module Spec module Matchers class Be #:nodoc: def initialize(*args) if args.empty? @expected = :satisfy_if else @expected = parse_expected(args.shift) end @args = args @comparison = "" end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual if handling_predicate? begin return @result = actual.__send__(predicate, *@args) rescue => predicate_error # This clause should be empty, but rcov will not report it as covered # unless something (anything) is executed within the clause rcov_error_report = "" end # This supports should_exist > target.exists? in the old world. # We should consider deprecating that ability as in the new world # you can't write "should exist" unless you have your own custom matcher. begin return @result = actual.__send__(present_tense_predicate, *@args) rescue raise predicate_error end else return match_or_compare end end def failure_message return "expected #{@comparison}#{expected}, got #{@actual.inspect}" unless handling_predicate? return "expected #{predicate}#{args_to_s} to return true, got #{@result.inspect}" end def negative_failure_message return "expected not #{expected}, got #{@actual.inspect}" unless handling_predicate? return "expected #{predicate}#{args_to_s} to return false, got #{@result.inspect}" end def expected return "if to be satisfied" if @expected == :satisfy_if return true if @expected == :true return false if @expected == :false return "nil" if @expected == :nil return @expected.inspect end def match_or_compare return @actual ? true : false if @expected == :satisfy_if return @actual == true if @expected == :true return @actual == false if @expected == :false return @actual.nil? if @expected == :nil return @actual < @expected if @less_than return @actual <= @expected if @less_than_or_equal return @actual >= @expected if @greater_than_or_equal return @actual > @expected if @greater_than return @actual == @expected if @double_equal return @actual === @expected if @triple_equal return @actual.equal?(@expected) end def ==(expected) @prefix = "be " @double_equal = true @comparison = "== " @expected = expected self end def ===(expected) @prefix = "be " @triple_equal = true @comparison = "=== " @expected = expected self end def <(expected) @prefix = "be " @less_than = true @comparison = "< " @expected = expected self end def <=(expected) @prefix = "be " @less_than_or_equal = true @comparison = "<= " @expected = expected self end def >=(expected) @prefix = "be " @greater_than_or_equal = true @comparison = ">= " @expected = expected self end def >(expected) @prefix = "be " @greater_than = true @comparison = "> " @expected = expected self end def description "#{prefix_to_sentence}#{comparison}#{expected_to_sentence}#{args_to_sentence}" end private def parse_expected(expected) if Symbol === expected @handling_predicate = true ["be_an_","be_a_","be_"].each do |prefix| if expected.starts_with?(prefix) @prefix = prefix return "#{expected.to_s.sub(@prefix,"")}".to_sym end end end @prefix = "" return expected end def handling_predicate? return false if [:true, :false, :nil].include?(@expected) return @handling_predicate end def predicate "#{@expected.to_s}?".to_sym end def present_tense_predicate "#{@expected.to_s}s?".to_sym end def args_to_s return "" if @args.empty? inspected_args = @args.collect{|a| a.inspect} return "(#{inspected_args.join(', ')})" end def comparison @comparison end def expected_to_sentence split_words(@expected) end def prefix_to_sentence split_words(@prefix) end def split_words(sym) sym.to_s.gsub(/_/,' ') end def args_to_sentence case @args.length when 0 "" when 1 " #{@args[0]}" else " #{@args[0...-1].join(', ')} and #{@args[-1]}" end end end # :call-seq: # should be # should be_true # should be_false # should be_nil # should be_arbitrary_predicate(*args) # should_not be_nil # should_not be_arbitrary_predicate(*args) # # Given true, false, or nil, will pass if actual is # true, false or nil (respectively). Given no args means # the caller should satisfy an if condition (to be or not to be). # # Predicates are any Ruby method that ends in a "?" and returns true or false. # Given be_ followed by arbitrary_predicate (without the "?"), RSpec will match # convert that into a query against the target object. # # The arbitrary_predicate feature will handle any predicate # prefixed with "be_an_" (e.g. be_an_instance_of), "be_a_" (e.g. be_a_kind_of) # or "be_" (e.g. be_empty), letting you choose the prefix that best suits the predicate. # # == Examples # # target.should be # target.should be_true # target.should be_false # target.should be_nil # target.should_not be_nil # # collection.should be_empty #passes if target.empty? # "this string".should be_an_intance_of(String) # # target.should_not be_empty #passes unless target.empty? # target.should_not be_old_enough(16) #passes unless target.old_enough?(16) def be(*args)*args) end end end