module Spec module Rails module Example # Helper Specs live in $RAILS_ROOT/spec/helpers/. # # Helper Specs use Spec::Rails::Example::HelperExampleGroup, which allows you to # include your Helper directly in the context and write specs directly # against its methods. # # HelperExampleGroup also includes the standard lot of ActionView::Helpers in case your # helpers rely on any of those. # # == Example # # class ThingHelper # def number_of_things # Thing.count # end # end # # describe "ThingHelper example_group" do # include ThingHelper # it "should tell you the number of things" do # Thing.should_receive(:count).and_return(37) # number_of_things.should == 37 # end # end class HelperExampleGroup < FunctionalExampleGroup class HelperObject < ActionView::Base def protect_against_forgery? false end end class << self # The helper name.... def helper_name(name=nil) @helper_being_described = "#{name}_helper".camelize.constantize send :include, @helper_being_described end def helper @helper_object ||= returning do |helper_object| if @helper_being_described.nil? if described_type.class == Module helper_object.extend described_type end else helper_object.extend @helper_being_described end end end end # Returns an instance of ActionView::Base with the helper being spec'd # included. # # == Example # # describe PersonHelper do # it "should write a link to person with the name" do # assigns[:person] = mock_model(Person, :full_name => "Full Name", :id => 37, :new_record? => false) # helper.link_to_person.should == %{Full Name} # end # end # # module PersonHelper # def link_to_person # link_to person.full_name, url_for(person) # end # end # def helper self.class.helper end # Reverse the load order so that custom helpers which are defined last # are also loaded last. ActionView::Base.included_modules.reverse.each do |mod| include mod if mod.parents.include?(ActionView::Helpers) end before(:all) do @controller_class_name = 'Spec::Rails::Example::HelperBehaviourController' end before(:each) do @controller.request = @request @controller.url = @request, {} # url_for @flash = session['flash'] = @flash ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::reset_javascript_include_default end def flash @flash end def eval_erb(text) helper.instance_eval do end end # TODO: BT - Helper Examples should proxy method_missing to a Rails View instance. # When that is done, remove this method def protect_against_forgery? false end Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:helper, self) protected def _assigns_hash_proxy @_assigns_hash_proxy ||= helper end end class HelperBehaviourController < ApplicationController #:nodoc: attr_accessor :request, :url # Re-raise errors def rescue_action(e); raise e; end end end end end