# encoding: utf-8 #-- # Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #++ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class TreesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase should_render_in_site_specific_context context "routing" do should_eventually "recognizes a single glob with a format" do pending "fix rails bug #1939" assert_recognizes({ :controller => "trees", :action => "archive", :project_id => "proj", :repository_id => "repo", :branch => ["foo"], :format => "tar.gz", }, "/proj/repo/archive/foo.tar.gz") assert_recognizes({ :controller => "trees", :action => "archive", :project_id => "proj", :repository_id => "repo", :branch => ["foo"], :format => "zip", }, "/proj/repo/archive/foo.zip") end should_eventually "recognizes multiple globs with a format" do pending "fix rails bug #1939" assert_recognizes({ :controller => "trees", :action => "archive", :project_id => "proj", :repository_id => "repo", :branch => ["foo", "bar"], :format => "zip", }, "/proj/repo/archive/foo/bar.zip") assert_recognizes({ :controller => "trees", :action => "archive", :project_id => "proj", :repository_id => "repo", :branch => ["foo", "bar"], :format => "tar.gz", }, "/proj/repo/archive/foo/bar.tar.gz") end end def setup @project = projects(:johans) @repository = @project.repositories.mainlines.first @repository.update_attribute(:ready, true) Repository.any_instance.stubs(:full_repository_path).returns(grit_test_repo("dot_git")) @grit = Grit::Repo.new(grit_test_repo("dot_git"), :is_bare => true) Repository.any_instance.stubs(:git).returns(@grit) end context "#index" do should "redirects to the master head, if not :id given" do get :index, :project_id => @project.slug, :repository_id => @repository.name assert_redirected_to(project_repository_tree_path(@project, @repository, ["master"])) end end context "#show" do should "GETs successfully" do get :show, :project_id => @project.to_param, :repository_id => @repository.to_param, :branch_and_path => ["master", "lib", "grit"] assert_response :success assert_equal @repository.git.tree("81a18c36ebe04e406ab84ccc911d79e65e14d1c0"), assigns(:tree) assert_equal "master", assigns(:ref) assert_equal ["lib", "grit"], assigns(:path) end should "redirects to HEAD if provided sha was not found (backwards compat)" do get :show, :project_id => @project.slug, :repository_id => @repository.name, :branch_and_path => ["a"*40, "foo"] assert_redirected_to(project_repository_tree_path(@project, @repository, ["HEAD", "foo"])) end should "sets a pseudo-head if the tree ref is a sha" do ref = "3fa4e130fa18c92e3030d4accb5d3e0cadd40157" get :show, :project_id => @project.to_param, :repository_id => @repository.to_param, :branch_and_path => [ref] assert_response :success assert_equal ref[0..6], assigns(:root).breadcrumb_parent.title end should "support browsing a namespaced branch" do get :show, :project_id => @project.to_param, :repository_id => @repository.to_param, :branch_and_path => ["test", "master", "lib"] assert_response :success assert_equal "test/master", assigns(:root).breadcrumb_parent.breadcrumb_parent.title assert_equal ["lib"], assigns(:path) end should 'cache the tree' do get :show, :project_id => @project.to_param, :repository_id => @repository.to_param, :branch_and_path => ["test", "master", "lib"] assert_response :success assert_equal "max-age=30, private", @response.headers['Cache-Control'] end should "redirect to the tree index with a msg if the tree SHA1 was not found" do @grit.expects(:commit).with("master").returns(nil) get :show, :project_id => @project.to_param, :repository_id => @repository.to_param, :branch_and_path => ["master", "lib"] assert_response :redirect assert_match(/no such tree sha/i, flash[:error]) end end context "Branch names containing a # character" do should "show branches with a # in them with great success" do git_repo = Grit::Repo.new(grit_test_repo("dot_git"), :is_bare => true) @repository.git.expects(:commit).with("ticket-#42") \ .returns(git_repo.commit("master")) get :show, :project_id => @project.to_param, :repository_id => @repository.to_param, :branch_and_path => ["ticket-%2342"] assert_response :success assert_equal "ticket-#42", assigns(:ref) end should "urlencode # in branch names" do Repository.any_instance.expects(:head_candidate_name).returns("ticket-#42") get :index, :project_id => @project.to_param, :repository_id => @repository.to_param assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to project_repository_tree_path(@project, @repository, ["ticket-#42"]) end end context "Archive downloads" do setup do ActiveMessaging::Gateway.connection.clear_messages @master_sha = "ca8a30f5a7f0f163bbe3b6f0abf18a6c83b0687a" @test_master_sha = "2d3acf90f35989df8f262dc50beadc4ee3ae1560" end should "returns the correct for an existing cached tarball" do cached_path = File.join(GitoriousConfig["archive_cache_dir"], "#{@repository.hashed_path.gsub(/\//, '-')}-#{@master_sha}.tar.gz") File.expects(:exist?).with(cached_path).returns(true) get :archive, :project_id => @project.slug, :repository_id => @repository.name, :branch => %w[master], :archive_format => "tar.gz" assert_response :success assert_equal cached_path, @response.headers["X-Sendfile"] assert_equal "application/x-gzip; charset=utf-8", @response.headers["Content-Type"] exp_filename = "#{@repository.project.to_param}-#{@repository.to_param}-master.tar.gz" assert_equal "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"#{exp_filename}\"", @response.headers["Content-Disposition"] end should "enqueues a job when the tarball isn't cached" do cached_path = File.join(GitoriousConfig["archive_cache_dir"], "#{@repository.hashed_path.gsub(/\//, '-')}-#{@test_master_sha}.tar.gz") work_path = File.join(GitoriousConfig["archive_work_dir"], "#{@repository.hashed_path.gsub(/\//, '-')}-#{@test_master_sha}.tar.gz") File.expects(:exist?).with(cached_path).returns(false) File.expects(:exist?).with(work_path).returns(false) get :archive, :project_id => @project.slug, :repository_id => @repository.name, :branch => %w[test master], :archive_format => "tar.gz" assert_response 202 # Accepted assert_match(/is currently being generated, try again later/, @response.body) assert_equal "text/plain; charset=utf-8", @response.headers["Content-Type"] msg = ActiveMessaging::Gateway.connection.find_message("/queue/GitoriousRepositoryArchiving", /#{@test_master_sha}/) assert_not_nil msg msg_hash = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(msg.body) assert_equal @repository.full_repository_path, msg_hash["full_repository_path"] assert_equal cached_path, msg_hash["output_path"] assert_equal @test_master_sha, msg_hash["commit_sha"] assert_equal "tar.gz", msg_hash["format"] end should "enqueues a job when the tarball isn't cached, unless work has already begun" do cached_path = File.join(GitoriousConfig["archive_cache_dir"], "#{@repository.hashed_path.gsub(/\//, '-')}-#{@master_sha}.tar.gz") work_path = File.join(GitoriousConfig["archive_work_dir"], "#{@repository.hashed_path.gsub(/\//, '-')}-#{@master_sha}.tar.gz") File.expects(:exist?).with(cached_path).returns(false) File.expects(:exist?).with(work_path).returns(true) get :archive, :project_id => @project.slug, :repository_id => @repository.name, :branch => %w[master], :archive_format => "tar.gz" assert_response 202 # Accepted msg = ActiveMessaging::Gateway.connection.find_message("/queue/GitoriousRepositoryArchiving", /#{@master_sha}/) assert_nil msg end should "redirect to the first tree when an invalid ref is requested" do get :archive, :project_id => @project.slug, :repository_id => @repository.name, :branch => %w[foo], :archive_format => "tar.gz" assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to project_repository_tree_path(@project, @repository, 'HEAD') end end end