kepler.api.role module

The module contains the functionality for REST API calls for roles.

class kepler.api.role.AddRoleParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameter class for REST API call add_role.

name_en = The name of the role in English.
name_fi = The name of the role in English.
unit_type_id = The ID of the unit type the role is tied to.
class kepler.api.role.AddUserRoleParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameter class for REST API call add_role_to_user.

role_id_list = A list of the IDs of the roles that are to be added.
user_id = The ID of the user who get the role(s) added.
class kepler.api.role.DeleteUserRoleParams

Bases: kepler.api.api_util.ApiParamsBase

The parameter class for REST API call delete_role_from_user.

role_id_list = The list of the IDs of the roles that are to be removed.
user_id = The ID of the user who get the role(s) removed.

The function implements the REST API call add_role.


The function implements the REST API call add_role_to_user.


The function implements the REST API call delete_role_from_user.


The function implements the REST API call get_role_users.