mn_config.c File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "fileio.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "auth.h"
#include "mn.h"

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Data Structures

struct  load_mn_data


#define DEBUG_FLAG   'M'


int load_mn (struct mn_config *cfg, char *program_name, char *config_file)

Define Documentation

#define DEBUG_FLAG   'M'

Definition at line 27 of file mn_config.c.

Function Documentation

int load_mn ( struct mn_config cfg,
char *  program_name,
char *  config_file 

Definition at line 543 of file mn_config.c.

References mn_config::alt_ha_ip_addrs, mn_config::auth_alg, load_mn_data::cfg, mn_config::fa_spi_list, FALSE, mn_config::ha_ip_addr_orig, mn_config::home_net_addr, mn_config::home_net_addr_plen, mn_config::home_net_subnet_bc, mn_config::ignore_iflist, mn, MN_DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY, MN_DEFAULT_TUNNEL_LIFETIME, mn_config::mn_default_tunnel_lifetime, mn_config::mn_home_ip_addr_orig, MNDECAPS_ROUTE_DEFAULT, mn_config::mndecaps_route_handling, mn_config::replay_meth, mn_config::shared_secret_len, mn_config::socket_priority, mn_config::solicitation_interval, mn_config::syslog_facility, TRUE, TUNMODE_AUTO_REVERSE, mn_config::tunneling_mode, mn_config::udp_port, mn_config::use_hadisc, and mn_config::wlan_ap_poll_interval.

Referenced by mn_init().

00543                                                                           {
00544         FILE *file;
00545         struct load_mn_data mn;
00546         int i;
00548         mn.cfg = cfg;
00549         memset(cfg, '\0', sizeof(struct mn_config));
00550         cfg->mn_default_tunnel_lifetime = MN_DEFAULT_TUNNEL_LIFETIME;
00551         cfg->syslog_facility = MN_DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY;
00553         cfg->shared_secret_len = -1;
00554         cfg->auth_alg = 1;
00555         cfg->replay_meth = 1;
00556         cfg->udp_port = 434;
00557         cfg->socket_priority = -1;
00558         cfg->home_net_addr_plen = -1;
00559         cfg->mndecaps_route_handling = MNDECAPS_ROUTE_DEFAULT;
00560         cfg->tunneling_mode = TUNMODE_AUTO_REVERSE;
00561         cfg->wlan_ap_poll_interval = -1;
00562         cfg->solicitation_interval = -1;
00563         mn.process_fa_spi_list = FALSE;
00564         mn.process_ignore_iflist = FALSE;
00565         list_init(&cfg->fa_spi_list);
00566         list_init(&cfg->ignore_iflist);
00567         list_init(&cfg->alt_ha_ip_addrs);
00569 #ifdef BIND_UDP_SOCKET
00570         cfg->bind_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
00571         cfg->bind_port = htons(cfg->udp_port);
00572 #endif
00574         file = fopen(config_file, "r");
00575         if (file == NULL) {
00576                 fprintf(stderr,
00577                         "%s: Could not open configuration file '%s'.\n",
00578                         program_name, config_file);
00579                 return FALSE;
00580         }
00581         if (load_data(&mn, file, process_load_mn) == FALSE) {
00582                 fprintf(stderr,
00583                         "load_mn: Error while interpreting file '%s'!\n",
00584                         config_file);
00585                 fclose(file);
00586                 return FALSE;
00587         }
00588         fclose(file);
00590         if (cfg->home_net_addr_plen > -1) {
00591                 /* determine home net's subnet-direct broadcast address */
00592                 __u32 ones = 0;
00593                 for (i = cfg->home_net_addr_plen; i < 32; i++) {
00594                         ones |= 1 << (31 - i);
00595                 }
00596                 cfg->home_net_subnet_bc.s_addr = cfg->home_net_addr.s_addr |
00597                         htonl(ones);
00598         }
00600         if (cfg->ha_ip_addr.s_addr == 0)
00601                 cfg->use_hadisc = TRUE;
00603         cfg->ha_ip_addr_orig.s_addr = cfg->ha_ip_addr.s_addr;
00604         cfg->mn_home_ip_addr_orig.s_addr = cfg->mn_home_ip_addr.s_addr;
00606         return check_config_data(cfg);
00607 }

Generated on Tue Jan 15 08:50:51 2008 for Virtual foreign agent generator version 0.1 by  doxygen 1.5.1