The window Measurement Results can be opened by selecting in the main window the Results command from the Measurement
menu or by clicking the speedbutton.
Using the window Measurement Results you can view and save the measurements of the calculation. The times of getting the available machines from the MDS server and the calculation times of each fractal are shown in the bottom of the frame.
The calculated fractals are shown in the left upper corner of the window. The source and the destination machine can be selected from the computers that calculated the fractal. When the button View Results is clicked either the bandwidth or the latency results between the two computers are shown in a graph. The graph can be changed from bandwidth to latency and vise versa by changing the interleaf.
The button Save Results saves the currently displayed bandwidth and latency values to the specified file. The button Save Times saves the times of getting the MDS results and calculating fractals to the same file. When either of the buttons is clicked for the first time after opening the frame the name of the file is asked. The fractal properties, the fractals and the computers that calculated them are written to the beginning of the file.