kepler package

Module contents

The module is the main Kepler server application module. It contains the application entry point that setups the application and starts serving it.


The function generates the Kepler REST API documentation source for inclusion in the source code documentation.


The function gets the User model of the currently authenticated user from the database.

Parameters:request – The Pyramid request object.
Returns:User correspondin to the currently authenticated user, or None, if no user with the ID is found in the database or no user is authenticated.
kepler.main(global_config, **settings)

The function is the entry point of Kepler server application.


The function makes the method used to get translations for UI and API strings.

Parameters:translations – The Translations object that contains the UI and API translations.
Returns:The function that will be added to the request objects as method.

The function setups view routes of the application.

Parameters:config – The application configuration (an instance of Configurator class).