plugin_root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') version = ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] version = nil if version and version == "" # first look for a symlink to a copy of the framework if !version and framework_root = ["#{plugin_root}/rails", "#{plugin_root}/../../rails"].find { |p| p } puts "found framework root: #{framework_root}" # this allows for a plugin to be tested outside of an app and without Rails gems $:.unshift "#{framework_root}/activesupport/lib", "#{framework_root}/activerecord/lib", "#{framework_root}/actionpack/lib" else # simply use installed gems if available puts "using Rails#{version ? ' ' + version : nil} gems" require 'rubygems' if version gem 'rails', version else gem 'actionpack' gem 'activerecord' end end