kepler.config module

The module defines configurable options for Kepler and the default values for the options.

class kepler.config.Config

Bases: object

The config class defines the configuration values of the Kepler system.

default_language_id = 1

The ID of the default language of the system.

reservation_cancel_workdays_limit = 2

Reservations can be canceled only if there is more than the specified number of workdays before the start of the time slot.

reservation_make_workdays_limit = 2

Reservations can be made only on time slots that are more than the specified workdays in the future.

time_slot_max_reservations_default = 6

Specifies the default value for the limit of reservations that can be made on a time slot.

user_group_max_reservations = 4

One user group can have at most the specified number of active reservations.

user_group_max_size = 2

Defines the maximum number of members a user group can have.

user_group_min_size = 2

Defines the minimum number of members a user group can have.