module Spec module Runner class ExampleGroupRunner def initialize(options) @options = options end def load_files(files) # It's important that loading files (or choosing not to) stays the # responsibility of the ExampleGroupRunner. Some implementations (like) # the one using DRb may choose *not* to load files, but instead tell # someone else to do it over the wire. files.each do |file| load file end end def run prepare success = true example_groups.each do |example_group| success = success & end return success ensure finish end protected def prepare reporter.start(number_of_examples) example_groups.reverse! if reverse end def finish reporter.end reporter.dump end def reporter @options.reporter end def reverse @options.reverse end def example_groups @options.example_groups end def number_of_examples @options.number_of_examples end end # TODO: BT - Deprecate BehaviourRunner? BehaviourRunner = ExampleGroupRunner end end