require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe 'RoutingFilter' do include RoutingFilterHelpers before :each do @controller = instantiate_controller :locale => 'de', :section_id => 1 @set = draw_routes do |map| map.section 'sections/:section_id', :controller => 'sections', :action => "show" map.filter 'locale', { :file => 'routing_filter/locale' } map.filter 'pagination' end @locale_filter = @set.filters.first @pagination_filter = @set.filters.last end def recognize_path(path = '/de/sections/1', options = {}) @set.recognize_path path, options end def url_for(options) @controller.send :url_for, options end def section_path(*args) @controller.send :section_path, *args end it 'installs filters to the route set' do @locale_filter.should be_instance_of(RoutingFilter::Locale) @pagination_filter.should be_instance_of(RoutingFilter::Pagination) end it 'calls the first filter for route recognition' do @locale_filter.should_receive(:around_recognize).and_return :foo => :bar recognize_path.should == {:foo => :bar} end it 'calls the second filter for route recognition' do @pagination_filter.should_receive(:around_recognize).and_return :foo => :bar recognize_path.should == {:foo => :bar} end it 'calls the first filter for url generation' do @locale_filter.should_receive(:around_generate).and_return '/sections/1' url_for :controller => 'sections', :action => 'show', :section_id => 1 end it 'calls the second filter for url generation' do @pagination_filter.should_receive(:around_generate).and_return '/sections/1' url_for :controller => 'sections', :action => 'show', :section_id => 1 end it 'calls the first filter for named route url_helper' do @locale_filter.should_receive(:around_generate).and_return '/sections/1' section_path :section_id => 1 end it 'calls the filter for named route url_helper with "optimized" generation blocks' do @locale_filter.should_receive(:around_generate).and_return '/sections/1' section_path 1 end it 'calls the filter for named route polymorphic_path' do @locale_filter.should_receive(:around_generate).and_return '/sections/1' section_path end end