Halyri - Server  0.9.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CCallCenterControllerSingleton class managing call center client connections. Contains a dictionary mapping active CallCenterConnections to their identifying GUIDs. All call center client requests from and to the corresponding WCF interface WcfCallCenterService are passed through this class
 CConnectionControllerSingleton class managing active emergency connections (Connection). Contains a dictionary for active connections and their identifying GUIDs. All emergency connection state and life cycle methods are handled by this class. Functions as a broker between the mobile emergency connection client and the call center client.
 CDatabaseControllerClass for database interaction. Handles database connections and operations for storing and retrieving Connection-instances for persistency. Uses EntityFramework
 CDataTransferControllerClass for managing audio/video and measurement data distribution from mobile emergency clients to the associated call center clients. Data packets from mobile emergency clients can be relayed in a fan-out style to multiple call center connections. Data subscriptions for each call center connection are stored in the "dataSubscribers" dictionary
 CMobileClientControllerClass for interacting with an emergency client. Functions as a broker between the ConnectionController and the SignalR and WCF interfaces used by the mobile emergency client. Maintains a reference to the SignalR IHubConnectionContext required for communication from the server to the connected mobile emergency clients
 CConnectionDatabaseContextConnectionDatabaseContext defining database for the server
 CTextMessageClass for text based short messages. Stores message content, message originator and message server time stamp.
 CAudioVideoContainerDtoDto container class that stores a MediaInformationDto instance, 32bit int sequence number, data length prior to the specified compression, a boolean value idicating whether this instance has any payload and the payload byte array
 CCallCenterConnectionDtoDto corresponding to the CallCenterConnection class
 CConnectionDtoDto container class corresponding to the Connection class
 CEmergencyTypeDtoDto class corresponding to the EmergencyType class
 CLocationInformationDtoDto class coresponding to the LocationInformation class
 CMeasurementInstrumentDtoDto class corresponding to the MeasurementInstrument class
 CMediaConfigurationDtoDto container class representing a audio/video capture configuration. Contains quantifiers specifying the quality of the captured media.
 CMediaInformationDtoDto container class for audio/video media description. Contains a property identifying if the payload data has been compressed with GZip for transport. Contains a MediaTypeDto instance describing the media format.
 CMedicalInformationDtoDto class for medical information
 CMobileDeviceInformationDtoDto class corresponding to the MobileDeviceInformation class
 CPersonalInformationDtoDto class corresponding to the PersonalInformation class
 CTextMessageDtoDto class corresnpoding to the TextMessage class
 CUserCredentialsDtoDto container class for user login credentials. Contains a user name and a password.
 CConnectionFaultFault class for connection state exceptions.
 CFaultBase class for all fault exceptions transferred through the WCF interfaces of the server.
 CParameterFaultFault class for method parameter exceptions.
 CTargetStateFaultFault class for method target instance state exceptions.
 CIMobileClientMethodsInterface defining all callback methods supported by the mobile emergency client's SignalR client.
 CIWcfCallCenterCallbackInterface defining the callback methods for the call center clients.
 CIWcfCallCenterServiceInterface defining the WCF service for the call center clients.
 CIWcfMobileServiceInterface defining the WCF service for the for the emergency mobile clients. This interface is only used for client-to-server invocation after the emergency mobile client has opened an emergency connection using the SignalR hub connection.
 CSignalRMobileHubSignalR hub for the mobile emergency client. Supports emergency client connect, disconnect and reconnect methods. Functions as the callback channel for server-to-client asynchronous method invocations.
 CWcfCallCenterServiceWCF service for call center clients
 CWcfMobileServiceWCF service for the for the emergency mobile clients. This service is only used for client-to-server invocation after the emergency mobile client has opened an emergency connection using the SignalR hub connection
 CUdpMediaRelayServerCoreMedia broker service core for use with the UdpMediaClientSocket instances. Implements ping reply and simple routing mechanism. Accepts routing configuration packets (ControlPacket). For every guid, there can be a single target guid to which all MediaHeaderPackets and MediaContinuationPackets from that guid are sent. If there is no valid target mapping for the guid specified in a received media packet, the packet is silently ignored
 CAutomapperInitializationClass containing a static method for setting up AutoMapper mappings for this application.
 CCallCenterConnectionClass for call center client connection. Contains a reference to the WCF callback channel for the connected client and the identifying GUID for the connected client. Contains the callback methods for publishing data to the connected client.
 CConnectionClass representing a mobile emergency client connection. Contains the GUID identifying the client, the SignalR connection ID for asynchronous callbacks, time stamp of the connection arrival, current state of the connection and all information received from the client or sent to it during its connection.
 CEmergencyTypeClass for storing the descriptive emergency type information provided by the mobile emergency client
 CLocationInformationClass for geological location information. Contains decimal format WGS84 coordinates, UTC acquisition time, accuracy in meters and a LocationType identifying the type of the stored location information.
 CMeasurementInstrumentClass for storing measurement instrument's identifying name, textual description, instrment type and the basic structure description of the binary data that it provides.
 CMobileDeviceInformationClass for storing status information about the mobile device running the emergency mobile client. Contains remaining battery capacity in percents, remaining discharge time in minutes and network capability parameters.
 CPersonalInformationClass for storing emergency mobile client user's personal information. Contains user name, street address, postal code, locality and a list of user's telephone numbers.