Story: Getting correct output As an RSpec user I want to see output only once So that I don't get confused Scenario: Run with ruby Given the file spec/simple_spec.rb When I run it with the ruby interpreter Then the exit code should be 0 And the stdout should not match /\d+ tests, \d+ assertions, \d+ failures, \d+ errors/m And the stdout should match "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: Run with CommandLine object Given the file spec/simple_spec.rb When I run it with the CommandLine object Then the exit code should be 0 And the stdout should not match "Loaded suite" And the stdout should not match /\d+ tests, \d+ assertions, \d+ failures, \d+ errors/m And the stdout should match "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: Tweak backtrace Given the file stories/failing_story.rb When I run it with the ruby interpreter Then the stdout should not match /\/lib\/spec\//