require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'test_helper') class ValidateAcceptanceOfMatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # :nodoc: context "an attribute which must be accepted" do setup do @model = define_model(:example) do validates_acceptance_of :attr end should "require that attribute to be accepted" do assert_accepts validate_acceptance_of(:attr), @model end should "not overwrite the default message with nil" do assert_accepts validate_acceptance_of(:attr).with_message(nil), @model end end context "an attribute that does not need to be accepted" do setup do @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new end should "not require that attribute to be accepted" do assert_rejects validate_acceptance_of(:attr), @model end end context "an attribute which must be accepted with a custom message" do setup do @model = define_model(:example) do validates_acceptance_of :attr, :message => 'custom' end should "require that attribute to be accepted with that message" do assert_accepts validate_acceptance_of(:attr).with_message(/custom/), @model end end end