back => "Back to edit screen", :hint => %Q{Markdown and basic html is allowed}, :categories => "Keywords", :delete => "Delete project", :delete_title => "Please confirm deletion of project {{title}}", :delete_message => "Once you press this button the project will be deleted", :delete_btn => "YES I am sure I want to delete this project permanently", :edit => "Edit project", :edit_breadcrumb => "Edit Project", :update_title => "Edit project {{link}}", :new => "New project", :create_new => "Create a new project", :popular => "Popular Keywords", :new_breadcrumb => "New Project", :new_title => "Create a new project", :new_hint => "After you've created the project you'll have the option of adding one or more repositories to the project.", :create => "Create project", :labels => "Keywords", :license => "License", :owner => "Owner", :created => "Created", :website => "Website at ", :mailing => "Mailinglist at ", :bugtracker => "Bugtracker at ", :visibility => "Visibility", :private => "Members only", :public_to_site => "Site users", :public => "Everyone", :repos => "Repositories", :repository_clones => "Repository clones", :no_clones_yet => "No clones on YouSource yet of this repository", :project_members => "Members of owner team", :add_repository => "Add repository", :edit_oauth_settings => 'Edit contribution settings', :add_repository_breadcrumb => "Add Repository", :edit_slug_title => 'Edit the slug (for URLs etc.)', :edit_slug_disclaimer => 'Please note that by changing the slug all URLs, including git URLs, will be changed', :update_slug => 'Update slug', :merge_request_states_hint => 'Each line should contain one status tag that can be selected for merge requests in this project' }, :merges => { :info => { :target_repos => "The one you wish this repository should be merged with", :target_branch => "The target branch you wish your changes to be merged into", :source_branch => "The source branch you wish the target repository should merge from", :summary => "A one-line summary of your changes", :proposal => "A more detailed overview of your changes", }, :summary_title => "{{source}} has requested a merge with {{target}}", :review => "Review merge request →", :page_title => "Merge requests in {{repo}}", :edit_title => "Edit merge request", :hint => %Q{A "merge request" is a notification from one repository to another that would like their changes to be merged upstream.}, :no_merge => "No merge requests yet", :create_title => "Create a merge request", :create_btn => "Create merge request", :show_title => "Reviewing merge request \#{{id}}: {{summary}}", :edit_btn => "Edit merge request", :delete_btn => 'Delete merge request', :example => "Show example workflow", :commits_to_merged => "Commits that would be merged", :commits => "Commits", :reopen_btn => 'Reopen merge request', :update_btn => 'Update merge request', }, :committers => { :title => "Give a user commit rights to {{repo}}", :login => "Existing username (search-as-you-type)", :add => "Add as committer", }, :common => { :confirm => "Are you sure?", :create => "Create", :creating => "Creating", :editing => "Editing", :edit => "Edit", :save => "Save", :delete => "delete", :add => "Add", :yes => "Yes", :no => "No", :back => "Back", :signup => 'Sign up', :toggle => "Toggle", :none => "none", :update => "Update", :cancel => "cancel", :or => "or", :remove => "remove", :format_using_markdown => %Q(Use {{markdown}} for formatting), :markdown_format_with_help => %Q(Format pages using Markdown), }, :pages => { :page => "page", :last_edited_by => "Last edited by {{link_or_name}}", :or_back_to_page => "or return to {{page_link}}", :history => "History", :last_n_edits => "Last {{n}} edits on {{title}}", :index => "Pages index", :format_using_markdown => %Q(Format pages using {{markdown}}), :wikiwords_syntax => "[[Wikilink]] will be linked to a page of that name.", :page_title => "Wiki of {{project}}" }, :memberships => { :add_new_member => "Add new member", :role => "Role", :header_title => "Members in {{group_name}}", :new_title => "Add new member to {{group_memberships}}", :new_breadcrumb => "Add new member", }, :groups => { :create_team => "Create a new team", :update_team => 'Update a team', :team_name => "Team name", :project_name => "Project name", :create_team_submit => "Create team", :update_team_submit => 'Update team', :teams => "Teams", :member_singular => "member", :member_plural => "members", :repo_singular => "repository", :repo_plural => "repositories", :new_team_after_create_hint => "You can add more members to the team after you've created it", :edit_memberships => "Edit memberships", :edit_team => 'Edit team', :description => 'Team description', :avatar => 'Team image/logo:', :edit_breadcrumb => "Edit Profile", }, :collaborators => { :add_new => "Add collaborators", :title => "Users & teams collaborating on {{repo_name}}", :committer_name => "Committer", :group_name => "Team name", :user_login => "Username", :add_user => "Add a user", :add_team => "Add a team", :new_title => "Add a user or team as collaborators on {{repo_name}}", :btn_add_as_collaborator => "Add as collaborator", :return_to => "return to", :or_return_to => "or return to", :add_team_note => "Note that adding a team will give everyone in that team the permissions you select", }, :aliases => { :aliases_title => "Email Aliases", :new_alias => "New email alias", :new_alias_breadcrumb => "New Email Alias", :manage_aliases => "Manage email aliases" }, :messages => { :collection_title => "Messages", :title_new => "Compose a message", :subject => "Subject", :body => "Message body", :recipient => "Choose one or more recipients, separate with comma", :submit => "Send message", :index_message => "Inbox", :reply => "Reply", :received_messages => "Inbox", :all_messages => 'Archive', :sent_messages => "Sent messages", :new => "Compose a message", :mark_as_read => "Mark as read" } }, :date => { :formats => { :long_ordinal => lambda { |date| "%B #{date.day.ordinalize}, %Y" }, :default => "%Y-%m-%d", :short => "%e %b", :long => "%B %e, %Y", :only_day => "%e", }, :day_names => %w(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday), :abbr_day_names => %w(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat), :month_names => [nil] + %w(January February March April May June July August September October November December), :abbr_month_names => [nil] + %w(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec), :order => [ :year, :month, :day ], }, :time => { :formats => { :long_ordinal => lambda { |time| "%B #{time.day.ordinalize}, %Y %H:%M" }, :default => "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", :time => "%H:%M", :short => "%d %b %H:%M", :long => "%B %d, %Y %H:%M", :only_second => "%S", :human => "%A %B %d %Y", :short_time => "%H:%M", :datetime => { :formats => { :default => "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z", }, }, }, :time_with_zone => { :formats => { :default => lambda { |time| "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S #{time.formatted_offset(false, 'UTC')}" } }, }, :am => 'AM', :pm => 'PM', }, :activerecord => { :models => { :comment => "Comment", :event => "Event", :group => "Team", :membership => "Membership", :merge_request => "Merge Request", :project => "Project", :repository => "Repository", :role => "Role", :ssh_key => "SSH Key", :tags => "Category", :user => "User", }, :attributes => { :user => { :login => "Username", :email => "Email", :current_password => "Current Password", :password => "Password", :password_confirmation => "Password Confirmation", :created_at => "Created At", :updated_at => "Updated At", :activation_code => "Activation Code", :activated_at => "Activated At", :fullname => "Full name", :url => "Url", :public_email => "Show email in public?" }, :merge_request => { :target_repository_id => "Target Repository", :summary => "Summary", :proposal => "Description", :source_branch => "Source Branch", :target_branch => "Target Branch", }, :project => { :title => "Project name:", :description => "Description:", :slug => "Slug (for urls etc):", :license => "License:", :home_url => "Home URL (if any):", :mailinglist_url => "Mailinglist URL (if any):", :bugtracker_url => "Bugtracker URL (if any):", :wiki_enabled => "Enable project wiki:", :tag_list => "Keywords:", :merge_request_states => 'Merge request states:', :visibility => "Visibility:" }, :comment => { :body => "Body", }, :repository => { :name => "Repository name", :ready => "Ready", :wiki_permissions => "Wiki permissions:", :license => "License:", :initialize_with_zip => "Initialize repository with a local zip-file", :private_repository => "Private repository:", :enable_merge_requests => "Enable merge requests:", :svn_mirror => "SVN", :zip_mirror => "ZIP", :no_mirror => "None", :private => "Collaborators only", :private_by_project => "Project members and repository collaborators", :public => "Everyone", }, :keys => { :key => "Key", :ready => "Ready", }, :roles => { :name => "Role" }, :memberships => { :created_at => "Created at" }, :committerships => { :created_at => "Created at", :committer => "committer", :committer_type => "Committer type", :repository => "Repository", :permissions => "Permissions", :creator => "Added by", } }, } } }