module StateMachine # Provides a set of helper methods for making assertions about the content of # various objects module Assertions # Validates that all keys in the given hash *only* includes the specified # valid keys. If any invalid keys are found, an ArgumentError will be # raised. # # == Examples # # options = {:name => 'John Smith', :age => 30} # # assert_valid_keys(options, :name) # => ArgumentError: Invalid key(s): age # assert_valid_keys(options, 'name', 'age') # => ArgumentError: Invalid key(s): age, name # assert_valid_keys(options, :name, :age) # => nil def assert_valid_keys(hash, *valid_keys) invalid_keys = hash.keys - valid_keys raise ArgumentError, "Invalid key(s): #{invalid_keys.join(', ')}" unless invalid_keys.empty? end # Validates that at *most* one of a set of exclusive keys is included in # the given hash. If more than one key is found, an ArgumentError will be # raised. # # == Examples # # options = {:only => :on, :except => :off} # assert_exclusive_keys(options, :only) # => nil # assert_exclusive_keys(options, :except) # => nil # assert_exclusive_keys(options, :only, :except) # => ArgumentError: Conflicting keys: only, except # assert_exclusive_keys(options, :only, :except, :with) # => ArgumentError: Conflicting keys: only, except def assert_exclusive_keys(hash, *exclusive_keys) conflicting_keys = exclusive_keys & hash.keys raise ArgumentError, "Conflicting keys: #{conflicting_keys.join(', ')}" unless conflicting_keys.length <= 1 end end end