kepler.api.api_doc module

The module contains helper functions for documenting the REST API and creating an HTML page from the documentation.

class kepler.api.api_doc.ApiDocObject(func_name, desc, params=None, example=None, param_type=None)

Bases: object

ApiDocObject represents the REST API call documentation.

Initialises the documentation object.

  • func_name – The name of the function.
  • desc – The description of the call.
  • params – The optional description for the call parameters.
  • example – The optional example of the call.
  • param_type – The optional ApiParams derived class object that defines the parameters accepted by the call.
static add_api_doc(x)

Static method that adds a new ApiDocObject to the collection of all API documentation objects.

Parameters:x – The ApiDocObject added to the API documentation.
static get_api_docs()

Returns sorted list of documentend REST API function names.


The method converts the ApiDocObject to reStructuredText.

Parameters:href_call – If true, the resulting string includes a link to the the call that this ApiDocObject represents.

Retruns the reStructuredText string used in the table of contents for the call that this object documents.

kepler.api.api_doc.generate_api_doc(writer_name=None, include_toc=True)

Function generates the REST API documentation using docutils library. The format of the resulting string is determined by the document writer specified by the parameter writer_name. If writer_name is None, the documentation source in restructured text format is returned.

Parameters:writer_name – The name of the docutils document writer.
Returns:The REST API documentation as string generated by the specified document writer. The resulting string is encoded in UTF-8.

REST API view views documentation for all API calls decorated with rest_api decorator.