module ActionController module Routing class RouteBuilder #:nodoc: attr_reader :separators, :optional_separators attr_reader :separator_regexp, :nonseparator_regexp, :interval_regexp def initialize @separators = Routing::SEPARATORS @optional_separators = %w( / ) @separator_regexp = /[#{Regexp.escape(separators.join)}]/ @nonseparator_regexp = /\A([^#{Regexp.escape(separators.join)}]+)/ @interval_regexp = /(.*?)(#{separator_regexp}|$)/ end # Accepts a "route path" (a string defining a route), and returns the array # of segments that corresponds to it. Note that the segment array is only # partially initialized--the defaults and requirements, for instance, need # to be set separately, via the +assign_route_options+ method, and the # optional? method for each segment will not be reliable until after # +assign_route_options+ is called, as well. def segments_for_route_path(path) rest, segments = path, [] until rest.empty? segment, rest = segment_for(rest) segments << segment end segments end # A factory method that returns a new segment instance appropriate for the # format of the given string. def segment_for(string) segment = case string when /\A\.(:format)?\// when /\A:(\w+)/ key = $1.to_sym key == :controller ? : when /\A\*(\w+)/$1.to_sym, :optional => true) when /\A\?(.*?)\?/$1, :optional => true) when nonseparator_regexp$1) when separator_regexp$&, :optional => optional_separators.include?($&)) end [segment, $~.post_match] end # Split the given hash of options into requirement and default hashes. The # segments are passed alongside in order to distinguish between default values # and requirements. def divide_route_options(segments, options) options = options.except(:path_prefix, :name_prefix) if options[:namespace] options[:controller] = "#{options.delete(:namespace).sub(/\/$/, '')}/#{options[:controller]}" end requirements = (options.delete(:requirements) || {}).dup defaults = (options.delete(:defaults) || {}).dup conditions = (options.delete(:conditions) || {}).dup validate_route_conditions(conditions) path_keys = segments.collect { |segment| segment.key if segment.respond_to?(:key) }.compact options.each do |key, value| hash = (path_keys.include?(key) && ! value.is_a?(Regexp)) ? defaults : requirements hash[key] = value end [defaults, requirements, conditions] end # Takes a hash of defaults and a hash of requirements, and assigns them to # the segments. Any unused requirements (which do not correspond to a segment) # are returned as a hash. def assign_route_options(segments, defaults, requirements) route_requirements = {} # Requirements that do not belong to a segment segment_named = do |key| segments.detect { |segment| segment.key == key if segment.respond_to?(:key) } end requirements.each do |key, requirement| segment = segment_named[key] if segment raise TypeError, "#{key}: requirements on a path segment must be regular expressions" unless requirement.is_a?(Regexp) if requirement.source =~ %r{\A(\\A|\^)|(\\Z|\\z|\$)\Z} raise ArgumentError, "Regexp anchor characters are not allowed in routing requirements: #{requirement.inspect}" end if requirement.multiline? raise ArgumentError, "Regexp multiline option not allowed in routing requirements: #{requirement.inspect}" end segment.regexp = requirement else route_requirements[key] = requirement end end defaults.each do |key, default| segment = segment_named[key] raise ArgumentError, "#{key}: No matching segment exists; cannot assign default" unless segment segment.is_optional = true segment.default = default.to_param if default end assign_default_route_options(segments) ensure_required_segments(segments) route_requirements end # Assign default options, such as 'index' as a default for :action. This # method must be run *after* user supplied requirements and defaults have # been applied to the segments. def assign_default_route_options(segments) segments.each do |segment| next unless segment.is_a? DynamicSegment case segment.key when :action if segment.regexp.nil? || segment.regexp.match('index').to_s == 'index' segment.default ||= 'index' segment.is_optional = true end when :id if segment.default.nil? && segment.regexp.nil? || segment.regexp =~ '' segment.is_optional = true end end end end # Makes sure that there are no optional segments that precede a required # segment. If any are found that precede a required segment, they are # made required. def ensure_required_segments(segments) allow_optional = true segments.reverse_each do |segment| allow_optional &&= segment.optional? if !allow_optional && segment.optional? unless segment.optionality_implied? warn "Route segment \"#{segment.to_s}\" cannot be optional because it precedes a required segment. This segment will be required." end segment.is_optional = false elsif allow_optional && segment.respond_to?(:default) && segment.default # if a segment has a default, then it is optional segment.is_optional = true end end end # Construct and return a route with the given path and options. def build(path, options) # Wrap the path with slashes path = "/#{path}" unless path[0] == ?/ path = "#{path}/" unless path[-1] == ?/ prefix = options[:path_prefix].to_s.gsub(/^\//,'') path = "/#{prefix}#{path}" unless prefix.blank? segments = segments_for_route_path(path) defaults, requirements, conditions = divide_route_options(segments, options) requirements = assign_route_options(segments, defaults, requirements) # TODO: Segments should be frozen on initialize segments.each { |segment| segment.freeze } route =, requirements, conditions) if !route.significant_keys.include?(:controller) raise ArgumentError, "Illegal route: the :controller must be specified!" end route.freeze end private def validate_route_conditions(conditions) if method = conditions[:method] [method].flatten.each do |m| if m == :head raise ArgumentError, "HTTP method HEAD is invalid in route conditions. Rails processes HEAD requests the same as GETs, returning just the response headers" end unless HTTP_METHODS.include?(m.to_sym) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid HTTP method specified in route conditions: #{conditions.inspect}" end end end end end end end