module StateMachine module Integrations #:nodoc: # Adds support for integrating state machines with DataMapper resources. # # == Examples # # Below is an example of a simple state machine defined within a # DataMapper resource: # # class Vehicle # include DataMapper::Resource # # property :id, Serial # property :name, String # property :state, String # # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # end # # The examples in the sections below will use the above class as a # reference. # # == Actions # # By default, the action that will be invoked when a state is transitioned # is the +save+ action. This will cause the resource to save the changes # made to the state machine's attribute. *Note* that if any other changes # were made to the resource prior to transition, then those changes will # be saved as well. # # For example, # # vehicle = Vehicle.create # => # # = 'Ford Explorer' # vehicle.ignite # => true # vehicle.reload # => # # # == Transactions # # In order to ensure that any changes made during transition callbacks # are rolled back during a failed attempt, every transition is wrapped # within a transaction. # # For example, # # class Message # include DataMapper::Resource # # property :id, Serial # property :content, String # end # # Vehicle.state_machine do # before_transition do |transition| # Message.create(:content => transition.inspect) # throw :halt # end # end # # vehicle = Vehicle.create # => # # vehicle.ignite # => false # Message.all.count # => 0 # # *Note* that only before callbacks that halt the callback chain and # failed attempts to save the record will result in the transaction being # rolled back. If an after callback halts the chain, the previous result # still applies and the transaction is *not* rolled back. # # == Validation errors # # If an event fails to successfully fire because there are no matching # transitions for the current record, a validation error is added to the # record's state attribute to help in determining why it failed and for # reporting via the UI. # # For example, # # vehicle = Vehicle.create(:state => 'idling') # => # # vehicle.ignite # => false # vehicle.errors.full_messages # => ["cannot be transitioned via :ignite from :idling"] # # If an event fails to fire because of a validation error on the record and # *not* because a matching transition was not available, no error messages # will be added to the state attribute. # # == Scopes # # To assist in filtering models with specific states, a series of class # methods are defined on the model for finding records with or without a # particular set of states. # # These named scopes are the functional equivalent of the following # definitions: # # class Vehicle # include DataMapper::Resource # # property :id, Serial # property :state, String # # class << self # def with_states(*states) # all(:state => states.flatten) # end # alias_method :with_state, :with_states # # def without_states(*states) # all(:state.not => states.flatten) # end # alias_method :without_state, :without_states # end # end # # *Note*, however, that the states are converted to their stored values # before being passed into the query. # # Because of the way scopes work in DataMapper, they can be chained like # so: # # Vehicle.with_state(:parked).all(:order => [:id.desc]) # # == Callbacks / Observers # # All before/after transition callbacks defined for DataMapper resources # behave in the same way that other DataMapper hooks behave. Rather than # passing in the record as an argument to the callback, the callback is # instead bound to the object and evaluated within its context. # # For example, # # class Vehicle # include DataMapper::Resource # # property :id, Serial # property :state, String # # state_machine :initial => :parked do # before_transition any => :idling do # put_on_seatbelt # end # # before_transition do |transition| # # log message # end # # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # # def put_on_seatbelt # ... # end # end # # Note, also, that the transition can be accessed by simply defining # additional arguments in the callback block. # # In addition to support for DataMapper-like hooks, there is additional # support for DataMapper observers. See StateMachine::Integrations::DataMapper::Observer # for more information. module DataMapper # Should this integration be used for state machines in the given class? # Classes that include DataMapper::Resource will automatically use the # DataMapper integration. def self.matches?(klass) defined?(::DataMapper::Resource) && klass <= ::DataMapper::Resource end # Loads additional files specific to DataMapper def self.extended(base) #:nodoc: require 'state_machine/integrations/data_mapper/observer' if ::DataMapper.const_defined?('Observer') end # Adds a validation error to the given object after failing to fire a # specific event def invalidate(object, event) object.errors.add(attribute, invalid_message(object, event)) if object.respond_to?(:errors) end # Resets an errors previously added when invalidating the given object def reset(object) object.errors.clear end # Runs a new database transaction, rolling back any changes if the # yielded block fails (i.e. returns false). def within_transaction(object) object.class.transaction {|t| t.rollback unless yield} end protected # Sets the default action for all DataMapper state machines to +save+ def default_action :save end # Skips defining reader/writer methods since this is done automatically def define_attribute_accessor end # Creates a scope for finding records *with* a particular state or # states for the attribute def create_with_scope(name) attribute = self.attribute lambda {|resource, values| resource.all(attribute => values)} end # Creates a scope for finding records *without* a particular state or # states for the attribute def create_without_scope(name) attribute = self.attribute lambda {|resource, values| resource.all(attribute.to_sym.not => values)} end # Creates a new callback in the callback chain, always ensuring that # it's configured to bind to the object as this is the convention for # DataMapper/Extlib callbacks def add_callback(type, options, &block) options[:bind_to_object] = true super end end end end