module StateMachine # An invalid transition was attempted class InvalidTransition < StandardError end # A transition represents a state change for a specific attribute. # # Transitions consist of: # * An event # * A starting state # * An ending state class Transition # The object being transitioned attr_reader :object # The state machine for which this transition is defined attr_reader :machine # The event that triggered the transition attr_reader :event # The original state value *before* the transition attr_reader :from # The original state name *before* the transition attr_reader :from_name # The new state value *after* the transition attr_reader :to # The new state name *after* the transition attr_reader :to_name # Creates a new, specific transition def initialize(object, machine, event, from_name, to_name) #:nodoc: @object = object @machine = machine @event = event @from = object.send(machine.attribute) @from_name = from_name @to = machine.states[to_name].value @to_name = to_name end # Gets the attribute which this transition's machine is defined for def attribute machine.attribute end # Gets a hash of all the core attributes defined for this transition with # their names as keys and values of the attributes as values. # # == Example # # machine = # transition =, machine, :ignite, :parked, :idling) # transition.attributes # => {:object => #, :attribute => :state, :event => :ignite, :from => 'parked', :to => 'idling'} def attributes @attributes ||= {:object => object, :attribute => attribute, :event => event, :from => from, :to => to} end # Runs the actual transition and any before/after callbacks associated # with the transition. The action associated with the transition/machine # can be skipped by passing in +false+. # # == Examples # # class Vehicle # state_machine :action => :save do # ... # end # end # # vehicle = # transition =, machine, :ignite, :parked, :idling) # transition.perform # => Runs the +save+ action after setting the state attribute # transition.perform(false) # => Only sets the state attribute def perform(run_action = true) result = false machine.within_transaction(object) do catch(:halt) do # Run before callbacks callback(:before) # Updates the object's attribute to the ending state object.send("#{attribute}=", to) result = run_action && machine.action ? object.send(machine.action) != false : true # Always run after callbacks regardless of whether the action failed. # Result is included in case the callback depends on this value callback(:after, result) end # Make sure the transaction gets the correct return value for determining # whether it should rollback or not result = result != false end result end # Generates a nicely formatted description of this transitions's contents. # # For example, # # transition =, machine, :ignite, :parked, :idling) # transition # => # def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{%w(attribute event from from_name to to_name).map {|attr| "#{attr}=#{send(attr).inspect}"} * ' '}>" end protected # Gets a hash of the context defining this unique transition (including # event, from state, and to state). # # == Example # # machine = # transition =, machine, :ignite, :parked, :idling) # transition.context # => {:on => :ignite, :from => :parked, :to => :idling} def context @context ||= {:on => event, :from => from_name, :to => to_name} end # Runs the callbacks of the given type for this transition. This will # only invoke callbacks that exactly match the event, from state, and # to state that describe this transition. # # Additional callback parameters can be specified. By default, this # transition is also passed into callbacks. def callback(type, *args) machine.callbacks[type].each do |callback|, context, self, *args) end end end end