class RedirectSpecController < ApplicationController def action_with_no_redirect render :text => "this is just here to keep this from causing a MissingTemplate error" end def action_with_redirect_to_somewhere redirect_to :action => 'somewhere' end def action_with_redirect_to_other_somewhere redirect_to :controller => 'render_spec', :action => 'text_action' end def action_with_redirect_to_somewhere_and_return redirect_to :action => 'somewhere' and return render :text => "this is after the return" end def somewhere render :text => "this is just here to keep this from causing a MissingTemplate error" end def action_with_redirect_to_rspec_site redirect_to "" end def action_with_redirect_back redirect_to :back end def action_with_redirect_in_respond_to respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to :action => 'somewhere' } end end def action_with_redirect_which_creates_query_string redirect_to :action => "somewhere", :id => 1111, :param1 => "value1", :param2 => "value2" end # note: sometimes this is the URL which rails will generate from the hash in # action_with_redirect_which_creates_query_string def action_with_redirect_with_query_string_order1 redirect_to "¶m2=value2" end # note: sometimes this is the URL which rails will generate from the hash in # action_with_redirect_which_creates_query_string def action_with_redirect_with_query_string_order2 redirect_to "¶m1=value1" end def action_with_redirect_to_unroutable_url_inside_app redirect_to :controller => "nonexistant", :action => "none" end end