require 'state_machine/assertions' module StateMachine # Represents a collection of nodes in a state machine, be it events or states. class NodeCollection include Enumerable include Assertions # Creates a new collection of nodes for the given state machine. By default, # the collection is empty. # # Configuration options: # * :index - One or more attributes to automatically generate # hashed indices for in order to perform quick lookups. Default is to # index by the :name attribute def initialize(options = {}) assert_valid_keys(options, :index) options = {:index => :name}.merge(options) @nodes = [] @indices = Array(options[:index]).inject({}) {|indices, attribute| indices[attribute] = {}; indices} @default_index = Array(options[:index]).first end # Creates a copy of this collection such that modifications don't affect # the original collection def initialize_copy(orig) #:nodoc: super nodes = @nodes @nodes = [] @indices = @indices.inject({}) {|indices, (name, index)| indices[name] = {}; indices} nodes.each {|node| self << node.dup} end # Changes the current machine associated with the collection. In turn, this # will change the state machine associated with each node in the collection. def machine=(new_machine) each {|node| node.machine = new_machine} end # Gets the number of nodes in this collection def length @nodes.length end # Gets the set of unique keys for the given index def keys(index_name = @default_index) index(index_name).keys end # Adds a new node to the collection. By doing so, this will also add it to # the configured indices. def <<(node) @nodes << node @indices.each {|attribute, index| index[node.send(attribute)] = node} self end # Updates the indexed keys for the given node. If the node's attribute # has changed since it was added to the collection, the old indexed keys # will be replaced with the updated ones. def update(node) @indices.each do |attribute, index| old_key = index.respond_to?(:key) ? index.key(node) : index.index(node) new_key = node.send(attribute) # Only replace the key if it's changed if old_key != new_key index.delete(old_key) index[new_key] = node end end end # Calls the block once for each element in self, passing that element as a # parameters. # # states = # states <<, :parked) # states <<, :idling) # states.each {|state| puts, ' -- '} # # ...produces: # # parked -- idling -- def each @nodes.each {|node| yield node} self end # Gets the node at the given index. # # states = # states <<, :parked) # states <<, :idling) # # # => :parked # # => :idling def at(index) @nodes[index] end # Gets the node indexed by the given key. By default, this will look up the # key in the first index configured for the collection. A custom index can # be specified like so: # # collection['parked', :value] # # The above will look up the "parked" key in a hash indexed by each node's # +value+ attribute. # # If the key cannot be found, then nil will be returned. def [](key, index_name = @default_index) index(index_name)[key] end # Gets the node indexed by the given key. By default, this will look up the # key in the first index configured for the collection. A custom index can # be specified like so: # # collection['parked', :value] # # The above will look up the "parked" key in a hash indexed by each node's # +value+ attribute. # # If the key cannot be found, then an IndexError exception will be raised: # # collection['invalid', :value] # => IndexError: "invalid" is an invalid value def fetch(key, index_name = @default_index) self[key, index_name] || raise(ArgumentError, "#{key.inspect} is an invalid #{index_name}") end private # Gets the given index. If the index does not exist, then an ArgumentError # is raised. def index(name) raise ArgumentError, 'No indices configured' unless @indices.any? @indices[name] || raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid index: #{name.inspect}") end end end