Halyri - Mobiili  0.9.1
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAudioVideoTransmitManagerClass for managing audio and picture transmission from XNA Microphone and AudioVideoCaptureDevice. Media is captured using PreviewImageCapturer and WavAudioSampleCapturer classes. Capture configuration is taken from MediaConfigurationDto published by the server and available on NetworkConnection's MediaConfigurationUpdatedEvent. Network operations are performed by NetworkConnection class
 CConnectedConnected view is when connection to emergency exchange have been establish and processed by emergency exchange handler. If NoSound is enabled by user, this view opens up with chat. Emergency exchange can open map for user to pinpoint his location on map and send the location to emergency exchange. Handler can also open video recording. By taping cant talk enables chat also.
 CConnectionMakes all connection actions to server. User can connect, update information about device, personalinfo, medicalinfo or location. Uses SignalR for receiving and WCF for sending.
 CEditPersonalInfoMakes view where user can edit his personal info and save them.
 CLocalizedStringsProvides access to string resources.
 CMainPageApplications main view. Here is information about application and user can navigate to other pages like settings and urgen and not urgent views. When this page is loaded it sets the language to default culture if not set in settings different.
 CNotUrgentIn this page user will determine what kind of help he is needing by choosing right option from listbox. Also user can navigate to urgent.xaml if he needs to.
 CSettingsApplication can store any objects here that last while program is terminated. You have to always save by using Save() or modifications do not take place in storage. USE KEYS DEFINED HERE AS PUBLIC CONSTS.
 CSettingsAndOthersHere user can view and change application settings and watch first aid tutorials.
 CUrgentHere is where the connection happens visualy. When connection is taken to process by emergency exchange handler navigates to Connected.xaml. User can turn GPS on and toggle NoSound.